Rawajati Trash Bank

Trash Bank

Example Of Recycled Products


Annisa Paramita

Annisa Paramita

Audifa Hannan Putri Wismantoro

Audifa Hannan Putri Wismantoro

xavier nicolle

xavier nicolle


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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  • Produced recycled products that are made from waste.
  • Create a media for people to make money from waste.


They encourage people to recycle household waste and produce them into useful products, which is a part of their innovation, for example by creating something from newspaper. Also, Bank Sampah create a new way for people to make money from wastes by allowing people to redeem their collected garbage and get rewards in form of money that accumulated into the accounts they have. The innovation emerges since solid waste has been a huge problem in Indonesia, especially in urban areas. The people that are involved in this innovation are first is Niniek Nuryanto herself, as the leader, she leads her team to teach the citizens to create usable products from wastes. PKK team is also involved in this innovation. PKK is well-known women community in Indonesia that is formed from national level to neighborhood association level and usually has a regular event and several activities to support human basic needs such as environmental, so their involvement is to help and support all the activities in Bank Sampah and also they certified Bank Sampah in 2012.

Trash Bank


The inspiration came from an organization in Indonesia called PKK(Pembinaan Kesejahteraan Keluarga), when one of their activities is to plant crops as an act for climate action, but it’s still impossible to do so since there is not enough land for agriculture in Jakarta. Therefore they decided to recycle household wastes. For organic wastes, they produce them into composts for fertilizer. However, for inorganic wastes, they turn them into usable materials that are produced from plastic, bottle, paper wastes, and many more. The motivation or purpose of doing the innovation is to contribute to the surrounding environment and to help the people to increase their savings

Quotes from the interview that illustrate the inspiration behind the innovation.

“Do not think that something we have used cannot be useful anymore.”

Niniek saw someone from Indonesia that has managed his/her living environment as sustainable as possible then she/he was invited to Philippines to share tabout his/her work that inspired a lot of people and Niniek thinks wastes products still have a lot of advantages which can be useful, re-cycled, and be sold.

Overall impact

The impacts of the innovation on the society are that people are able to make money from wastes by redeeming their collected wastes, which could increase their savings at the end, and also this innovation has changed people’s mindset to raise their awareness to the surrounding environment and they more creative to produce usable materials from wastes. However, the impacts of the innovation on the environment are it reduces the level of climate change, becomes a solution for hygienic living condition, and also improves the living environment in Rawajati.

· WHAT were the short-term effects? What were the long-term effects?

Short-term effects the level of wastes are reduced. While for the Long-term effects are the final diposal will be reduced and people will care about surrounding environments and hygienic living environment and the citizens will be adapt a productive lifestyle.

· WHAT concrete evidence suggests that this impact has occurred?

The people are becoming more productive and they are more aware with their surrounding environment.

· Quotes from the interview:

As Niniek said “We must start to create small things that are useful and can be beneficial for ourselves and others.”

Business benefit

This innovation benefit the business in a way to be a source of income for the people that live in Rawajati neighborhood and this also could be a pioneer to other companies to be able to have a sustainable business. For example like Unilever Indonesia, they got an inspiration from “Bank Sampah”, they made a similar program called "Unilever Peduli".

Social and environmental benefit

The organization, Bank Sampah, and its innovations give lots of benefits to societal and environmental. For societal, this innovation will keep people’s relationship among others by working together as a team to produce the best usable products.

This innovation gives a big contribution to the environmental because it reduces the level of climate change, creates a hygienic living condition, reduce water & air pollution, and also improve the living environment.


Niniek Nuryanto, Former Leader of Rawajati Trash Bank

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Rawajati Trash Bank

Rawajati Trash Bank

Jakarta, ID
Business Website: https://banksampah.id/
Year Founded: 2008
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Trash Bank encourage people to recycle household waste and produce them into useful products, they create a new way for people to make money from wastes by allowing people to redeem their collected garbage and get rewards in form of money that accumulated into the accounts they have. Rawajati Trash bank serves the people that live in Rawajati neighborhood in order to be aware to the environment, adapt productive lifestyle, and also help them to get an income or increase their savings.