PA & DM Morgan dairy farm

Sustainable Dairying, Farming for the Future


Blake Morgan

Blake Morgan


University of Otago

University of Otago


Joe Cooper

Joe Cooper

Global Goals

12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land

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The dairy farm in Waihi, Waikato, has taken an environmentally conscious step by planting a 1.2-hectare native area. This visionary shift, born from the challenges of traditional dairy farming in that area, aligns seamlessly with several of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Embracing SDG 12, the farm promotes responsible consumption and production, utilising the land in a manner that complements human and environmental needs. Addressing SDG 13, the initiative serves as a carbon sink, embodying direct, localised action against the global crisis of climate change. Furthermore, in sync with SDG 15, this commitment to native vegetation reinforces the protection and revival of terrestrial ecosystems, offering a sanctuary for local biodiversity. Collectively, this innovation stands as a testament to the farm's dedication to melding agricultural productivity with overarching global sustainability objectives.


The innovative step taken by the dairy farm was the establishment of a 1.2-hectare native area within its land. This initiative was conceived by Paul, the owner of the farm. Recognising the increasing environmental challenges and driven by the need to incorporate sustainability into traditional farming, Paul sought out guidance from agricultural experts and local environmentalists. “We got a local crowd in. They came in, prepared the area, planted, and came back and sprayed around the trees a couple of times until they were established”. Together, they meticulously planned and identified native species that would thrive in the area, ensuring the enhancement of local biodiversity and soil health.

For Paul, this was not just an innovation for the sake of modernity; it was a purpose-driven change grounded in a profound sense of mission. Having grown up on this farm and taking over as the third generation, he saw the farm as more than just a business; to him, it was a piece of the environment that needed care and respect. Reflecting on the initiative, Paul said, "It's not just about the milk we produce; it's about the legacy we leave for the land and future generations." This sentiment highlights Paul's dedication to ensuring that his farm operates in harmony with nature, aligning not just with the economic bottom line, but also with the ecological one. Another fitting quote from Paul about the innovation was, "This native area represents our commitment to the land – ensuring it thrives today, tomorrow, and for generations to come, just as my father and his father had done for me."

Sustainable Dairying, Farming for the Future


The origin of the innovative idea of transforming a piece of land into a native area was rooted in its very practicality. The land, as described, wasn't particularly conducive to traditional dairy farming activities. It posed logistical challenges in managing cattle, as moving herds in and out was an awkward process. This realisation led to an epiphany: if the land couldn't serve its original purpose optimally, could it be repurposed to address larger environmental issues?

The driving motivation behind this shift was twofold. Firstly, there was an inherent desire to offset carbon emissions - a global concern that resonates with many industries, including agriculture. By introducing native vegetation, the land could act as a carbon sink, absorbing more CO2 and thereby playing a part in mitigating the impacts of climate change. Secondly, there existed an overarching ambition to reshape the narrative around dairy farming and its association with environmental pollution. The transformation of this plot of land into a native area was more than just an ecological solution; it was a symbolic gesture challenging prevalent stereotypes.

Overall impact

The transformative decision by Paul on his dairy farm in Waihi to allocate a portion of its land to native vegetation has significant implications both immediately and over the long run.

In the short term, the farm experiences an undeniable enhancement of its reputation. Today's environmentally conscious consumers deeply appreciate and recognise such proactive measures. This initiative not only carves a niche for the farm in a competitive market but also reflects positively on Fonterra, its distributor. By aligning with suppliers that prioritise sustainable practices, Fonterra underscores its commitment to environmental responsibility and ethical sourcing.

Over time, the ecological dividends of this initiative become increasingly pronounced. The area blossoms into an ecological sanctuary, nurturing local biodiversity, providing habitats, and bolstering soil health. The long-term carbon sequestration potential of this section is a significant contribution, offering a tangible response to the pressing challenges of climate change. Furthermore, the farm's approach could serve as a beacon for the broader dairy sector. Its enduring commitment to sustainability, demonstrated through this initiative, might inspire other entities to embrace similar practices, heralding a broader industry shift towards environmentally conscious operations.

Business benefit

In the world of business, not all gains can be quantified in monetary terms. Paul's decision to repurpose a section of his dairy farm into a native area is a testament to this. Although this innovative move didn't lead to direct financial returns, it accrued a wealth of intangible benefits that can be deemed invaluable in the broader spectrum of business sustainability and brand identity.

For starters, the innovation bolstered the farm's reputation. In an era where consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious, businesses that demonstrate a commitment to sustainable practices are viewed more favourably. By proactively addressing carbon emissions and confronting the prevalent stigma associated with dairy farming and pollution, the farm established itself as an exemplar in the industry—a commendable aspect for its distributor, Fonterra. If farms supplying to Fonterra are seen as actively contributing positively to the environment, it stands to greatly enhance the company's reputation. Such an enhanced reputation can foster improved stakeholder relationships, potential partnerships, and even strengthen indirect customer loyalty.

Social and environmental benefit

In recent years, dairy farming has often been under the spotlight, criticised for its environmental footprint. The introduction of a 1.2-hectare native area by Paul's dairy farm serves as a testament to the fact that innovation can bring about a harmonious balance between agriculture and environmental conservation. “I wanted to show the good that dairy farmers are doing. Just because you see one bad example on the news does not mean there aren’t those of us trying to make a change”. The native area plays a pivotal role in enhancing biodiversity. Such areas act as carbon sinks. As the plants grow, they absorb and sequester carbon dioxide, a pivotal factor in mitigating the greenhouse effect and combating global warming.

Native plants act as a sanctuary for local fauna, providing habitats and food sources for insects, birds, and other wildlife. As these plants are perfectly adapted to local conditions, they thrive with minimal inputs, reducing the need for fertilizers or pesticides which can contribute to pollution. Additionally, native vegetation is known to be an effective measure of soil conservation. Their roots strengthen the soil structure, preventing erosion, improving water absorption, and thereby reducing surface runoff. This means fewer pollutants and sediments are carried into local waterways, combating one of the major criticisms often levied against dairy farming.

Paul's initiative doesn't merely benefit the environment; it's also a powerful statement against the prevailing stigma. Dairy farms, often seen as culprits of environmental degradation, can indeed be part of the solution. Through such innovations, they can demonstrate a conscious shift towards sustainability, proving that with vision and effort, dairy farming can coexist, and even foster, a healthier planet. This integration of conservation practices within traditional farming operations is a beacon for others, illustrating that agriculture and environmentalism aren't mutually exclusive but can be synergistic allies in the quest for a sustainable future.


Paul Morgan, Owner

Business information

PA & DM Morgan dairy farm

PA & DM Morgan dairy farm

Waihi, Waikato, NZ
Business Website: https://[email protected]
Year Founded: 2005
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

PA & DM Morgan’s dairy farm, located in Waihi, New Zealand, was taken over by owner-operator Paul Morgan in 2005, carrying forward its legacy as a third-generation dairy farm. Recently, the business elevated its sole employee, Asher, from the role of Herd Manager to a 50-50 Sharemilker for the 2023 season. Spanning 80 hectares, the farm has 76 effective hectares available for dairy cows to graze and milks a herd of 220 cows. Nestled in the lush pastures of the Waikato region, the farm is primed to produce high-quality milk. Over the last season, which ran from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023, the farm produced approximately 80,000 total KgMS. Contributing to New Zealand's renowned dairy sector, the farm supplies its produce to Fonterra, a global leader in dairy exports. This collaboration ensures that the premium dairy products from the picturesque landscapes of Waihi find their way to tables both in New Zealand and around the world.