Smart Enviro

Smart Movement for Better Environment


Dendy Ardiansyah Kurniawan

Dendy Ardiansyah Kurniawan


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 13. Climate Action

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Biopore tube is actually not a new technology, because basically biopori is a cylindrical infiltration hole that is made vertically into the ground as a method of infiltration of water in the soil with the aim of increasing the ability of the soil to absorb water in an orderly manner. It is a way to improve groundwater conservation. With this simple technology, Smart Enviro creates a biopore design that is optimal in absorption and customization according to soil conditions in each consumer's place. Besides that, the combination of biopore tubes with a decomposting unit can also be an effective fertilizer solution to maintain nutrient content in the soil.


The beginning of the development of the business began when Bakhtiar and the residents in the village where he lived in managed to get the "Best of the Best" category at the annual Surabaya Green and Clean competition. By applying biopore and waste management, and he saw business opportunities from here that continued until now with a focus on selling biopore tube and decomposter products that are marketed online and offline along with running campaigns and education to increase public awareness of the environment. The products offered by Smart Enviro have a different shape from other biopore tube products, such as:

  1. Smart Enviro biopore Tube is made with elongated holes with a large number of holes. This is different from the biopore products made by other manufacturers which are only punched with not too many holes. This model aims to optimize the water absorption capacity of the soil, because he sees that several biopore tubes which are not products from Smart Enviro that are applied in several areas in the office where they work are less than optimal in increasing the ability of the soil to absorb water. In the future, Smart Enviro is developing a product in the form of biopore tubes with unique appearance models with variations in hole shapes and models which are expected to increase the ability to absorb water into the soil in addition to attracting customers.
  2. Biopore Smart Enviro which is currently the most widely marketed in 2 variants with a length of 50 cm and 100 cm. This product is based on research that shows the function of biopore tubes will be optimal according to the depth of the soil where groundwater is found. In the case of the Surabaya area, the average groundwater can be found at a depth of 50 cm. Smart Enviro also provides custom biopore tubes in terms of biopore length because Bakhtiar as the owner of Smart Enviro realizes that the depth of the soil where groundwater can be reached in each region in Indonesia is different, so he provides custom options to accommodate consumer needs while expanding his environmental campaign throughout Indonesia.
  3. As a one stop solution, the biopore tube can also function as a decomposter where users can enter organic waste such as leaves which can be broken down in the soil so that it can fertilize the soil. This can also be used to grow community crops. Smart Enviro can also offer the concept of combine utilization with an external decomposter drum unit that accommodates the composting process with a larger volume which is connected to the biopore via a pipe, where when the liquid compost (organic fertilizer) produced from the decomposter unit can be directly channeled into the soil for the fertilization process which can be directly absorbed by the plant roots.

Smart Movement for Better Environment


The owners of Smart Enviro are inspired by the biopore method invented and developed by Dr Kamir R Brata, a researcher from the department of soil and land resources, Faculty of Agriculture, Institut Pertanian Bogor, which is a simple and inexpensive technology to increase groundwater absorption for water conservation needs. This is important considering that in several big cities in the world and specifically in Indonesia, we are in danger of drowning. This is in line with the development of these cities and the flow of human movement to these cities which has an impact on excessive groundwater use which results in land subsidence. However, from the initial design introduced by the inventor, the biopore tube was shorter and with an inadequate casing so that it was prone to damage and needed to be maintained periodically. Therefore, in making its products, Smart Enviro uses type D pipes with medium thickness (2mm) and strong enough at a relatively affordable price for many people.

Overall impact

In general, with the growth in sales of Smart Enviro products, sales of biopore tubes, besides having a financial impact for the owner, also have an impact on the environment and society. The essence of this business exists as a vehicle to promote environmental protection, especially water conservation and utilization of organic waste. In terms of society, there has been a growing public awareness of the importance of protecting the environment for the next generation, which is reflected in Smart Enviro customers from both companies and individuals. However, all the small trips to educate and campaigns related to environmental protection that are fought for by Bakhtiar through Smart Enviro are still long and need continuous support from various parties to have a significant impact on the environment for a better future.

Business benefit

In terms of business, profits are quite good considering the simple application technology with adequate margins. Besides selling its products, Smart Enviro also receives biopore tube installation services. Currently, Smart Enviro serves sales to individuals and companies. For individuals, sales have grown quite a lot where orders come from various regions in Indonesia, which indicates that community concern for the environment is starting to grow. Whereas from companies that place orders large enough, usually for application needs in the office area, for special housing development orders from residential developers, and also in the context of CSR programs and environmental competitions. With good consumer response to products from Smart Enviro, it indicates consumer confidence in quality products at affordable prices which will have an impact on this brand which is expected to continue to grow in the future.

Social and environmental benefit

The impact on society, in this case consumers, is increasing awareness of the importance of protecting the environment, especially water conservation. The unique thing that Smart Enviro does is that every time you carry out a biopore tube installation transaction, Bakhtiar as the owner educates and teaches consumers how to make their own biopore properly and how to apply it. This is part of an educational campaign and program that is the main concern for Smart Enviro. With the increasing number of education and use of Biopore tubes, both from Smart Enviro products and not, it is hoped that this will gradually improve current environmental conditions, especially related to water conservation, especially in big cities as a result of excessive groundwater utilization. The contribution of the Biopore Business which is anti-mainstream which carries the mission of the environment even though it is small is expected to be able to inspire the emergence of other environmental fighters to collaborate in protecting and preserving the environment for future generations.


Bakhtiar, Owner

Business information

Smart Enviro

Smart Enviro

Surabaya, East Java, ID
Business Website: https://-
Year Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Smart Enviro is a home industry providing Biopore tubes and decomposter for organic waste management developed and pioneered by Mr. Bakhtiar, located in Surabaya, East Java. This business was initiated amidst his busy life as an employee of a state company and a manifestation of his concern for the conditions of climate change and the surrounding environment. For Mr Bakhtiar (Smart Enviro Owner) "this is not about economic gain but rather seeking satisfaction in educating people about environmental awareness".