Akon Electronics & Engineering

Skilled rural workers create eco-friendly sustainability products


Sagar Sagar

Sagar Sagar

Amit Singh

Amit Singh

Yugal Shiva

Yugal Shiva

Anupama Jha

Anupama Jha

Yash Agrawal

Yash Agrawal


Goa Institute of Management

Goa Institute of Management


Abhishek Naresh

Abhishek Naresh

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

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Account Electronics and Engineering focuses on sustainability through energy-efficient technologies and fair labor practices. By upgrading equipment and collaborating with NGOs, they contribute to UN Sustainable Development Goals such as Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7) and Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG 8), promoting a more sustainable and equitable future.


Account Electronics and Engineering is a company that makes electronics and machines. They're working to help the environment and people's lives. They've switched to using lights and machines that don't use too much energy, helping to keep the air clean and using less power. They also make sure their workers are treated fairly and have good conditions to work in, which helps everyone feel happier and healthier. Plus, they team up with groups that help give medicine to newborn babies, making sure they stay healthy. So, by doing these things, they're making the world a better place for everyone.

Skilled rural workers create eco-friendly sustainability products


Hailing from a rural background in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, Abhinav Chauhan's journey towards sustainability began with a simple curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. Growing up surrounded by nature's beauty, he witnessed firsthand the importance of preserving the environment for future generations. Despite limited resources and access to formal education, Abhinav's passion for learning led him to explore various topics, including sustainability, through self-study and online resources.

Inspired by the potential of sustainability to create positive change, Abhinav envisioned a business opportunity that not only aligned with his values but also addressed pressing environmental and social challenges. Drawing from his newfound knowledge and determination, he embarked on a mission to establish a business rooted in sustainability principles. Leveraging his rural upbringing and the skills acquired through years of hard work, Abhinav set out to inspire others in his community to join him on this journey towards a greener future.

Starting from his own tier, Abhinav's business journey began modestly, with small-scale initiatives aimed at implementing sustainable practices in local industries and communities. Through perseverance and dedication, he gradually expanded his reach, inspiring others like him to embrace sustainability and entrepreneurship as agents of change. Today, Abhinav's business serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for countless individuals from rural backgrounds across Uttar Pradesh and beyond, demonstrating that with determination and passion, anyone can make a difference in building a more sustainable world.

As Abhinav continues to inspire and empower others through his business, his impact reverberates far beyond the confines of his hometown, contributing to a larger movement toward sustainability and social progress. Through his journey, Abhinav exemplifies the transformative power of education, innovation, and community collaboration in driving positive change and creating a brighter future for all.

Overall impact

The innovation spearheaded by Abhinav Chauhan in promoting sustainability within his rural community has yielded significant short-term and long-term effects, shaping both the local environment and the lives of individuals. In the short term, the adoption of sustainable practices such as energy-efficient lighting and equipment has led to immediate reductions in carbon emissions and energy consumption within local industries. This has resulted in cleaner air and a more environmentally conscious mindset among community members, fostering a sense of stewardship for their surroundings.

Over the long term, the innovation has paved the way for enduring socio-economic benefits, including enhanced job opportunities and improved living standards. By championing fair labor practices and prioritizing employee well-being, Abhinav's business has created a ripple effect, inspiring other local enterprises to follow suit. This has contributed to the establishment of a more equitable and inclusive local economy, where individuals from rural backgrounds have access to dignified employment and opportunities for personal growth.

The evidence of this impact is palpable in the visible improvements in the quality of life within the community. Reduced energy consumption and emissions signify a healthier environment, while the presence of thriving businesses underscores the economic resilience fostered by sustainability initiatives. Moreover, anecdotal evidence, such as testimonials from community members and stakeholders, attests to the positive changes brought about by Abhinav's innovation. As more individuals and businesses embrace sustainability, the cumulative effect amplifies, leading to a transformational shift towards a more sustainable and prosperous future for the community as a whole.

Business benefit

Because the business prioritized sustainability initiatives under Abhinav Chauhan's leadership, several significant benefits have been realized. Firstly, the adoption of energy-efficient technologies and sustainable practices has led to cost savings through reduced energy consumption and operational expenses. This increase in operational efficiency has directly contributed to higher profit margins and improved financial performance for the business. Additionally, by aligning with sustainable principles, the company has attracted environmentally conscious customers who prefer to support businesses that prioritize ethical and eco-friendly practices. This has not only expanded the customer base but has also opened up new market opportunities, allowing the business to diversify its revenue streams and reduce dependency on traditional markets.

Moreover, the emphasis on fair labor practices and employee well-being has resulted in increased employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity. By providing a supportive work environment and investing in employee development programs, the business has cultivated a loyal and motivated workforce. This, in turn, has led to higher employee morale, reduced turnover rates, and improved overall workplace dynamics. As a result, the business has experienced enhanced operational stability and efficiency, further contributing to its long-term success and resilience.

Furthermore, the commitment to sustainability has positioned the business as a socially responsible and forward-thinking organization, attracting positive attention from investors and stakeholders. This has opened up new investment opportunities and partnerships, allowing the business to access additional capital and resources to support its growth and expansion initiatives. Overall, by integrating sustainability into its core business strategy, the company has not only achieved financial success but has also fostered a culture of innovation, responsibility, and prosperity within the organization.

Social and environmental benefit

Abhinav Chauhan's innovative approach to sustainability brings about significant positive impacts for both society and the environment. By implementing energy-efficient technologies and promoting ethical labor practices, his business reduces carbon emissions and preserves natural resources, contributing to a healthier planet. Additionally, by providing dignified employment opportunities and investing in employee well-being, Abhinav's initiative uplifts communities, fostering economic empowerment and social cohesion. Moreover, his leadership inspires others to embrace sustainability, catalyzing a broader movement towards a more equitable and environmentally friendly world. Through collaboration and collective action, Abhinav's innovation creates lasting change, driving progress towards a brighter future for all.


Abhinav Chauhan, CEO

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Business information

Akon Electronics & Engineering

Akon Electronics & Engineering

Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, IN
Year Founded: 2012
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Manufacturer of z-laser guide light, guideline laser guide light & lap line laser guide light.