The Fit Filipino Movement

Quick sweat for busy people


Lawrence Aguinaldo

Lawrence Aguinaldo


De La Salle University Manila

De La Salle University Manila


Pia Manalastas

Pia Manalastas

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being

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Coach Jim Saret and Toni Saret had always been into fitness. They started as athletes, transitioning into coaching and eventually establishing themselves as fitness experts. They gained knowledge in the fitness industry by pursuing educational opportunities abroad, attending global symposiums, and serving as fitness advisors to professional teams and athletes. Among their insights was rather than simply training for longer durations, a better way was to introduce more 'smarter and efficiently'.

Together they founded The Fit Filipino Movement to offer an alternative fitness program accessible to a bigger audience. Rather than the traditional hour-long exercise sessions, they developed a fitness program consisting of quick 4-minute workouts. This approach became a game changer in the fitness industry, as it can be done anywhere, making it convenient for professionals with busy schedules.


The Fit Filipino Movement core program is a quick 4-minute workout. These workouts offer a convenient and effective way to become fit without purchasing expensive equipment or a gym membership. The only equipment that is sometimes used is everyday objects commonly found in an office, such as chairs and desks. This flexibility allows individuals to perform workouts during their office hours, promoting health and well-being in any setting.

The unique part of this program is that there is a scientific approach to each movement. Each program's exercise has been tested, ensuring it effectively contributes to weight loss. Also, the program goes as far as measuring the calories burned for each movement. Even if the 4-minute workouts may appear simple, they are surprisingly challenging even to those who already have experience in fitness. The program pushes the participants to their limits without over-fatiguing them.

The Fit Filipino Movement ensures good health and well-being to those unable to afford gym members, busy professionals who struggle to find time, and it is doable regardless of any fitness level. By providing a shortened program, it allows fitting in a workout in busy schedules while improving fitness and overall well-being.

Quick sweat for busy people


Having the right mix of passion and compassion” – Coach Toni Saret

What inspired Coach Jim and Coach Toni is that they are driven because they believe in the balance of compassion and passion. Growing up as athletes and eventually becoming coaches, they can see the benefits of becoming fit, promoting good health, and the need to have a sense of care in the physical and well-being improvement of others. The Fit Filipino Movement is not driven by any political agenda or money. Still, it is through their strong desire to improve the health and well-being of the Filipinos.

They also realized that as time passes and they grow older, they could lose the opportunity to make a significant impact on others. Coach Toni Saret says, “One day, we will all grow old, and the chance to help others may no longer be within our reach.” Under contract with ABS-CBN Corporation, a Filipino media company, they hope to inspire the country to move towards a healthier future.

Overall impact

The Fit Filipino Movement is all about getting started. Coach Jim says, "People know they have to move but are not moving." Despite their desire to get into shape, people often find themselves making excuses. Common reasons include a lack of time, being scared of strenuous workouts that could result in workout body pain and a lack of fitness direction leading many to abandon exercise altogether.

The Fit Filipino Movement introduced a program to address this issue: short, accessible, and workouts are not too extreme. The program was designed to be free, requiring no exercise equipment, gym membership fees, or specialized workout clothing. Initially, the workouts were set at 20 minutes, then reduced to 15 minutes. However, it became clear that as workout time decreased, more people became attracted to and actively participated. Therefore, the coaches shortened the workout program to just four minutes. This unique approach captivates the interest and commitment of the people, resulting in a more significant number of Filipinos embracing fitness.

The impact of the Movement was overwhelming, creating a storm among fellow fitness enthusiasts. There was initial doubt, but they were proven wrong as the success stories of those participating in the program began to spread out. The Fit Filipino Movement gained recognition through people posting videos online and received exposure from 'influencers' and 'bloggers.' The people wanted to change but needed that 'spark' to start. As Coach Jim states, "The Fit Filipino Movement created the Spark."

Business benefit

Coach Jim and Coach Toni were pleasantly surprised by its extensive reach and success. According to Coach Jim, the company's growth was 'organic,' meaning it occurred gradually. Unlike many other fitness companies, they did not rely heavily on sponsorships and endorsements. They did not even hire marketing professionals to promote them. Instead, positive word-of-mouth played a significant role. Participants who had positive experiences shared their stories with others, leading to large-scale free face-to-face promotion. People joined the program because they saw that it could be quickly started and had visibly positive results once they had completed it. For example, the initial participation of the Philippine Heart Association attracted other medical associations, and eventually, the program expanded into government and private offices.

At the same time, the program's continued success enabled it to gain visibility in the mainstream media, with several fitness shows airing on local Philippine channels such as ABS-CBN Corporation, under which they have a contract.

In the words of Coach Jim Saret, "This success was proof that a genuinely good program can grow without relying on gimmicks." The founders firmly believed that by consistently delivering a quality, accessible, doable, and evolving program, they would thrive in the future.

Social and environmental benefit

The Fit Filipino Movement addresses the issue of obesity and overweight, which is considered one of the world’s global challenges. Obesity is widely acknowledged as a leading cause of preventable diseases worldwide. It contributes to various severe health conditions, including hypertension, respiratory problems, multiple forms of cancer, and several other illnesses.

The noticeable increase in obesity rates can be attributed, in part, to the rise in sedentary behavior among people. Technological developments, such as the ease of fast food deliveries and quick access to the internet, have reduced physical activity levels, as people find themselves comfortably just staying at home. People tend to get too convenient when everything is there. As Coach Jim puts it, “people like everything fast.”

Recent events, such as the global pandemic, have further worsened this trend, with many people choosing to work and stay at home to prevent capturing the disease. It is important to address this behavior, as it not only impacts physical health but also has adverse effects on a person's mental health. Studies show a relationship between sedentary behavior and mental health problems like depression, anxiety, and stress. To combat this global issue, the Fit Filipino Movement advocates for regular physical activity, promotes easy and accessible programs, and raises awareness about the possible risks of not being physically healthy.


Jim Saret, Founder

Toni Saret, Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information

The Fit Filipino Movement

The Fit Filipino Movement

n/a, PH
Year Founded: 2015
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

The Fit Filipino Movement is known for innovating the "4-minute workout," an exercise program that could be done anywhere, anytime, and by everyone.