Tiendas Lores

Promoting Education

Cerrillos supermercado


Betsabe Mariano Romay

Betsabe Mariano Romay


TecMilenio University (Universidad TecMilenio)

TecMilenio University (Universidad TecMilenio)


Sara García

Sara García

Global Goals

4. Quality Education

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This store is self-service.

Which requires staff to pack the products it sells.

Packing people are young people who usually study, and sometimes these young people stop studying due to lack of resources.

For which Tiendas Lores offers a program of scholarships and aid to these boys to continue promoting education and that they do not stop studying to work.


As is well known in Mexico, very few are privileged with a good education, thanks to various factors, especially for economic reasons, so that children are forced to work from an early age in order to continue their studies. One of the most common jobs is to be packers since being minors and having no preparation they cannot aspire to a better job, that is why the owner of Tiendas Lores has an economic aid program for selected young people.

The innovation is to offer academic scholarships to children and young packers who are studying and have a good school average, and who are also dedicated, and in this way be able to support them economically and physically, supplying them with some school supplies.

It seeks that with this innovation young people continue to keep their jobs at the same time so that they can achieve and reach their dreams without obstacles. This company is innovative and different from its competitors because it seeks to reward them in some way, regardless of what they can obtain by working, and with this, contribute to the UN Sustainable Goal 4, which is quality education, in this way it is like Tienda Lores contributes positively to at least one of the SDGs.

Promoting Education


The idea arose from the need to maintain the work and studies of the packers who work with Tienda Lores, he saw that many of them have been very consistent in both and that is why he decided to do a bit to continue supporting the training of the boys and their education, and in turn support their families.

One of the reasons they were inspired was because one of the mothers of one of them told them that she needed support for the school supplies of one of her children, and this opened the panorama and the opportunity for many others who are in the same conditions, so for this reason he decided that he could support them in some way so that they could also develop in the professional field.

As such, what is sought is that these young continue their professional development, since many of them have been working with Tienda Lores for years and have already been developing in other positions, but what you are trying to promote for the most part, it is the human sense and support towards them and their families, in addition to seeing how successful people and people can be formalized.

Overall impact

The impact that was generated as a result of this innovation was that the packers currently continue studying but at the same time knowing that they are capable of holding a job in which at the same time, the Lores company supports them in such a way that it wants them to these young people continue to pursue their dreams and they do so in order to propel them towards their goals.

In addition to this, we can see that this program really serves a lot for those young people who do not have enough resources, we have come across people who really for them is a great benefit and a great support that they feel from Tiendas Lores, knowing that In addition to their salary, they can get something extra to support themselves and continue to develop in the professional field, also promoting education and seeing that they may be able to achieve their dreams and what they set out to do. These people and young people really appreciate the program and the support from Lords, it is undoubtedly a very positive impact on society.

Business benefit

Due to the program that the company carried out, it has helped the team of said company to become stronger and the young people to work more and give the best of themselves both in the professional and work areas, always where there is a strong and united team, excellent results are obtained. For this program, there was an increase in income in the company, although many people do not know about it and that is not what really matters, because Tienda Lores has emphasized that the essential thing is that young people take advantage of the program and that it is really reflected the benefit of their work in the professional and labor field, as well as the help of said company is reflected.

Thanks to this, the company has also had the opportunity to open other markets in the same segment but in other parts of Mexico such as Veracruz and Oaxaca, which helps it to help more young people and the program is more day-to-day. large also expand your income and actually increase.

Social and environmental benefit

With the families of the Tiendas Lores work team, they are more integrated and there is even a certain loyalty to the company and they seek to continue developing within it, this means that by developing professionally in the company through the scholarship program and Of support with certain school supplies, young people envision themselves working for the company that supports them.

But without a doubt, the benefit that the company gives the most to society is the knowledge that young people will not leave or neglect their studies due to lack of resources and much less because of having to work without meeting their goals, it is discouraging to see young people in these conditions, so it has been the most gratifying and satisfactory benefit seen in society. In addition to seeing the families of these boys happy to see their children develop and see them somehow achieving what they once thought was unattainable or almost impossible to achieve.


OMAR RAMIREZ PEREIRA ALARCON, General Manager of Logistics

Business information

Tiendas Lores

Tiendas Lores

Boca del Río, Veracruz, MX
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1992
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

This store is self-service.

It is dedicated to the sale of basic canned or packable food products, disposables, cleaning products, sausages, fruits and vegetables mainly.