Petrolplus GmbH

Pioneering Sustainable Innovation in Used Engine Oil Recycling for a Circular Economy


Otniel Kamuhangire

Otniel Kamuhangire

Jan Pelkowski

Jan Pelkowski

Aimee Sherman

Aimee Sherman

Steffen Paul

Steffen Paul


University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)

University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)


Katharina Spraul

Katharina Spraul

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 14. Life Below Water

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The innovative journey at Petrolplus stands as a genuine force for positive change, aligning seamlessly with SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) through the recycling of used oil and indirectly contributing to the fulfillment of SDG 14 (Life Below Water). By providing containers to collect used oil, it is ensured that the oil does not land in the water bodies, hence protecting life below water.


Those who have studied some chemistry and still remember some of it might think that the company uses distillation to separate the used oil from the impurities. Conventional distillation, however, is very expensive, produces more CO2, and involves the use of hazardous solvents. "That's why we don't go 100% of the way, but only 80%—Pareto principle, do you know? I'm a big fan of it," said Dr. Mathias, the CEO of Petrolplus. The Pareto principle states that "you can solve 80% of your tasks (result) with 20% of your time (effort)" (Studyflix, n.d.).

The innovation involves a cold process that incorporates an extraction substance designed to bind specifically to pollutants. This process leads to the precipitation of harmful substances, allowing for their removal. The mixture then undergoes filtration through multiple stages using a specialized filter medium. The result is the production of pure oil, which can be further processed into motor oil or utilized as a clean-burning fuel. This innovative method not only effectively extracts pollutants but also ensures the generation of a versatile end product with potential applications in both the automotive and energy sectors, contributing to environmental sustainability.

The impetus for Petrolplus was the need to recycle oil without the necessity of investing around 100 million in a distillation power plant (Glass, 2024). Buster Group, the parent company of Petrolplus, initially meant to collect oil but decided to elevate their efforts by recycling the collected oil they would otherwise dispose of. With a steady supply of used oil, the next challenge was to find an efficient way to process it.

The masterminds behind this innovation are the chief chemist and Mr. Glass. "The first three years were certainly just trial and error" (Glass, 2024). After this trial-and-error phase, they succeeded in removing all the impurities from the oil. However, one thing was missing. Unfortunately, the processed and recycled oil still had a dark color, as described by the CEO, which differed from the original golden color of the new oil. Although this was a minor detail since the oil processed by Petrolplus served the same purpose, the market wanted it clear and golden. As they had done before, they invested more time in researching how to give this oil a golden color. After some time, they achieved this goal. The CEO explained that they had to simultaneously go through a process of proving the authenticity of the oil they processed (Glass, 2024).

"Our vision is to bring the substances contained in the waste into circulation. Yes, this is called the circular economy," said the CEO. The vision aligns with SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). With the new process, Petrolplus can consume less energy and produce sustainable oil from reused oil. They recycle 90% of the oil collected via Buster Group because not all oil can be recycled. This figure exceeds the total rate of Germany, which is around 70% (Glass, 2024).

Pioneering Sustainable Innovation in Used Engine Oil Recycling for a Circular Economy


Buster GmbH is a hazardous waste disposal company that specializes exclusively in that area. "We do not handle normal waste such as commercial, household, or bulky waste. Just particularly difficult waste," stated Dr. Glass in 2024 (Glass, 2024). The idea for the innovation stemmed from their specialization, as the CEO mentioned in the interview that waste disposal is their niche. As the saying goes, "You become what you hang out with," and the innovation was a result of spending enough time around used oil.

The purpose lies in their uniqueness and choice of field, according to Dr. Glass. Dealing with dirty oil and dusty materials is not something many want to tackle, but Petrolplus sees it as an opportunity to give this waste a second chance to live. The CEO's passionate words - "that is who we are" - reflect their commitment.

Overall impact

This innovation helped Buster expand its business and save costs with the newly redefined distillation process (Glass, 2024). The idea was to process used oil, giving it another chance while spending less. With this innovation, they saved on investment costs, reduced energy consumption, and broadened their market by selling products to other companies, such as shipping companies (Glass, 2024).

Petrolplus, the daughter company, employs about 120 people (Petrolplus, n.d.). Without the innovation, the daughter company would not exist. It provides these employees with a salary for decent living. Among them, three are doctors of chemistry working on research projects (Glass, 2024), providing them with a platform to practice what they love. Additionally, they take society's unwanted waste and turn it into something beneficial. Containers are placed in garages and other locations to ease the collection process of unwanted used oil (Glass, 2024). Lastly, they satisfy about 10% of the market in Germany (Glass, 2024).

The environmental impact of this innovation holds a significant place. The redefined distillation process at Petrolplus reduces greenhouse gas emissions compared to normal distillation (Petrolplus, n.d.). By not heating the oil as in normal distillation, CO2 emissions are significantly reduced. This innovative process cuts emissions by more than half compared to normal oil refining and by more than a quarter compared to producing the same oil from natural sources. The normal distillation process usually involves using unsustainable hydrogen (Petrolplus, n.d.). By omitting this, Petrolplus eliminates its destructive impact on the environment.

Business benefit

The effects of the innovation are visible both in the short and long term. Short-term effects include saving on investment costs while long-term effects include the establishment of a profitable company. Without this innovation, Petrolplus would not be in business. Moreover, this innovation has the potential to be adopted by other oil disposal companies as Petrolplus demonstrates that unsustainable oil processing is not the only path to a profitable business.

Challenges arose due to bureaucratic requirements in Germany. Authentication tests were necessary to prove that they indeed transformed old oil into new oil (Glass, 2024). This not only demonstrates compliance with government standards but also showcases their commitment to customers. Initially, the oil did not meet customer clarity expectations, but through dedication and integrity, they refined the process until customer satisfaction was achieved. The fact that the company has thrived for over 25 years is a testament to the impact of its innovation.

The innovative process at Petrolplus brings numerous business benefits. In today's business landscape, environmental friendliness enhances chances of success. Petrolplus aligns with this trend by requiring less energy and reducing CO2 emissions. In Germany, the use of sulfur-rich oil in ships has been restricted, which could have posed a challenge for Petrolplus, a supplier to ship companies (Glass, 2024). However, their innovation ensures purity with significantly reduced or zero sulfur content, addressing concerns and supporting business operations.

Social and environmental benefit

At the core of their mission is the principle of recycling, embraced by everyone at the company (Glass, 2024). Petrolplus' commitment aligns with Sustainable Development Goal 12 and indirectly contributes to SDG 14. By giving used oil a renewed purpose, they inspire responsible waste management and prevent potential harm to water bodies. The efficient collection system by Buster and innovative efforts by Petrolplus ensure that used oil stays out of water ecosystems, safeguarding life below water. Beyond the environmental impact, society benefits from a sense of purpose as individuals actively participate in achieving collective sustainable goals.


Dr. Mathias Glass, CEO

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Petrolplus GmbH

Petrolplus GmbH

Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, DE
Year Founded: 1997
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Petrolplus GmbH revolutionizes oil recycling with a cutting-edge cold process that transforms used engine oil from a murky, undesirable substance into a pristine, golden end product. This breakthrough innovation not only addresses environmental concerns but also sets a new standard for sustainable waste management in the automotive industry.