Reflekt Me

Mirror Your Best Self: Reflekt Me's Journey to Personal Empowerment


Michelle Asatrian

Michelle Asatrian

Orly Rubin

Orly Rubin

Jackson Hathaway

Jackson Hathaway

Jordan Blackwell

Jordan Blackwell


Loyola Marymount University

Loyola Marymount University


Jeff Thies

Jeff Thies

Global Goals

10. Reduced Inequalities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Reflekt Me provides a technology solution that enhances online shopping by enabling retailers to showcase products on models representing a range of body types and physical features. This approach promotes inclusivity and supports the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #10 Reduced Inequalities, by challenging traditional beauty standards and broadening representation in the fashion industry. Additionally, it contributes to the Sustainable Development Goal #12 Responsible Consumption and Production, by reducing return rates in e-commerce, which decreases waste and the environmental impact associated with shipping and logistics.


Reflekt Me, founded in Atlanta, Georgia in 2019, is a Saas platform that aids various industry companies in their efforts to holistically supply their target market and ensure consumers are informed on the products they are purchasing. Founders Dr. Tope Mitchell and Gerald Mitchell created Reflekt Me to fill the gap created by the clothing, hair, and beauty industry by providing an innovative process to view items for purchase on a “social mirror”, reflecting that product on someone resembling their appearance.

This also helps companies gain profit and waste fewer products, as utilizing Reflekt Me results in fewer customer returns. This creates a solution to lost profit due to sizing issues. Reflekt Me has created a hyper-personalized way to shop, creating a consumer environment for diversity and inclusion. Reflekt Me creates impact in two essential ways outlined in SDG #10 Reduced Inequalities and SDG #12 Responsible Production and Consumption. They ensure through their personalized service that wherever a shopper decides to search, they will always find a true representation of themselves, helping resolve the inequities we see in the fashion and beauty industries. Furthermore, by progressing towards a solution to retailers' loss of $816 billion in returned goods, Reflekt Me’s ability to mirror fit and sizes of clothing to a consumer's needs reduces this waste along with assisting in informed consumption for shoppers.

Mirror Your Best Self: Reflekt Me's Journey to Personal Empowerment


The founder and CEO of Reflekt Me found herself captivated by a tender moment with her daughter, Sophia. As Sophia admired herself in the mirror, blissfully unaware of societal pressures, her mother, Dr. Tope Mitchell, recognized that “this world is built on tearing down women, especially women of her complexion”. This realization sparked a determination to empower her daughter and others like her to embrace self-love.

Moved by the boundless love within her daughter, she envisioned a platform that would redefine representation in media. Her goal? To provide a space where everyone could see themselves authentically portrayed, beyond the narrow confines of traditional beauty standards. No longer would they be limited to a specific size or predetermined criteria set by the fashion industry. Instead, they would find resonance and connection through real-life reflections of individuals from all walks of life. Dr. Tope Mitchell ultimately wanted to create "a way for other women to feel seen."

Then, Reflekt Me was born—a platform dedicated to ensuring that every person feels seen and understood while shopping. Here, they can relate to the real people behind the screen, finding empowerment and confidence in their unique beauty. Making their shopping experience more relatable.

Overall impact

In our meeting with Reflekt Me creator, Dr. Tope Mitchell the innovation that was created led to many wonderful outcomes. So many people around the world have a hard time seeing themselves in clothes while shopping online because the majority of people do not fit into this perfect example. There is so much diversity within the human body and bringing that diversity to online shopping is very powerful. So many people who are reluctant to purchase an item because of potential fitting issues now have access to understanding how it will work with their body type. Dr. Tope Mitchell emphasized that she had reached "a point where you felt compelled to take the leap, dive into something new, and steer away from complacency in your life," highlighting a pivotal moment of change and self-driven motivation.

When we spoke with the owner she said that there have been instances where consumers have called her crying because they had never seen the clothes she wanted on someone her size. This shows just how much of a massive issue this problem has been within the retail industry. Reflekt Me has grown its clients and maintained a strong relationship with its largest client Levi’s. Altogether the journey has created lifelong supporters of the brand along with bringing on new employees that share the important vision. The founder talked to us about maintaining this positive brand image through sustainability and giving back which was very moving.

Business benefit

Reflekt Me identified a gap in the market stemming from multicultural insights, they were able to innovate and create a platform that addressed several pressing issues within the apparel industry. Holding a Ph.D. in Sociology and Research Methods, Dr. Tope Mitchell recognized that the apparel industry needed revamping and improvement. She claimed that "seeing the need in the market, we've identified several issues within the apparel industry, including why 40% of what companies are selling is being returned." By acknowledging the need for authentic representation and addressing why clothing purchases were often returned due to sizing issues, Reflekt Me introduced solutions such as virtual fitting rooms. This innovation significantly reduced return rates and boosted sales conversions. This strategic approach not only boosted revenue but also enhanced customer satisfaction and retention.

Furthermore, Reflekt Me's commitment to inclusivity and genuine representation resonated with consumers, leading to increased brand loyalty and market expansion. By prioritizing real people over vague representations, they differentiated themselves from competitors like TrueFit, whose offerings failed to consider individual preferences. This customer-centric approach not only attracted diverse clientele but also opened new investment opportunities, as investors recognized the potential for growth and positive impact.

Reflekt Me's dedication to maintaining independence while navigating the investment landscape showcases its resilience and determination to uphold its vision. By carefully selecting partners who shared their values and inclusive hiring practices, they fostered a supportive work environment conducive to innovation and growth. As they continue to explore partnerships with industry leaders like Ulta, Reflekt Me remains committed to making a positive impact while driving revenue and expanding its reach in the market.

Social and environmental benefit

Reflekt Me's innovation significantly impacts society by fostering inclusivity and diversity in the online shopping landscape. By integrating technology that allows shoppers to view products on models that reflect a diverse array of body types, ages, ethnicities, and genders, the platform directly tackles the issue of representation in retail. Dr. Tope Mitchell revealed that "many companies are still stuck in their old ways, preferring models who fit a certain look, age, or style that aligns with their brand. Some companies are not fully committed to inclusion, and many are primarily only interested in influencers." Therefore, Reflekt Me's approach not only enhances the shopping experience for individuals who often feel marginalized by mainstream media but also encourages self-acceptance and boosts confidence among consumers.

The societal benefits of Reflekt Me’s innovation extend beyond just improving individual self-esteem, acceptance, and inequalities which aligns with Sustainable Development Goal #10 Reduced Inequalities, but it also supports environmental sustainability. By providing a realistic preview of how products fit diverse body types, the platform helps reduce the high rates of returns typical in the e-commerce sector. Fewer returns mean decreased logistics and transportation demands, which in turn lead to lower carbon emissions and less waste. This reduction in the environmental impact of online shopping aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Sustainable Development Goal #12 Responsible Consumption and Production. By integrating these approaches, Reflekt Me not only fosters social equity but also contributes to a more sustainable planet, highlighting the interconnected nature of social and environmental well-being.


Dr. Tope Mitchell, CEO

Business information

Reflekt Me

Reflekt Me

Atlanta, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2019
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Reflekt Me is a technology company that specializes in enhancing online shopping experiences through its Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platform. It enables retailers to personalize product presentations by featuring real people with diverse body types and features, thereby fostering inclusivity. The platform aims to improve customer engagement and conversion rates by allowing shoppers to see products on models that resemble their physical attributes.