Fundación TONY A.C. / TONY Superpapelerías

Live with Values


Ashley Yepez

Ashley Yepez

Diana Laura Ochoa Morel

Diana Laura Ochoa Morel

Monserrat Victorio

Monserrat Victorio

Virgilio Carvallo

Virgilio Carvallo


TecMilenio University (Universidad TecMilenio)

TecMilenio University (Universidad TecMilenio)


Sara García

Sara García

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 4. Quality Education 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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The “Sé tu amigo” program of the TONY AC Foundation and Grupo TONY Superpapelerías in collaboration seeks to fight against addictions and family dysfunctions, to have productive people with the ability to have stability and to lead to a strong and progressive society.


The origins of Fundación TONY A.C. was to seek alternatives and possible solutions to various problems that afflict society, such as addictions and loss of values which affect many Mexican families by mainly giving talks to elementary and middle school children.

"Lo que nos hace diferente de otras fundaciones es la tenacidad y la permanencia de lograr nuestros objetivos", the psychologist Teresa Ríos told us.

Live with Values


Psychologist Teresa Rios explained to us that the main inspiration for creating Fundación TONY was having a legal support for the "Se tu amigo" program: "Fundación TONY surgió después del programa "Se tu amigo" y surgió en una administración municipal, apartir de que dicha administración terminó, se decidió formar la fundación para dar el sustento legal al programa "Sé tu amigo". Cuando se convirtió oficialmente en fundación y se separó de administraciones municipales, yo dejé de trabajar en una admistración pública para trabajar con el señor Antonio Chedraui para poder crear la fundación y seguir con el trabajo de "Sé tu amigo". Realmente fué una iniciativa del gobierno municipal, apoyada por 2 empresarios y 1 periodista y creamos la fundación para proteger al programa."

Overall impact

Both Fundación TONY A.C. and Grupo TONY Superpapelerías have a very large social impact by focusing on children and adolescents from primary and secondary school since statistically they are the most vulnerable and prone to drop out of school, fall into addictions, or have personal dysfunctions that disorient them from having a path and a firm and dignified life.

Business benefit

TONY Superpapelerías is a recognized brand in Mexico dedicated to the sale of various supplies for school, office, computer, and handicrafts, both retail and wholesale. They have more than 130 branches in more than 80 cities and strategic warehouses in small and medium-sized towns throughout the country. They offer their consumers quality products through a distribution network that covers 80% of the Mexican territory.

In addition, this company has its own foundation: Fundación TONY, which has as its main objective that young people have general information about addiction prevention, taking the family and values as a means of protection.

Social and environmental benefit

TONY Superpapelerías not only focuses on the corporate sphere, in addition to providing specialized attention to its clients, it also cares about the community, society, and the environment, all in a professional, humble way and with a vision of constant improvement.

TONY Superpapelerías stands out not only for being a corporate company but it also carries out non-profit initiatives: as mentioned above they have the TONY Foundation in which, together with the work of the 4 teams that make it up: the "Se tu amigo" program, Prevención de Adicciones, Atención de Adicciones y Orientación (for parents and teachers) provide services and opportunities such as allowing students from various universities to develop their Social Service and Professional Practices and to give talks about addiction prevention and healthy living to primary and secondary school children to be able to reject negative behaviors that attack their physical, psychological or society itself.

Likewise, the foundation also provides an orientation to educational centers since it comprehensively supports the educational institutions of the country; presenting them with information on the consequences of the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol in the personal and family spheres.

In the same way that it cares about society, it also cares about the environment, since they have some ecological products for sale from different brands, from pencils made without wood to recycled notebooks and packets of leaves.

They also provide Addiction Rehabilitation Scholarships so that those interested have the will to change their habits and require therapeutic intervention to modify their addictive behaviors. The TONY Foundation offers them the possibility to access rehabilitation treatments in specialized institutions.

In addition, the Foundation has also participated in multiple events and campaigns, among the most recent being the organization of the 3° Gran Carrera Cúspide 2019, in Boca del Río Veracruz, against addictions. In 2018, it carried out a campaign of Un Kilo de Ayuda 2018 in which customers were asked to contribute in cash from one peso. The stores with the highest collection were awarded electronic purses in addition to delivering 627 nutritional packages and 3,762 liters of milk just from the proceeds from TONY Superpapelerías.

Likewise, it has supported other organizations and foundations to jointly support the delivery of school and educational materials.


Teresa de Jesús Ríos Linares, Psychologist

Business information

Fundación TONY A.C. / TONY Superpapelerías

Fundación TONY A.C. / TONY Superpapelerías

Veracruz, Veracruz, MX
Year Founded: 1959
Number of Employees: 501 to 1000

Tony Super Papelerías is a chain of stores of stationery and office products that are distinguished by the best quality, a wide assortment of articles, and the best wholesale and retail prices of the best brands at low prices throughout the Mexican Republic.