Integrated Logistics Solutions

Listening to our people.


Alejandro Tapia Andrade

Alejandro Tapia Andrade

Angélica Guadalupe Tepepa Arenas

Angélica Guadalupe Tepepa Arenas


TecMilenio University (Universidad TecMilenio)

TecMilenio University (Universidad TecMilenio)


Sara García

Sara García

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 4. Quality Education 10. Reduced Inequalities 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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Grupo CICE is a proudly Mexican company founded in the state of Veracruz in 1991, dedicated mainly to logistic and port solutions offering diverse integral services. This organization continues developing and undertaking the establishment of new objectives, keeping in mind the growth and integral development in each one of its activities for its business alliances and society.

CICE is a company dedicated to providing a service of maneuvers, import, and export is also concerned with attention to social problems in the region.


En 2004 se crea la fundación CICE. Su principal objetivo es brindar apoyo a sectores de bajos ingresos gracias a su gran desempeño como empresa. A lo largo de los años han fortalecido vínculos con otras asociaciones civiles, dando un impulso principalmente en aspectos socioeconómicos, medio ambiente, salud y educación. Enfocado desde la calidad de vida del personal hasta la contribución al bienestar social. Para ello cuenta con un apartado de responsabilidad social, donde lo más importante es el voluntariado corporativo; Este programa actualmente está a cargo de la Sra. Mónica Torres Tiburcio quien dijo que hay 4 horas de voluntariado al mes con cada trabajador de la empresa, por lo que este tiempo se puede invertir en asociaciones civiles y trabajar con los sectores más vulnerables a nivel local y nacional. .

Además, Grupo CICE, conociendo las necesidades de sus comunidades, pone a disposición la vinculación de proyectos de desarrollo social donde recibimos solicitudes de la sociedad, que en la mayoría de los casos son sectores vulnerables. Estas solicitudes son revisadas y aprobadas por el área de vinculación a favor de los solicitantes. Este voluntariado y vinculación con las aplicaciones no solo se reduce al personal, sino que también tiene en cuenta los aspectos económicos (donaciones en especie para los proyectos), insumos y / o recursos que contribuyan a la realización de tales proyectos como materiales, equipos. y trabajo.

En 2018, como aporte personal junto a su equipo, creó el "Proyecto de Gamificación", que consiste en un método de formación virtual mediante actividades lúdicas evaluables, como videos interactivos, animaciones, juegos virtuales, etc. Así, los trabajadores son interesado en cursos de formación dentro de un entorno competitivo saludable y también resolver problemas logísticos entre diferentes lugares de trabajo.


In 2004 the CICE Foundation was created. Its main objective is to provide support to low-income sectors thanks to its great performance as a company. Over the years, they have strengthened ties with other civil associations, boosting socio-economic aspects, the environment, health, and education. Focused on the quality of life of their personnel and the contribution to social welfare. For this reason, it has a section for social responsibility, where the most important thing is corporate volunteering. This program is currently managed by Ms. Mónica Torres Tiburcio, who said that there are 4 hours of volunteering a month for each company worker. This time can be invested in civil associations and work with the most vulnerable sectors at the local and national levels.

In addition, Grupo CICE, knowing its communities' needs, makes available the connection of social development projects where we receive requests from society, which in most cases are vulnerable sectors. These applications are reviewed and approved by the linking area in favor of the applicants. This volunteering and linking with the applicants is not only limited to the staff but also takes into account the economic aspects (donations in kind for the projects), inputs, and/or resources that contribute to the realization of such projects as materials, equipment. and work.

In 2018, as a personal contribution together with his team, They created the "Gamification Project," which consists of a virtual training method through assessable recreational activities, such as interactive videos, animations, virtual games, etc. Workers become interested in training courses within a healthy competitive environment and solve logistical problems between different workplaces.

Listening to our people.


In the words of Lic. Mónica Torres Tiburcio "in each one of us resides the power to change and to create a positive impact on society" and quoting Eduardo Galeano, "Many small people in small places, doing small things can change the world" making clear their commitment with society and in addition that Grupo CICE will always look for a way to give back to society to generate well-being.

Therefore, since the beginning of the company, it has defined its mission as contributing to the support of the most vulnerable sectors directly or by linking other civil associations and developing an expectation of personal improvement of children, young people, and adults in those sectors.

For "Gamification Project," its idea came up due to the stressful environment under which staff training was generated.

Overall impact

The impact of this innovation has been shown during 2020 due to the contingency covid-19 since its implementation was given to counteract the negative effects of such situations. Mónica Torres Tiburcio affirms that the company is proud of the implementation of its innovation. Besides, it can be reproduced in all areas of the company and its strategic allies, thus being a model company that influences the local and national sectors.

Business benefit

The main benefits are that the problem of coordination in moving all employees to a single point is eliminated. With new technologies (laptops and mobile devices), new knowledge is streamlined, increasing productive hours. This also applies to those instructors who would leave their jobs. Another benefit is that the same staff during their training will have some leisure time (since the training is dynamic or in the form of interactive games), thus improving the working environment that translates into welfare for the staff, leading to greater productivity and internal competitiveness.

This can also be noticed in a better way in the resources that the company destines to carry out such activities. Savings in transport and its maintenance, continuity of the workflow that avoids the time lost by machinery or processes that contribute to energy consumption, reducing fuel consumption and environmental emissions.

Social and environmental benefit

As mentioned above, CICE is a company whose primary objective is to provide support to low-income sectors. Thanks to its great performance as a company, they have strengthened links with other civil associations over the years, giving a boost mainly in socio-economic aspects, health and education. In the words of Ms. Monica Torres Tiburcio, they have constantly supported associations to prevent cancer in children and young people, having a substantial link with the association AMANC, where the company is committed each year in collecting covers to support the association. Concerning the environment, CICE's commitment is to fulfill the environmental regulations and foment a culture of respect for the environment in every process of integrated logistics and commercialization.

In Respect For the Environment, they are focused on a culture of care for the environment and biodiversity.


Mónica Torres Tiburcio, Manager of the volunteering area

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Integrated Logistics Solutions

Integrated Logistics Solutions

Veracruz, Veracruz, MX
Year Founded: 1991
Number of Employees: 1001 to 5000

Integrated Business Solution's mission is to provide logistic and port solutions through a diversity of integral services, looking for, at the same time, to improve vulnerable communities.