SunFarmer - Nepal

Lighting Nepal Through Solar

Sun Farmer Logo


Prakash Marasini

Prakash Marasini

Sumit Kishor Karna

Sumit Kishor Karna

Kunjan Shrestha

Kunjan Shrestha


Kathford International College

Kathford International College


Bhuwan Adhikari

Bhuwan Adhikari

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Solar is not the new technology but our new implementation model and business plan that tries to make it financially available for all people. Country like Nepal has greater scope of solar energy.


Solar energy is best solution for fuel problem. When sunlight (photons) strike photo-voltaic cells in solar panel, free electrons generates the flow of energy which is stored in battery cells for use. SunFarmer, has successfully operated in US and Canada brings an idea to remove various problems in the globe and establish solar energy as people's first energy choice.

Lighting Nepal Through Solar


Nepal is second richest country in water resource but lack sufficient electricity production. Even in the 21st century, Nepal lacks sufficient power supply all over Nepal. The founder of SunFarmer are from solar energy background and last year we took part in Asia Act Tech 2.0 and won the award for innovation. This motivates SunFarmer to help Nepal to become a greater nation. Health, education and agriculture sector were far behind the expectations. Thus, SunFarmer aims "WE KEEP INNOVATING TO SOLVE NEPAL'S TOUGHEST ENERGY PROBLEMS."

Overall impact

SunFarmer is working in Nepal since 2014, they do not only focus on energy but have helped Nepal to become a greater nation. The impact of SunFarmer are:

  • Solar project all over Nepal.
  • Agricultural projects that facilitates farmer of Terai region.
  • Educational projects that aware people about electricity consumption, their alternative and better environment.
  • Earthquake relief projects for Nepal as Nepal was devastated by earthquake in 2072 B.S. (2015)
SunFarmer has limited impact but we want to expand to have greater impact in Nepalese society.

Business benefit

Solar energy is the best and ideal solution for Nepal. Nepal has one of the most difficult geography in the world. We are growing as a business and we are limited to some areas. We have done great in Nepal but as a whole we are limited to all sector. But we will be there to make solar energy as a first choice of Nepalese people.

Social and environmental benefit

SunFarmer's mission is to set people's mind that solar energy should be their first choice in Nepal. The impact of SunFarmer has higher in rural arera as it has rised livelihood by 2-3 times. This innovation itself provides various social and environmental benefits. They are

  • Better and clean energy.
  • Rural development and better energy supply.
  • Educational promotion and responsibility.
  • Higher growth rate and more employment opportunities.
We just don't focus on business but also in the impact of the innovation. We are being more focused on service-pay method and warranty & performance guarantee.


Sambaddha Pradhan, Sales & Marketing Manager

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Business information

SunFarmer - Nepal

SunFarmer - Nepal

Sankhamul, Kathmandu, NP
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 51 to 200
SunFarmer was established in 2014 which is a solar energy based organization and also aims in various projects including health, agriculture, educational and earthquake relief programs.