Exotecno S.A.S.

Going Beyond Financial Profitability in Helping the Disabled

E2Ce A1F6


Yirlehan Ramirez

Yirlehan Ramirez

Elsa Paselia Delgado

Elsa Paselia Delgado


Universidad Externado de Colombia

Universidad Externado de Colombia


Gustavo A Yepes López

Gustavo A Yepes López

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 3. Good Health and Well-Being 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

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1. It allows a person in a condition of disability (in a wheelchair) to stand up through a hydraulic system.

2. It also fulfills the practical function of wheelchair.

3. It helps to prevent and reduce diseases.


The exoskeleton, or mechanical dress, allows a person in a condition of disability to stand up through a hydraulic system, enjoy the sensation of observing life more than a meter away from the floor, and, of course, rest the body from its daily position.

It also fulfills the practical function of a wheelchair, which is very functional when the person gets tired of walking or when he or she needs to enter places that are easier to access sitting.

The engineer Freddy Luna stated, “The prices are 10 times lower than the others.” Despite being a business model for the manufacture and marketing of exoskeletons, he is building the only skeletal rehabilitation centers in Latin America, where another line of business is the test of these teams with people with disabilities, who can experience again what it is to walk and do therapy when using the equipment.

This technological invention allows the user to prevent and reduce diseases such as bedsores, muscle atrophies, osteoporosis, urinary infections, and intestinal, kidney, and heart problems.

Going Beyond Financial Profitability in Helping the Disabled


Freddy Luna said, “I inspired a teacher who was in a wheelchair, so that he could give classes again; also my friend that couldn't walk after suffering an automobile accident.”

In his desire to serve society, Freddy Luna said that "Within ten years as an innovator, as the owner of an innovative company wants to eradicate disability--not only with mobility, but also to help with their knowledge so the blind person can see, that the deaf can hear, that those who do not walk can walk, that their teams can reach all corners of the world and that tomorrow when he goes to any country he can see people using their equipment on the street.”

Overall impact

In Colombia there are around 4,992,000 disabled people, which would be equivalent to 12% of the population.

In Colombia 98% of people with disabilities belong to socioeconomic strata 1, 2 and 3, and the majority (53%) are of working age. Their salaries do not exceed the legal minimum in force in Colombia. Moreover, the main cause of disability (42%) was violence, and 67% had some difficulty accessing the physical environment, information, and communication.

The exoskeleton, or mechanical dress, allows a person in a condition of disability to stand up through a hydraulic system, enjoy the sensation of observing life more than a meter away from the floor, and of course, rest the body from its daily position.

It also fulfills the practical function of a wheelchair, which is very functional when the person gets tired of walking or needs to enter places that are easier to access sitting.

This technological invention allows the user to prevent and reduce diseases such as bedsores, muscle atrophies, osteoporosis, urinary infections, and intestinal, kidney, and heart problems.

Business benefit

The company took the approach of bringing satisfaction and happiness to people who through different circumstances have lost the hope of standing, walking, and being able to carry out activities that require these actions.

Besides getting profits for sales of the product, the company is recognized for helping to improve the living conditions of people with disabilities.

Social and environmental benefit

Freddy Luna stated that "This type of innovation has a great impact on people with disabilities, because after the diagnosis of immobility people lose their jobs, have many psychological problems, sentimental, but the fact of re-incorporating, standing, to be able to walk again, to return to the labor, social, family, and health inclusion that has many benefits for them."

In conclusion, the exoskeleton helps people in disability and poverty conditions to improve their life conditions and health, and people can get it since the product is not so expensive.


Freddy Luna, Inventor

Watch video on YouTube

Business information

Exotecno S.A.S.

Exotecno S.A.S.

Medellín - Antioquia, CO
Year Founded: 2017
Number of Employees: 2 to 10
The exoskeleton, or mechanical dress, allows a person in a condition of disability to stand up through a hydraulic system, to enjoy the sensation of observing life more than a meter away from the floor, and, of course, rest the body from its daily position. The engineer Freddy Luna stated, “The prices are 10 times lower than the others.” Despite being a business model for the manufacture and marketing of exoskeletons, he is building the only skeletal rehabilitation centers in Latin America, where another line of business is the test of these teams with people with disabilities, who can experience again what it is to walk and do therapy when using the equipment, affirmed Freddy Luna in his interview.