Galletera de Puebla S.A. de C.V.

Educación de Calidad en Gapsa

10 Junior Achievement Impulsa Verano Niño Emprendedor Gapsa 2019




Ruben Tlahuiz

Ruben Tlahuiz


Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla

Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla


Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

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The innovation of “Galletera de Puebla S.A. de C.V.”, or Gapsa, as a sustainable company, consists of two basic education programs: the first one, in the level of Junior Achievement (JA) is known as “Entrepreneur Child Summer”; the second one, "The Knowledge Marathon", is a program designed by the company. Both programs are oriented to reinforce education of staff members’ children and grandchildren.


The original idea arose when thinking in ways to link and encourage children in elementary school stage, they could not only acquire knowledge but knowing deeper how their nation and community is, so they would learn it by playing the role of an entrepreneur and business man or woman in a type of game. Each child can play a different role: one can be a purchasing manager, another one can be a human resources manager and conducting job interviews, other children can manufacture a product with different production methods, others can create advertising for their product, or making their own business plan, and in general learn how to manage a company.

Educación de Calidad en Gapsa

Future children entrepreneurs


Even though Gapsa had two years ago the “Empresa Socialmente Responsable” certification (Social Responsible Enterprise), the Human Resources Department had worked hard in the workers education theme, beyond fulfillment of mandatory training that the company should provide them, according to Federal Labor Law. The company has been concerned about not only training its staff but also cooperating in their families' education, focusing on their children and grandchildren, promoting qualitative education, taking care of the future of our country.

An interview quote illustrating the inspiration behind the education programs relates that: “In the Marathon of Knowledge contest that took place on July 2019, we had a pleasant experience. One of the workers approached to our Director, expressing his gratitude because thanks to this program, one of his children recovered his original enthusiasm for studying, as he wanted to drop out of school. This worker encouraged his son to go to this summer program, telling him that he was going to receive a backpack and some supplies. He liked the experience so much, and as a consequence he improved later on his grades, keeping 10 and 9 scores (similar to A and B+ in other educational systems). It happened a long time ago, and nowadays he is a great professional. Now, the son of that worker’s son is coming to participate in the Marathon of Knowledge.

Overall impact

The short-term effects result in children identifying the natural resources of different regions and the human and capital resources that are involved in the manufacture of a product. They define what an income, expense, profit and loss is, and demonstrate how a company records its income and expenses. They understand the importance of cash flow in companies and recognize the role of loans in a business.

The long-term effects will be to develop financial knowledge and an entrepreneurial spirit, a practical approach for children from now, in the future, to start a business, make smart decisions on how to manage money and getting a big picture about how goods, services and global markets work.

Business benefit

The impact on the company of these education programs is reflected in the link created between the children of the workers, the workers, their family and the company, because the children realize that the different jobs that their parents perform, is a job that they need to do, and that their family depends on the company to receive that money, and children learn how it should be the best way to use it to meet their needs and desires.

Social and environmental benefit

The impact on society occurs when children learn by playing, taking responsibility for their own reasoned decisions, what is the life of a typical community, the activities and jobs that people develop and what is the role of companies, businesses and the government, identifying how money flows through the economy of a community and understanding why tax collection is necessary.

The purpose of these study programs is for the child to understand the importance of the impact of their actions on the environment, through the preparation of a project in which they apply the knowledge they acquired, to act as a change agent in their environment.


Ana María Abundis Herrada, Maestra en Psicología Organizacional

ANA MARIA ABUNDIS HERRADA, Maestra en Psicología Organizacional

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

Galletera de Puebla S.A. de C.V.

Galletera de Puebla S.A. de C.V.

Puebla, Puebla, MX
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1957
Number of Employees: 201 to 500

Produce, distribute and sell quality and hygienic cookies and pasta, offering a competitive price, aimed to contribute to maintain people’s health and nourish, looking to achieve leadership through a consistent behavior with our core values, and total development and benefit of all crew members that collaborate with us.