E.ON Sverige AB

E.ON's Work Towards a More Sustainable Future


Jennifer Alfredsson

Jennifer Alfredsson

Alexandra Winther

Alexandra Winther

Sanna Olsson

Sanna Olsson

Lina Makdessi

Lina Makdessi


Jönköping International Business School

Jönköping International Business School


Guenola Nonet

Guenola Nonet

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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An energy solution for future sustainable cities that is flexible, efficient and preserves the scarce resources.


In 2017, E.ON launched an innovation called Ectogrid, which is a concept that will make the use of energy more efficient in cities. The system connects, and balances different users’ energy need so that the energy surplus of one user can be shared with another user that has a greater need at the time. As the energy demand is balanced, the energy is fully utilized, and the community needs less extra energy. Ectogrid is based on a digital cloud solution that combines data from users, season, weather, local energy production and other factors to optimize the overall energy use.

E.ON's Work Towards a More Sustainable Future


The inspiration for Ectogrid and many other of E.ON's innovations has been formed through years of work with sustainability not only internally but in several external forums and associations. The idea of renewing Sweden within energy production and energy usage has been the driving force behind the creativity and productivity of E.ON. The ideas and innovations are all in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals as well as their own long-term goal, E.ON Helt Hundra 2025.

Overall impact

This innovation results in cheaper energy for the customers and more sustainable production for the environment.

Business benefit

Efficient use of resources and working sustainable has many advantages not only to the society but also to the company. Some of the examples of benefits that E.ON is experiencing from working with Ectogrid and sustainability as a whole is increased productivity, reduced production and increased revenues.

When working towards reaching their sustainable development goals, E.ON has managed to reduce the use of hazardous substances and dangerous emissions by up to 75%.

Social and environmental benefit

E.ON is able to provide greener energy to a wider range of customers while at the same time reducing the amount of energy needed to be produced. The customers themselves are also helping out in this process and in this way become more aware of their own impact and the benefits of sustainable energy. The energy produced can now be more efficiently shared among users and E.ON can in this way reduce the amount of energy being "wasted". This has huge positive benefits for the solar panel energy production where there has been problems earlier with excess energy being lost due to insufficient energy use. With Ectogrid, the excess energy being produced can now be shared among users and less energy is being wasted.


Gloria Raushill, Environmental Specialist

Photo of interviewee

Business information

E.ON Sverige AB

E.ON Sverige AB

Norrköping, SE
Business Website: https://eon.com
Number of Employees: 1001 to 5000

The E.ON Group is a global energy supplier who operates across the world but mainly in Germany, Sweden and Denmark. (E.ON Group, 2017) The E.ON group is split up into affiliate companies who work with energy solutions and energy distribution. In Sweden, E.ON Sverige AB distributes electricity to about 1 million customers through their 40 companies with over 2000 employees.