Bochkari company

Creation of Infrastructure for the Life of Employees of an Innovative Enterprise


Gleb Bykovskiy

Gleb Bykovskiy

Mikhail Purtov

Mikhail Purtov

Nikolai Loktionov

Nikolai Loktionov


The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)


Natalia Yankovskaya

Natalia Yankovskaya

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Bochkarevsky Brewery's innovation focuses on enhancing community infrastructure and sustainable practices, directly supporting UN SDGs related to health, education, and sustainable communities. Their initiatives include developing sports, healthcare, and educational facilities, and promoting a holistic approach to well-being and environmental sustainability. This strategic investment showcases the brewery's role in fostering social and environmental progress. These efforts particularly address SDGs like good health and well-being (SDG 3), quality education (SDG 4), and sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11).


The innovation at Bochkarevsky Brewery is a comprehensive initiative aimed at improving community infrastructure and promoting sustainable practices, aligning with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This initiative encompasses the development of sports complexes, healthcare facilities, and educational institutions within the local community, fostering a holistic approach to employee well-being and community development.

The company's investment in creating a healthy, educated, and engaged community demonstrates a commitment to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. By providing facilities for sports and leisure, Bochkarevsky Brewery encourages a healthy lifestyle among its employees and local residents. The development of educational and healthcare infrastructure signifies a long-term investment in the community's future. Additionally, environmental initiatives like waste recycling reflect the company's dedication to sustainable practices.

This approach illustrates how businesses can play a critical role in driving positive social and environmental change. The benefits of such an initiative are multifaceted, enhancing the quality of life for employees and community members, while also setting a precedent for corporate responsibility in the broader business community.

Creation of Infrastructure for the Life of Employees of an Innovative Enterprise


The director of Bochkarevsky Brewery, inspired by the interconnectedness of corporate success and community well-being, emphasizes, "My inspiration is rooted in the belief that a company's success is deeply intertwined with the well-being of its employees and the community." This philosophy emerges from observing how a supportive work environment boosts employee morale and productivity. He acknowledges the significant role of businesses in societal progress, driving his dedication to various initiatives. Unlike traditional corporate focuses, his vision transcends profit motives, aiming to create a sustainable and inclusive legacy. He states, "It's about creating a legacy that goes beyond mere profits, focusing on sustainable, inclusive growth." This approach represents a leadership style that integrates corporate success with social responsibility, striving to impact both the immediate community and society at large positively. His strategy showcases how businesses can be pivotal in fostering societal change while achieving their goals, thus setting a model for future leaders in balancing financial success with societal contributions.

Overall impact

Reflecting further on the innovation's impact, the director elaborated, "The immediate positive effects in employee morale and productivity were just the beginning. Enhanced community relations also became quickly evident." He underscored these initial changes as pivotal for setting the stage for more profound, enduring benefits. "In the long-term perspective," he added, "we observed a significant increase in employee retention, a notable enhancement in our brand's reputation, and a meaningful contribution to the sustainable development of our community." The director also pointed out concrete evidence supporting these effects, such as the decrease in employee turnover, the influx of positive feedback from community members, and the visible improvements in local infrastructure and environmental health. "These results," he concluded, "are a clear demonstration of the success and positive impact of our innovation, impacting not just our company but also significantly benefiting the wider community." This comprehensive perspective showcases the far-reaching impact of the innovation, affecting both the internal dynamics of the company and the broader societal context in which it operates.

Business benefit

In a more detailed discussion about the innovation's impact, the director of Bochkarevsky Brewery elaborated, "The innovation not only led to an increase in our revenue but also opened up new avenues for investment." He described the positive changes in the workforce, noting a substantial growth in employee numbers and a notable improvement in retention rates. This, he attributed to the enhanced well-being and job satisfaction brought about by the innovation. "Moreover, these efforts broadened our market reach, which can be attributed to our improved brand image and stronger relations within the community," he added, highlighting the external benefits of the innovation.

He also touched upon the potential creation of new products or services, a direct result of having a more engaged and motivated workforce. "This kind of workforce dynamism often leads to innovative thinking and product development," he pointed out.

Wrapping up his insights, he stated, "We have solid evidence of these achievements. This is not just in terms of financial growth but also the improved metrics related to our employees. Market expansion data and feedback on employee well-being and satisfaction further corroborate the success of our initiatives."

This extensive explanation underscores the multifaceted impact of the innovation, revealing how it has positively influenced the company's financial, social, and market dynamics, demonstrating a successful blend of business acumen and social responsibility.

Social and environmental benefit

The director of Bochkarevsky Brewery outlined the societal and environmental impacts of their innovative practices, emphasizing, "This innovation benefits society and the environment by enhancing community well-being, endorsing sustainable practices, and promoting healthy lifestyles." He detailed the company's investments in local infrastructure, including healthcare, education, and sports facilities, highlighting the significant improvements these have brought to the community's quality of life. "Our environmental initiatives, particularly in waste recycling, are crucial contributions to sustainability," he noted. He concluded by stressing the alignment of these efforts with several UN Sustainable Development Goals, illustrating the brewery's commitment to a healthier, more sustainable future for both people and the planet. This comprehensive approach underlines the brewery's dedication to positively impacting broader societal and environmental goals.


Smagin Petr Nikolaevich, Director of Social Affairs

Burenin Alexander Vladimirovich, Executive director

Business information

Bochkari company

Bochkari company

Bochkari, Altay region, RU
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1989
Number of Employees: 1001 to 5000

Bochkarevsky Brewery, among Russia's top ten manufacturers, is situated in the eco-friendly Altai Territory. The plant, over 70 km from major cities, specializes in natural beverages like beer, kvass, and various waters. The enterprise is innovative and forward-looking, investing in community infrastructure, including schools, hospitals, and cultural sites. Bochkari village, home to the brewery, is recognized as one of the top villages in the Altai Territory and Russia.