427 Auto Collision-CSN

Creating Tomorrow's Auto Collision Work Force

43Bb 6C71


Tyler Lipinski

Tyler Lipinski

Gabriel D'Alessandro

Gabriel D'Alessandro

Max Andrusyshyn

Max Andrusyshyn


University of Guelph

University of Guelph


Ruben Burga

Ruben Burga

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 5. Gender Equality 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities

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The owner of 427 Auto Collision-- Ralph D’Alessandro--is a supporter of youth and their well being. This quote from the interviewee Rosanna Armata, company HR Manager, shows his commitment to youth. “Ralph D’Alessandro is an amazing visionary, always knew that the future was in the hands of the youth, so a huge supporter of young people”. He wanted to make it possible for his company to give young people, including women, experience and knowledge in the trade.


The innovation that 427 Auto Collision-CSN has created is a co-op and apprenticeship program associated with the company. The innovation allows apprentices and students to achieve an education for the job of their choosing in the automotive industry. A large percentage of existing employees of the company started out as apprentices and worked hard to get to where they are today.

Another innovation 427 Auto Collision-CSN has implemented is women in their workforce. For such a male dominant industry, 427 Auto Collision realizes that gender is not a deciding factor for someone's skill level. Whoever has the best work ethic and skill level will be considered for employment, regardless of gender.

The innovation emerged from the vision of owner Ralph D’Alessandro who wanted to make his mark in the automotive industry with a different idea and image than the typical auto body shop. He wanted to demonstrate a sense of professionalism and care for his employees by providing them with education and by not supporting gender discrimination.

Ralph D’Alessandro was the main contributor to this innovation by presenting the idea. Once his sons joined the business, they carried it to a whole new level. 427 Auto Collision became a well known body shop in the industry with a reputation for their education program. By creating partnerships with schools such as Mohawk College, Ralph gave students a chance to become educated in the automotive industry.

Creating Tomorrow's Auto Collision Work Force


Company owner Ralph D’Alessandro brought his sons in to work for the business, and as the business expanded, connections were formed with other businesses and training counsels. At the time (late 90’s - early 2000’s), training program initiatives were relatively new and being encouraged by the ministry of trade colleges. Using the connections that Ralph's son made, they partnered with local high schools to create a co-op program affiliated with Ontario apprenticeship programs.

Seeing success with the co-op program, they saw the potential for expansion. They integrated a training program into their day-to-day operations. This innovation gave students experience and jobs as well as increasing profit and expanding Ralph's business.

427 Auto Collision is a family run business that prides itself on quality service, commitment to employees, and adopting the latest in innovative methods and technology. Ralph D’Alessandro is very passionate about the youth and future generations. The company is very passionate about giving young men and women quality experience and knowledge in the trade, so when the trend of apprenticeship programs came about, 427 Auto Collision was all for it and motivated to integrate a training program into their daily business. The program connected students with ministry programs, created jobs for young apprentices, and profits for the company. Many of the apprentices they hire, stay with them for the long term. “ We invest in them and they invest in us with their commitment” said Rosanna when discussing their co-op and apprenticeship students.

The 427 Auto Collision training program not only provides young people with knowledge and experience, it gives them a head start to a promising career in the trade and in most cases, a job right after the apprenticeship as 427 Auto Collision hires many of its training program participants. This innovative program helps create a network between students, jobs, and ministry programs.

Overall impact

The innovation of creating a training centre within their business model and everyday activities allowed for 427 Auto Collision to have a high employee retention rate. In our interview with Rosanna Armata, company HR Manager, she proclaimed that 45% of their employees have been with the company for 25 years. As mentioned in the explanation of the innovation, 427 Auto Collision is creating tomorrow's work force and supporting them by providing jobs and high quality training in the auto collision industry. Currently, they are supporting 16 apprentices and ensuring they receive the best training in this industry.

The impact of this innovation on society has been extremely positive. 427 Auto Collision is enabling today’s youth by creating opportunities for them to learn and grow in the auto collision industry. The innovation has had a positive effect on society and the apprentices working for the company as they have been exposed to Goal 4 of the UN Goals for Sustainable Development: quality education. Due to the fact these apprentices are receiving a quality education, society will be benefited as the youth can share their knowledge of the industry with others, as well as encourage and inspire learning.

This innovation has had tremendous short term impacts for 427 Auto Collision. After creating the innovation with the assistance of the Ontario Ministry of Training Colleges & Universities, 427 Auto Collision was able to involve themselves with the curriculum being taught to students applying for their apprenticeship program. They were able to make positive changes to this curriculum after suggesting that one of the applicants to the apprenticeship program was under-prepared for the position. Due to the implementation of their innovation and suggestions to increase the quality of curriculum, graduates will be more prepared than ever for the auto collision industry.

As a result of the innovation created by 427 Auto Collision, they were awarded Employer of the Year by the Ontario Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities for 2001. This award alone has tremendous long-term benefits to their business as 427 Auto Collision automatically becomes a favorable destination for any unemployed person working in the auto collision industry. In the interview with Rosanna Armata, she explained that 427 Auto Collision has now become the number one place to work among graduates of programs in the auto collision industry. If these graduates talk amongst each other and share an interest in applying for a position at 427 Auto Collision, the company will attract the best applicants of the graduating class in the auto collision industry. This fact and the award of Employer of the Year suggests that a tremendous impact as occurred.

Business benefit

The business benefit from the innovation is educated workers and skilled workers. The fact that 427 Auto Collision-CSN gives their employees proper education and training, makes them one of the top body shops in North America with quality service and production. Another benefit comes from women in the workforce. There are plenty of women that have higher skill levels than men in this industry and the fact that 427 Auto Collision abolished gender discrimination allows them to hire and retain the highest skilled workers possible.

Social and environmental benefit

The training program at 427 Auto Collision creates jobs and opportunities for many young individuals looking to work in the automotive trade. Not only do they give students the opportunity for experience and knowledge, they help them to start long term careers. This program decreases unemployment levels in the local community and helps young workers make a living and start families. 427 Auto Collision also promotes gender equality, taking all qualified applicants regardless of gender. Workers are paid based on skill level not gender. All of this results in 427 Auto Collision having a positive image in the community and among other businesses. 427 Auto Collision is also very passionate about practising workplace safety: they have a very safe work environment; proper equipment for every job; and they teach their trainees and employees safety practises. These safety practises are important in ensuring work is done properly and safely.


Rosanna Armata, HR Manager

Business information

427 Auto Collision-CSN

427 Auto Collision-CSN

Toronto, ON, CA
Year Founded: 1962
Number of Employees: 51 to 200
427 Auto Collision has been committed to excellence in quality and service for over 40 years. Their mission is to constantly improve the level of customer service by listening and understanding the customers needs. Today, 427 Auto Collision Ltd. is recognized across Canada as an industry leader in auto repair. The state of the art repair facility located at 395 Evans Avenue in Toronto, Ontario provides specialized quality services, within efficient time frames and at affordable prices. 427 Auto Collision is also a leader in workplace gender equality, vocational training, apprenticeships and employment.