Code Ninjas

Code Ninjas is a Win for Kids in El Segundo

IMG 3504


Carolyne Smigelski

Carolyne Smigelski


Loyola Marymount University

Loyola Marymount University


Lisa Daggett

Lisa Daggett

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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Tom Hsieh, an electrical engineer and founder of Code Ninjas in El Segundo, has created a unique educational environment focused on teaching coding skills to children. With a background in engineering and a passion for providing a fulfilling education for his own children, Tom built Code Ninjas based on the principles of Play, Passion, Peers, and Projects. His business model incorporates measurable goals, enjoyment, and interaction while providing a distinct approach that fosters fun and creativity in a supportive learning environment. By leveraging his expertise and drawing inspiration from various sources, Tom has differentiated Code Ninjas within the community and positioned it as a trusted and reputable academic center specializing in teaching software skills in a STEM-certified facility.


Tom's innovative approach lies in combining the teaching of coding skills with the 4 P's of business strategy (reference: “Lifelong Kindergarten”, Mitchel Resnick): Play, Passion, Peers, and Project. Tom states, "I wanted to create an environment where my own kids would thrive, where they would want to learn and have fun at the same time." By creating a place where children can learn through play, surrounded by supportive peers and mentors, and engage in project-based learning where there are start and end points to mark achievement milestones, Tom was able to make Code Ninjas stand out as a highly valued educational asset to El Segundo. To add to his vision, he also became STEM certified. He states, "This had never been done before in the Code Ninjas franchise. I knew that by becoming STEM-certified, we could improve the quality of education at the center." His decision to become STEM-certified and incorporate STEM principles within the facility demonstrates his commitment to fostering a holistic learning experience. This innovative approach differentiates Code Ninjas from traditional educational models and prepares children for a rapidly evolving technological landscape. It aligns with the UN Sustainability Development Goal (SDG) of "Quality Education aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all." By creating a type of educational setting that is an improvement over traditional facilities, Tom was able to satisfy this goal and align Code Ninjas with the UN's goals for sustainability.

Code Ninjas is a Win for Kids in El Segundo


Tom drew inspiration from various sources to shape the foundation of Code Ninjas. Podcasts featuring business founders and books such as "How I Built This" by Guy Raz, provided valuable insights into business strategies. Other books including "Blue Ocean Strategy" by W. Chan Kim, "The Wealthy Franchisee" by Scott Greenberg, and "The 1-Page Marketing Plan" by Allen Dib inspired Tom to develop unique ways to differentiate his business and establish a strong presence within the community. These sources of inspiration guided Tom's vision and helped him create an educational environment that combines his passion for teaching with effective business strategies.

Overall impact

Code Ninjas, with its unique approach to teaching coding and its emphasis on Play, Passion, Peers, and Projects, has a positive impact on the education of children. It not only supports the UN's Goal for Quality Education, but also does so in a warm and inviting learning environment, that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among its students. The incorporation of STEM principles prepares children for future careers in technology and equips them with the necessary skills to thrive in a modern society. Additionally, Code Ninjas’ active engagement in community outreach, local event sponsorship, and scholarship programs demonstrates its commitment to making a broader impact and supporting the needs of the community.

Business benefit

Tom's deliberate and well-thought-out business strategy has positioned Code Ninjas as a leading resource in El Segundo for teaching software coding. By differentiating his business through STEM certification, creating a welcoming learning environment, and incorporating project-based learning along with creative play, Code Ninjas attracts parents and children seeking a unique educational experience. The solutions offered by Code Ninjas makes it easier for parents and children alike to benefit from Tom's successful model. This has led to business growth and expansion opportunities for Code Ninjas, increasing its market presence and profitability.

Social and environmental benefit

Code Ninjas, under Tom's leadership, goes beyond the boundaries of business success by focusing on social and environmental benefits. Tom actively engages with the community through local sponsorships, community service projects, and networking, demonstrating his commitment to being a positive role model and giving back to society. By providing children with quality education in coding and equipping them with skills for the future, Code Ninjas contributes to building a workforce that can actively participate in a technology-driven society. Additionally, Code Ninjas' dedication to ethical practices and sustainability ensures that the business operates in an environmentally conscious manner, setting an example for other organizations and promoting responsible business practices.


Tom Hsieh, Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Code Ninjas

Code Ninjas

El Segundo, CA, US
Year Founded: 2021
Number of Employees: 2 to 10
Code Ninjas of El Segundo is a unique, STEM certified, educational environment for children between the ages of 6-15 years. It is the only STEM certified facility in the Code Ninjas franchise that teaches basic software coding skills to children in a way that incorporates principles of STEM education in a learning center that is warm, inviting, supportive, and fun for kids. Driven by a desire to improve the educational environment of his own children, Tom Hsieh created Code Ninjas in El Segundo on a sustainable business model that incorporates Play, Passion, Peers, and Project. These 4P's set the foundation for a successful and unique business that has made a positive impact in the community.