
Can You Box Right?


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Global Goals

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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Packsize, a leading company in packaging solutions, has introduced a groundbreaking innovation called On Demand Packaging. This revolutionary technology enables businesses to create custom-sized boxes for their products in real-time, eliminating the need for pre-made boxes. This innovation comes at a crucial time as it addresses the growing concern for environmental sustainability in the current business landscape.


The On Demand Packaging system is globally applicable, providing businesses across various industries and regions with a solution to minimize waste and enhance overall packaging and shipping efficiency. Utilizing advanced measurement and cutting techniques, the technology dynamically adjusts box sizes based on the dimensions of each specific item. This not only reduces the environmental impact associated with excess packaging but also offers significant cost savings by eliminating the need to store and manage large inventories of pre-made boxes.

In essence, Packsize's innovative approach transforms the conventional packaging model, allowing businesses to achieve a more efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly packaging process. This contributes to a global shift toward sustainable practices. Moreover, Packsize's On Demand Packaging directly aligns with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Goal 9 by revolutionizing traditional packaging processes, Goal 11 by promoting sustainable practices in urban areas, Goal 12 through the customization of packaging sizes, and Goal 13 by actively contributing to climate change mitigation. In summary, Packsize is playing a vital role in creating a better and more sustainable world through targeted and innovative solutions that align with key UN SDGs.

Can You Box Right?


Hanko Kiessner, Packsize's founder, identified a common frustration among online shoppers—the excessive use of packing materials leading to wasted space in boxes. Recognizing this issue, Kiessner founded Packsize with a vision to revolutionize the packaging industry. He observed that conventional packaging rarely accommodates diverse products unless they are mass-produced consumer goods. Kiessner addressed this challenge by introducing on-site, on-demand packaging, eliminating the need for storing pre-made boxes. This innovative approach ensures each package is perfectly sized, reducing wasted space and minimizing the use of packing materials. Kiessner's commitment extends beyond business gains to a responsibility for environmental preservation, aiming to change the packaging industry to help save the environment. This mission underscores Packsize's vision, emphasizing sustainability and environmental stewardship under Kiessner's leadership.

Adam Fray's statement emphasizes Packsize's distinctive position in the market as a comprehensive solution provider, going beyond singular products or services to offer end-to-end solutions in the packaging process. This approach involves delivering innovative on-demand packaging technology and extending services such as consultation, implementation support, and maintenance. Termed as a "full solution provider," Packsize demonstrates a commitment to understanding and fulfilling all customer requirements in the packaging domain. In a competitive landscape, this characteristic sets Packsize apart by providing a complete package that streamlines the entire packaging workflow, offering customers an integrated and seamless experience. This underscores Packsize's dedication to providing more than just a product, showcasing a tailored and comprehensive approach to meet diverse customer needs. Adam Fray's statement encapsulates Packsize's commitment to extensive solutions, positioning the company as a leader in the packaging industry.

Overall impact

Packsize's innovative On Demand Packaging solution has ushered in transformative changes in the short and long term across various dimensions. In the short term, businesses adopting this solution experience immediate benefits in efficiency, cost savings, and waste reduction. The shift from the traditional store-and-retrieve box model streamlines supply chains, resulting in a substantial 40% reduction in box size. This not only optimizes storage space but also leads to a remarkable 60% decrease in the usage of void fill material, directly minimizing waste and lowering shipping costs. These impactful changes are evident in the quick and tangible improvements witnessed by companies integrating On Demand Packaging® into their operations.

In the long term, the innovation's effects extend beyond immediate efficiency gains. The commitment to right-sizing, a central tenet of On Demand Packaging, yields a notable 26% reduction in corrugated material usage. This sustainable practice not only contributes to resource conservation but also reflects a dedication to environmental responsibility. Most impressively, the cumulative impact of these changes is measured globally, with a substantial reduction of 25 tons of CO2 emissions for every 1 million square feet of corrugated cardboard used. This evidence underscores the innovation's long-term efficacy in achieving substantial environmental benefits, aligning with Packsize's commitment to building a more sustainable world—one box at a time.

Business benefit

With Packsize’s business model to be based on implementing environmental practices to other companies. When Packsize wins, so does the environment. Therefore, the innovation Packsize has implemented overall affects the business in two ways based on how Packsize operates. The first way innovation benefits the business is economically. Packsize's main revenue and cash flow stream correlates contracts with businesses to create the specifically designed packaging. Designing, creating and innovating economically benefits Packsize. The second way innovation benefits the business is through the environment. Creating these strategies and innovation within the packaging industry allows the benefits to the environment around the globe. Therefore, through normal business operations, Packsizes innovation economically benefits as well as society and the environment.

The innovation also helps the employees within the business. Packsize has invested funds into technology which automatically can produce packaging with measurements that maximize the use of the boxes. It has changed the approach of lower paying packaging jobs into higher paying jobs that deal more with strategizing and problem solving.

Social and environmental benefit

Packsize’s innovation in On Demand Packaging has created a significant positive impact on both environments and societies around the globe. The On Demand Packaging allows clients to customize their packaging to fit the exact dimension of each product, addressing issues within the packaging industry.

Environmentally, the On Demand Packaging significantly reduces the amount of material waste with each order. Traditional packaging leads to unnecessary materials by using inefficient box sizes with each order. To solve this issue, Packsize uses their On Demand Packaging to create boxes that are precisely sized for each product, promoting a more sustainable and eco-friendly supply chain. On top of reducing resource consumption and landfill waste, Packsize’s innovation reduces undue carbon emissions by making transportation of products more efficient.

There are two key components to the societal impact that Packsize’ innovation creates. Firstly, On Demand Packaging greatly reduces shipping costs for businesses. The removal of excess material during the manufacturing process leads to cost saving, potentially making a positive impact on product pricing and competitiveness in markets. Another way Packsize is impacting society is how their innovation promotes eco-friendly practices in businesses. Their environment focused business model can help Packsize appeal to a broader customer base. Demonstrating a change in company values that follows a more sustainable business ecosystem.


Adam Fray, Senior Director of Global Marketing

Business information



Salt Lake City, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2002
Number of Employees: 501 to 1000

Pack size creates custom sized boxes in an efficient On Demand system. This allows businesses to fit more product into boxes, therefore, creating less space from excess cardboard boxes that do not fit with the inventory; reducing resource waste. Also, more into a shipping container means less shipments equaling a reduction in carbon footprint from transportation and manufacturing.