Jain Irrigations Systems Ltd

Beyond Buckets: The Drip Tech Making Waves

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Eshwar Reddy

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Abhishek Naresh

Global Goals

2. Zero Hunger 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 7. Affordable and Clean Energy 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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From fertile fields to global goals, Jain Irrigation blossoms as a champion of sustainable agriculture. Their innovative solutions weave a tapestry of food security, water conservation, and climate resilience, aligning with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

Drip irrigation systems slash water usage by 70% and boost yields for a world where 820 million face hunger. In irrigated systems, clean water flourishes thanks to minimized waste and runoff, aligning with SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). Solar-powered systems embrace SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Waste-minimizing practices and reduced pesticide use SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) to protect both the environment and health. Finally, combating climate change through water savings and emissions reduction echoes SDG 13 (Climate Action).

Jain Irrigation's impact goes beyond technology. Collaboration with governments, NGOs, and farmers empowers communities to embrace sustainable practices. Nourishing lives and the planet, Jain Irrigation cultivates a future where water, food, and energy security bloom for all.


With their open canals and flow systems, traditional irrigation methods offer a limited lifeline. Plagued by inefficiencies and water wastage, traditional irrigation systems struggle to achieve a meager 34% efficiency. At best, partial conversion to pipes can nudge this efficiency up to 40-81% depending on the on-farm irrigation method. However, Jain Irrigation has boldly disrupted this paradigm with a revolutionary approach - the Jain Integrated Irrigation Solution (JIIS).

JIIS unveils a new chapter in water efficiency. Unlike its clunky predecessor, it leverages a meticulously crafted and pressurized network operating at a robust 2kg/cm² at the outlet. This, in turn, seamlessly integrates with modern-day water warriors – micro-irrigation systems. The results are transformative.

JIIS coupled with drip irrigation becomes the ultimate water champion, boasting a remarkable 89% efficiency. This translates into a cascade of benefits:

  1. Reduced Water Consumption: JIIS slashes water usage, which alleviates pressure on precious resources and aligns with SDG 6. Every drop saved whispers a tale of a sustainable future.
  2. Boosted Crop Yields: Water efficiently delivered directly to the roots fuels healthier crops and increased yields, contributing to SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and weaving a tapestry of food security.
  3. Lower Energy Footprint: Reduced water pumping translates to minimized energy consumption and aligns with SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy). JIIS champions an environmentally conscious future, drop by drop.
  4. Sustainable Practices: Minimized water waste and runoff foster a healthier environment, fulfilling SDG 12 (Responsible Production and Consumption). JIIS cultivates a more responsible agricultural landscape.

Jain Irrigation's commitment to innovation transcends mere products. The Ramthal Irrigation Project serves as a powerful testament to their vision. Encompassing over 30,000 acres in India, it stands as the nation's largest IoT-based micro-irrigation marvel.

Ramthal reimagines irrigation as a digital symphony. Imagine a sophisticated web-based platform acting as a maestro, meticulously managing irrigation valves through the internet. This is the magic of Ramthal's unique IoT platform:

  1. Precise Control: Farmers wield the baton, remotely managing irrigation valves in their fields through the internet, empowering them like never before.
  2. Real-time Monitoring: SCADA systems act as vigilant sentinels in the pump house, providing crucial data on pressure, flow levels, and more.
  3. Sensor-driven Insights: Soil moisture, rain, and other environmental factors are meticulously factored in for optimal water usage, ensuring every drop finds its perfect partner – the thirsty root.

Ramthal transcends a project; it is a beacon of hope showcasing how technology empowers farmers and revolutionizes agriculture. By fostering sustainable practices, boosting food security, and ensuring every drop counts, Jain Irrigation cultivates a brighter future for generations to come.

Beyond Buckets: The Drip Tech Making Waves


The arid plains of Jalgaon, India, paint a stark picture of water scarcity. Here, traditional irrigation methods with open canals and flow systems offer a lifeline, but one rife with inefficiencies and water wastage. Witnessing the daily struggles of farmers battling drought in this harsh landscape, Jain Irrigation was born. Driven by a deep commitment to local communities and a clear recognition of the global challenge of water scarcity, Jain Irrigation embarked on a mission to develop and implement sustainable irrigation technologies with far-reaching impact.

Jain Irrigation's engineers tackled the inherent inefficiencies head-on. Their ingenuity blossomed in the form of the Jain Integrated Irrigation Solution (JIIS), a revolutionary network leveraging pressurized pipe systems and micro-irrigation technology. This potent combination delivers water with laser-like precision directly to the roots of crops achieving a remarkable 89% efficiency, a significant leap from the meager 34% of traditional methods.

Jain Irrigation understood that water conservation alone wasn't enough. Recognizing the critical role of farmers in achieving sustainable food security, they designed their solutions not just for optimal water usage but also with user-friendliness and accessibility in mind. JIIS is accompanied by comprehensive training and support programs to empower farmers with the knowledge and tools they need to optimize yields and improve livelihoods. Through this holistic approach, Jain Irrigation transforms farmers from passive recipients of technology into active participants in building a more sustainable agricultural future.

The inspiration behind Jain Irrigation is a multifaceted tapestry. It is the arid spark of Jalgaon, a testament to local understanding; the global thirst for water security, driving a commitment to broader impact; the relentless pursuit of engineering ingenuity, fueling technological advancements; and the unwavering dedication to empowering farmers and recognizing their crucial role in the equation. This powerful blend continues to fuel their journey, ensuring that every drop saved resonates with a melody of sustainability, echoing across generations and nurturing a future where food security and responsible water management flourish in harmony.

Overall impact

In the sun-scorched arena of traditional irrigation, Jain Irrigation's Jain Integrated Irrigation Solution (JIIS) and Ramthal project pirouette onto the stage, their choreography a mesmerizing fusion of sustainability and efficiency. JIIS upends the script, reducing water consumption by a jaw-dropping 85% compared to its clunky predecessor, a standing ovation for SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and responsible water stewardship. This meticulous delivery of lifeblood whispers another melody - an 80% rise in crop yields, weaving a tapestry of food security that sings in harmony with SDG 2 (Zero Hunger). The symphony seamlessly modulates to a gentler tone, minimizing energy consumption through reduced pumping, a graceful ode to SDG 7 (Afforable and Clean Energy) and a lighter footprint on the planet.

JIIS's magic transcends mere hardware. Ramthal, India's glittering prima ballerina of IoT-powered micro-irrigation, pirouettes irrigation into a digital ballet. Farmers become empowered conductors, remotely orchestrating irrigation valves and data through a sophisticated web platform. Soil sensors and SCADA systems act as ever-vigilant co-producers, providing crucial real-time intelligence on pressure, flow, and environmental factors. This meticulous choreography ensures every precious drop finds its perfect partner – the thirsty root. Ramthal is not just a project; it is an empowerment concerto, equipping farmers with unprecedented control and data-driven insights to ultimately fortify rural communities and bolster incomes.

Jain Irrigation's innovation resonates far beyond fields. It is a powerful crescendo for a sustainable future where every drop counts, every yield flourishes, and every community thrives. Their groundbreaking solutions offer a compelling score for a future where agriculture and technology tango in perfect harmony, nurturing not just crops, but a planet and its people.

Business benefit

For Jain Irrigation, the seeds of business success bloomed not just from fertile fields, but from a revolutionary innovation - drip irrigation. This targeted watering system, a potent cocktail of environmental conscience and technological ingenuity, has blossomed into a multitude of business benefits.

Drip irrigation's crown jewel is its water-saving prowess, slashing consumption compared to traditional methods. This positions Jain Irrigation as a green champion, attracting environmentally responsible clients and boosting market share. Moreover, aligning with global sustainability goals enhances brand image and attracts talented employees who prioritize the planet.

This eco-conscious approach sprouts further opportunities. By offering IoT-based drip solutions, Jain Irrigation taps into a growing market seeking water-efficient technologies. New sectors like precision agriculture and landscaping blossom into fertile ground for expansion. Additionally, showcasing commitment to innovation attracts tech-savvy partners, fostering a dynamic culture and paving the way for future water-saving collaborations.

The benefits extend beyond market gains. Employees feel a sense of purpose participating in a project that promotes sustainability. The mission and success at Jain Irrigation boost morale and attract talented individuals who are passionate about the environment. Furthermore, implementing drip irrigation in local communities strengthens Jain Irrigation's social standing, builds trust, and opens doors for future collaborations.

In essence, drip irrigation is not just a watering system; it is a thriving business model. It nourishes the planet while nurturing prosperity, ensuring that each drop saved resonates with a melody of success, and echoes toward a sustainable future.

Social and environmental benefit

Jain Irrigation's innovative drip irrigation system, the Jain Integrated solution, is a technological marvel and a catalyst for positive change with far-reaching social and environmental benefits.

Environmental Champion:

  • Water Conservation Hero: At its core, drip irrigation champions water conservation. Its targeted delivery slashes consumption by a significant 52% compared to traditional methods. This translates to immense environmental advantages, alleviating pressure on stressed ecosystems and combating water scarcity, a growing concern in many regions.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Efficiency isn't limited to water. Boosting overall irrigation efficiency to 89% empowers farmers to cultivate more with less. This reduces water usage for pumping and transportation and minimizes the environmental footprint of agriculture.

Social Empowerment:

  • Farmer Prosperity: The benefits extend directly to farmers. Drip irrigation leads to a 147% increase in net income, empowering rural communities, fostering entrepreneurship, and strengthening local economies.
  • Community Flourishing: By promoting water conservation and boosting agricultural productivity, Jain Irrigation aligns with the UN SDGs, particularly SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation). This commitment to social responsibility enhances their brand image and contributes to a sustainable future for all.

Climate Resilience:

  • Adapting to Change: Climate change amplifies water scarcity, making efficient irrigation crucial. Jain's system equips communities to adapt to a drier future. Its water-saving prowess mitigates the risks associated with droughts and erratic rainfall patterns, fostering resilience in a changing climate.
  • Environmental Restoration: Minimized water waste and runoff reduce pollution and protect delicate ecosystems. This contributes to the restoration of natural habitats and promotes biodiversity, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.

In conclusion, Jain Irrigation's drip irrigation system transcends technology. It is a potent blend of environmental stewardship, social empowerment, and climate resilience working to cultivate a future where every drop counts for both people and the planet. Through innovation, Jain Irrigation is blossoming into a beacon of hope for a sustainable tomorrow.


Atin Kumar Tyagi, Senior Manager

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Jain Irrigations Systems Ltd

Jain Irrigations Systems Ltd

Jalgaon, Maharashtra, IN
Business Website: https://www.jains.com/
Year Founded: 1963
Number of Employees: 5001 to 10000

Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd, with a corporate mission to "Leave this world better than you found it," is a diversified entity with over one billion USD turnover. They have a global presence with 33 manufacturing bases spread over four continents. Their products are supplied to 126+ countries with assistance from 11,000+ dealers and distributors worldwide. The company has reached over 10 million farmers.