Tubby Robot

Better Work Practices Means Better Ice Cream

IMG 2523


Katherine Koestler

Katherine Koestler

Shaye Hermann

Shaye Hermann

Karleigh Bard-Marsh

Karleigh Bard-Marsh

Amanda Kinney

Amanda Kinney

Kristen Haeberle

Kristen Haeberle


Saint Joseph's University

Saint Joseph's University


David Steingard

David Steingard

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Tubby Robot Ice Cream Factory is a beloved local ice cream shop that prides itself on using locally sourced ingredients from nearby farms and suppliers. While committed to ensuring all groups are both welcome and safe as both employees Tubby Robot seeks to solve SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities and SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth, while advocating for underrepresented groups within a workplace, and also providing their employees with opportunities to flourish in the workplace.


Tubby Robot Ice Cream Factory has redefined the traditional ice cream business model by prioritizing supporting locally sourced ingredients and vendors, community engagement, and diversity in the workplace. Since its opening in 2017, Tubby Robot has been a pioneer in the artisanal ice cream industry, specializing in homemade delights, specialty-crafted sundaes, and wholesome gaming experiences. What sets Tubby Robot apart is its unwavering commitment to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within its workforce, setting a benchmark for employment practices within its business.

By sourcing ingredients locally, Tubby Robot not only ensures the freshness and quality of its products but also has been doing things to align with several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. Most notably, Tubby Robot's emphasis on using locally sourced ingredients contributes directly to SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. By supporting local farmers and producers, the company fosters economic development within its community, creating jobs and promoting sustainable livelihoods. Additionally, Tubby Robot pays a wage more than twice that required displaying their commitment to providing decent work for the community. Furthermore, Tubby Robot's commitment to promoting DEI within its workplace not only enriches the company culture but also supports concepts outlined in SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. By prioritizing fair employment practices and providing equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of background or identity, Tubby Robot is setting an example for businesses striving to create inclusive and equitable work environments. Through its innovative approach to ice cream production and its dedication to social and environmental responsibility, Tubby Robot Ice Cream Factory is not only satisfying its customers with its delicious treats but also creating a more sustainable and equal community.

Better Work Practices Means Better Ice Cream


Chris reached a point in his career where he was ready for a new job. He and his wife, Kelly, received two at-home ice cream machines as wedding gifts. After about a year or so of letting them sit, Kelly mentioned to Chris that they should try them out. The first batch of ice cream was not a success, but Chris was determined to make it work. He had many attempts using both of the ice cream machines making new batches every night. After much trial and error, Chris finally hit the sweet spot and started making delicious batches of ice cream. To help with the learning process of how to make this dessert, Chris took a seminar class with Malcolm Stogo. Taking this class from the creator of the popular cookies and cream flavor and president of Ice Cream University, Chris gained valuable knowledge to guide him through this process. Chris mentioned that the “guiding star for our business is to make delicious ice cream” and “we want to make the best ice cream we can”. As someone who grew up loving ice cream and having a newfound passion for making it, Chris leaped to turn this into a business. Coming from a computer programming background, Chris also has a love for video games. The combination of his new ice cream-making skills and interest in video games led to the creation of Tubby Robot. Chris values ongoing experimentation regarding ice cream to see how things sell and how people talk about them.

Overall impact

As diversity, equity, and inclusion have been playing a more prevalent role in our lives, the need for businesses to align with these values is vital as well. After significant movements like Black Lives Matter and #Metoo, many customers and workers alike are seeking out businesses that apply these concepts to their standard practices. In the heart of Manayunk, PA, Tubby Robot’s location alone fosters an environment for a DEI company. This neighborhood is especially LGBTQIA+ friendly, where many rainbow flags can be seen hanging outside of the establishments on Main Street as well as the rainbow umbrellas display lining Gay Street. As President of the Manayunk Development Corporation, Chris is very involved with the community.

Tubby Robot’s commitment to aligning with DEI values is shown in various ways throughout their business practices. For example, they always provide a dairy-free option for ice cream. This ensures that even those who do not consume dairy have options for them to eat the ice cream as well. As far as employees, Tubby Robot has a non-discrimination act in their employee handbook. Going along with this, they conduct analyses of their job descriptions to make sure the language and requirements of them are inclusive and equitable. Chris mentioned the importance of not counting anyone out based on their looks. Tubby Robot is led by an individual from an underrepresented racial/ethnic minority, and almost half of their employees identify as women. They foster a welcoming environment that creates a healthy employee culture. These practices have both short-term effects like pleasing customers as well as long-term effects such as promoting a comfortable work environment that do not go unnoticed. It is through their commitment to decent work that they can provide an even better experience for their customers.

Business benefit

One of the ways that decent work benefits Tubby Robot is by attracting employees who share the same values and needs when it comes to being in a work environment. Their consistency in ensuring that their employees are offered a working environment that is beneficial and inclusive gives Tubby Robot a leg up in both the hiring process as well as an overall more consistent timeline of the employees staying with the company. While ensuring decent work, Tubby Robot also succeeds in providing opportunities for economic growth for their employees while working for the company as well. During the hiring process, applicants can see the work environment they are entering, and how it offers an inclusive work environment where they can thrive in the future. Also, with these practices in place, the employees can feel comfortable in the workplace and not worry about being discriminated against, financial burdens, or insufficient working environments, overall contributing to the well-being of the employees. When you are more comfortable at work, you can be more productive. Interactions with customers are also better when employees create a welcoming environment. Having this inclusive and well-suited company culture leads to employee retention. When people enjoy what they are doing, it makes them more likely to stay.

While their employees share similar values, Tubby Robot practicing DEI fosters a diverse workforce. Bringing together people from different age groups and backgrounds enables them to have a unique mix of individuals. When it comes to making decisions and other business processes, having different perspectives can be beneficial, ultimately fostering this concept of a decent work environment. This type of work environment enhances the creativity within these processes which leads to more thoughtful solutions. To add to this, being diverse goes hand in hand with everyone having their strengths and weaknesses. Where one person may be lacking, another person may be excelling. This promotes personal growth as they can learn from each other and be constantly improving.

Social and environmental benefit

Tubby Robot does a lot in both the environmental and societal aspects of business. The business is known to be very environmentally friendly and continues to try to benefit the community of Manayunk, as well as society as a whole. In terms of their environmental benefits, Tubby Robot takes notice of the little things. They made small changes such as switching from plastic cups to paper, and consistently participating in small acts such as recycling. Though they seem like simple deeds, they have a great impact on the environment and society; sadly, most businesses overlook aspects like this, but not Tubby Robot. They also have a strong minimal waste system. Chris reported that Tubby Robot only takes out about a bag of trash a day; that is an extremely small amount of waste for a food industry business. Even employees have stated it is one of the kitchens that produce the least amount of waste - based on their experiences.

Socially, Chris is incredibly involved in the Manayunk community and has a real passion for social change. He stated how he is currently trying to establish a deal with SEPTA - allowing him the opportunity to provide his employees with SEPTA cards, free of charge. The purpose of this is to encourage public transportation and stop the usage of gas vehicles; cards can be used for trolleys, trains, and buses. He would rather incur that cost than have his employees spend their own money on environmentally toxic things such as carbon emissions. They also encourage economic growth by boosting local suppliers; 60% of expenses are spent on those local distributors.

Outside of Tubby Robot, Chris continues to push the need for social change and stability. He is currently in his 2nd term as the President of Manayunk Development Corporation. In this position, he collaborates with other Manayunk businesses to support each other. This corporation also keeps Manayunk accountable, ensuring that all businesses can run without struggling. Chris said that he wants to “Make changes that help the planet but don’t hurt the product experience”. Through the changes he has made, and the changes he plans to make, he will continue to benefit both the environment and society.


Chris Maguire, Founder

Business information

Tubby Robot

Tubby Robot

Philadelphia, PA, US
Business Website: https://www.tubbyrobot.com/
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 2 to 10
Tubby Robot is an ice cream shop located in Manayunk, PA. Founded in 2016, Chris Maguire and Steve Wright Jr. created the company based on a combination of their interests. Tubby Robot fosters a unique experience with homemade ice cream and interactive video games.