LaFabrica Craft Pvt Ltd

A Step towards Biodegradable


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Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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LaFabrica Craft introduces an innovative approach to crafting a sustainable future by specializing in the design, research, development, and distribution of biodegradable packaging and products. The business stands out by utilizing eco-friendly, certified, and plastic-free packaging materials. These comprehensive packaging solutions are available to several industries: Food and Beverage, Shipping and Labels, and Fashion and Textiles.


La Fabrica Craft Ltd's innovation revolves around pioneering eco-friendly and sustainable packaging solutions made from biodegradable materials. They focus on replacing conventional plastic with natural, bio-based alternatives to minimize environmental impact and promote a circular economy. Below are some key aspects of their innovative approach.

Materials :

Biodegradable alternatives: They explore and utilize a variety of biodegradable materials like banana peels, cow dung paper, and agricultural waste to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and plastic.

Locally sourced: La Fabrica prioritizes sourcing materials locally whenever possible to support local communities and reduce carbon footprint.

Customization: They offer customized packaging solutions based on specific needs, ensuring compatibility with various products and industries.

Product Development :

Design R&D: La Fabrica has a dedicated design and research & development team that continuously innovates new biodegradable materials and packaging formats.

Patenting and Transferable Solutions: They actively work on patenting their inventions and making them available for licensing to encourage broader adoption of eco-friendly packaging.

Prototyping and Testing: Before large-scale production, they create prototypes and conduct thorough testing to ensure the performance and functionality of their packaging solutions.

Impact :

Plastic Pollution: By replacing plastic with biodegradable materials, La Fabrica significantly reduces plastic waste and its harmful environmental consequences.

Sustainable Practices: Their focus on local sourcing, low-carbon production, and responsible waste management promotes a more sustainable approach to packaging.

Circular Economy: La Fabrica's solutions contribute to a circular economy by utilizing renewable resources and encouraging composting or biodegradation of packaging materials.

Examples of Innovations:

Bio-pouches: Durable and compostable pouches made from banana peels and agricultural waste.

Humble Bags: Eco-friendly shopping bags made from cow dung paper, a unique and sustainable material.

Billboard Flex: Biodegradable alternatives to traditional plastic billboard flex for outdoor advertising.

A Step towards Biodegradable


LaFabrica Craft began with an architect's dream to make a difference not by building grand structures, but by rethinking a simple everyday item - the paper bag. Sachin Gangadharan, the founder of La Fabrica Craft, saw an opportunity to weave sustainability into our daily lives through something we often take for granted.

Sachin noticed that paper bags hadn't changed much since the 20th century. He set out to challenge the status quo by designing a unique bag that didn't need glue to hold it together. This wasn't just a visual change; it was a commitment to sustainability and a belief that even small things can make a big impact. The journey to create this innovative bag wasn't easy. It took countless experiments and a willingness to learn from his mistakes. But, Sachin was driven by the belief that if we can reimagine something as common as a paper bag, we can spark broader changes for a healthier planet.

La Fabrica Craft is more than just a bag company. It's a reminder that even the smallest steps can lead to a more sustainable future. Sachin's never-before-seen design proves that innovation and eco-consciousness go hand-in-hand, and it offers a glimpse into a world where even the ordinary becomes extraordinary in its impact on our planet.

Sachin's commitment to learning and improvement didn't end with one successful design though. He's dedicated to exploring new ways to create plastic-free, eco-friendly products that make a difference. La Fabrica Craft stands as a testament to the power of everyday choices in shaping a greener future.

Overall impact

Overall Impact of La Fabrica Craft's Innovation

La Fabrica Craft's focus on biodegradable packaging design and distribution has the potential to create a significant positive impact across various environmental, social, and economic spheres. Below is a breakdown of the potential short-term and long-term impacts.

Short-Term Impacts:

Reduced plastic pollution: La Fabrica Craft's biodegradable packaging replaces plastic, directly decreasing plastic waste generation and its harmful effects on ecosystems and human health. This can lead to cleaner oceans, improved soil quality, and reduced plastic pollution in landfills.

Increased consumer awareness: Their products raise awareness about the environmental impact of plastic packaging and encourage consumers to make more sustainable choices. This can drive demand for eco-friendly alternatives and put pressure on other businesses to adopt similar practices.

Economic opportunities: Local production of their materials creates job opportunities in communities, boosts local economies, and fosters sustainable livelihoods.

Long-Term Impacts :

Shift towards sustainable packaging: La Fabrica Craft's innovation can contribute to a broader shift in the packaging industry towards more sustainable practices. This could lead to widespread adoption of biodegradable materials and a reduction in overall reliance on plastic.

Improved environmental health: Reduced plastic pollution can have long-term positive effects on ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. This includes cleaner air and water, improved biodiversity, and reduced exposure risk to harmful microplastics.

Circular economy: La Fabrica Craft's focus on natural and readily available materials aligns with the principles of a circular economy. This means designing packaging that can be easily composted or recycled, minimizing waste, and promoting resource efficiency.

Evidence of Impact:

Customer adoption: Several businesses have already adopted La Fabrica Craft's packaging solutions, demonstrating the market demand for sustainable alternatives.

Awards and recognition: The company has received awards and recognition for its innovative approach to packaging, such as the Ashden Awards and the Indian Sustainability Awards.

Media coverage: La Fabrica Craft has been featured in various media outlets, raising public awareness about their work and the issue of plastic pollution.

Business benefit

LaFabrica Craft's innovation offers tangible benefits to businesses by providing cost-effective and scalable solutions. The focus on safe and secure materials ensures product quality, meeting global standards and certifications. This not only enhances the brand's reputation but also positions it as a leader in environmentally conscious practices and attracts eco-conscious consumers. For example, they supplied their books to the G20 delegation in Goa. They also have two patented designs where they use paper crafts without glue, which allows them to grow their business.

Social and environmental benefit

La Fabrica Craft's innovation of biodegradable packaging has the potential to benefit society in a multitude of ways across environmental, social, and economic spheres. Here's a breakdown of the positive impacts.


Reduced plastic pollution: Biodegradable packaging replaces plastic, directly decreasing plastic waste generation and its harmful effects on ecosystems and human health. This can lead to cleaner oceans, improved soil quality, and reduced plastic pollution in landfills.

Increased awareness: La Fabrica Craft's products raise awareness about the environmental impact of plastic and glue-dependent packaging and encourage consumers to make more sustainable choices. This can drive demand for eco-friendly alternatives and put pressure on other businesses to adopt similar practices.

Improved environmental health: Reduced plastic pollution can have long-term positive effects on ecosystems, wildlife, and human health. This includes cleaner air and water, improved biodiversity, and reduced risk of exposure to harmful microplastics.

Circular economy: La Fabrica Craft's focus on natural and readily available materials aligns with the principles of a circular economy. This means designing packaging that can be easily composted or recycled, minimizing waste, and promoting resource efficiency.


Economic opportunities: Local production of biodegradable materials creates job opportunities in communities, boosts local economies, and fosters sustainable livelihoods.

Healthier communities: Reduced plastic pollution can lead to cleaner environments and improved public health outcomes. This is especially beneficial for communities living near landfills or plastic production facilities.


Cost savings: Biodegradable packaging can, in some cases, be more cost-effective than traditional plastic packaging in the long run, due to factors like reduced waste disposal costs and potential government incentives for sustainable practices.

Market growth: The growing demand for eco-friendly products creates new business opportunities for companies like La Fabrica Craft, which stimulates innovation and economic growth in the green sector overall.


Sachin Gangadharan, Founder

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

LaFabrica Craft Pvt Ltd

LaFabrica Craft Pvt Ltd

Goa, Goa, IN
Year Founded: 2013
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

LaFabrica Craft embodies a commitment to crafting a sustainable and eco-friendly future. The company emphasizes biodegradability, recyclability, and low carbon footprint in its conscientious approach toward the environment. The company's name itself suggests a focus on craftsmanship and production, perhaps hinting at the meticulous care and attention to detail put into creating biodegradable products and technology. LaFabrica Craft is more than a business; it's a vision for a world where innovation and sustainability go hand in hand.