Welcome to the AIM2Flourish Businesses page, where you will the find 1,300+ positive, profitable businesses listed that students have interviewed for their stories. Every one of these businesses is positive, profitable and also helps achieve one or more of the UN Global Goals.
Business Industry: Manufacturing
Business Location: Auckland, NZ
Will & Able is a social…
Business Industry: Manufacturing
Business Location: Buenos Aires, Buenos AIres, AR
Animaná is an example of how…
Business Industry: Agriculture & Fishing
Business Location: Bogotá D.C, Cundinamarca, CO
EQUIORI aporta a "la…
Business Industry: Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Business Location: Bogotá, Bogotá D.C., CO
HoyTrabajas was born on 2018,…
Business Industry: Manufacturing
Business Location: Bogotá, Cundinamarca, CO
When discussing products made…
Business Industry: Hospitality
Business Location: Tehuacán, Puebla, MX
BioFan es un tour operadora…
Business Industry: Other
Business Location: Bogotá, Bogotá, CO
Auros Copias is a document…
Business Industry: Other
Business Location: Yopal, Casanare, CO
Somos Ámala inició en el 2018…
Business Industry: Other
Business Location: Bogotá, Cundinamarca & Bogotá D.C, CO
"With more than 135 years…