TAYO Sustainable Strategies and Creative Consultancy

Youth Creativity for Corporate Sustainability

Untitled design


Marcus Angelo Ragaza

Marcus Angelo Ragaza

Paolo Abad Santos

Paolo Abad Santos

Jenie Añonuevo

Jenie Añonuevo

John Matthew Dy

John Matthew Dy

Ralph Dylan Wu

Ralph Dylan Wu


De La Salle University Manila

De La Salle University Manila


Pia Manalastas

Pia Manalastas

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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TAYO is a change agency that innovates design for sustainability and creativity, focusing on branding, educational campaigns, and ESG consulting. Partnering with organisations like UNICEF and Save the Children, TAYO implements sustainable practices aligned with SDGs, such as funding education projects in Siargao (SDG 4: Quality Education) and promoting responsible consumption (SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production). Their initiatives positively impact communities by providing opportunities (SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth), supporting sustainable cities (SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities), and fostering partnerships (SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals).


TAYO Sustainable Strategies & Creative Consultancy, co-founded by sisters Bella and Tasha Tanjucto, is revolutionising corporate sustainability and branding in the Philippines through their innovative "Youth-Centric ESG Consulting" model. This unique approach combines culturally rooted branding with sustainability consulting led by young professionals, addressing a critical gap between youth initiatives and corporate actions on sustainability issues. The innovation emerged from the founders' experiences running their NGO, Kids for Kids, where they noticed a disconnect between youth interests and corporate sustainability efforts. As Bella Tanjucto explains, "We kind of like inserting creative education into different nature-based solutions, and so kind of giving them that perspective." The first aspect of their innovation focuses on integrating authentic Filipino culture into branding strategies, ensuring local traditions are at the forefront of brand narratives. The second aspect involves providing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) consulting services from a youth perspective, offering corporations fresh insights from the generation most affected by current environmental and social challenges.

The impact of TAYO's innovative approach is already evident in their work with major corporations like SMART (the Philippines’ leading wireless provider), where a simple social media campaign evolved into a comprehensive program addressing the online sexual exploitation of children. This exemplifies how their youth-centric, culturally sensitive approach can transform corporate initiatives into meaningful, community-focused actions. TAYO's mission aligns closely with UN Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 4 (Quality Education). Bella notes, "A lot of people don't think that a bunch of like college kids would know a lot, so it's a unique perspective." This fresh perspective precisely represents what sets TAYO apart in the consulting world. Looking to the future, TAYO aims to expand its innovative model across the Philippines and potentially abroad, continually amplifying youth perspectives in corporate sustainability efforts. By combining cultural authenticity with youth-led sustainability consulting, TAYO is not just bridging a gap – they're creating a new paradigm for how businesses can simultaneously approach sustainability and cultural relevance, proving that profit, purpose, and artistic integrity can go hand in hand in the modern business world.

Youth Creativity for Corporate Sustainability

Where. Sustainability. Meets. Creativity.


Upon identifying a gap in the education system in the Philippines, the founders took proactive steps to address it. During the COVID-19 pandemic, their observation that young people needed more exposure to environmental issues and solutions at an early age led them to organise Zoom conferences with environmental lawyers and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). This initiative aimed to create 'creative educational outlets' and materials, such as posters and graphics, to help the youth better understand and engage with environmental and government-related topics.

Through their collaborative efforts, the founders came to a significant realization. They recognized the disconnect between the youth's engagement with critical topics and their understanding of professional opportunities. This was evident when organizations and companies often contacted their youth-led initiative, 'Kids for Kids,' to assist with their campaigns. However, the founders, high-school students at that time, were unaware that their work could generate income. This recognition of a gap in knowledge and the youth's eagerness to learn about environmental and governmental issues inspired the establishment of TAYO as a platform to address this need.

Recognising a gap in knowledge and the youth's eagerness to learn about environmental and governmental issues, the founders were inspired to establish TAYO as a platform to address this need. They saw it as an opportunity to provide the youth with a more comprehensive understanding of these topics, empowering them to actively participate in shaping the future of our country. More than that, when organisations or companies approach TAYO seeking assistance with marketing, branding, or campaigns, the team ensures a clear plan for follow-up action. Many corporations can fall into the trap of "greenwashing" - making claims without substantive initiatives. TAYO aims to guide these clients towards concrete, sustainable actions that align with their stated goals, recognising that some may need more support to engage directly with youth due to the fear of criticism or confrontation. As such, TAYO facilitates intergenerational partnerships, where the corporate and youth sectors can work collaboratively to enact meaningful change and communicate effectively on relevant issues.

TAYO has evolved beyond its initial educational focus, expanding into sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) consulting and auditing services. Notably, the organisation has made a concerted effort to incorporate local Philippine culture and identity into its branding and marketing work rather than relying solely on Western influences.

"We were the token youth in these events, and what we found lacking was the gap between what the youth was doing, what they wanted to learn, and what experts were doing at more official levels."

"It was about inserting creative education into different nature-based solutions and giving them that perspective, and so it turned into a creative consultancy, and then we added the sustainability aspect because that's what many clients were asking for."

- Ms. Isabella Tanjutco

Overall impact

"It's not hard to kind of support our local communities." Despite its awaiting formal launch targeted by the end of the year, TAYO has already worked with well-renowned organisations and businesses (i.e., UNICEF, Save the Children, SMART PLDT, and others) and served clients that procured significant impact on various communities. For a company co-pioneered by a group of high school students in 2018, Bella described that their first few meetings with adults and professionals made them seem like the "token youth" and that their purpose was limited to thought. However, in the later part of the interview, Bella's perspective seemed to have changed as she described later professional conversations as a "collaborative client experience" instead of a transactional one. "It's not just like adults speaking to adults; it's like youth speaking to adults," she debunked the notion that the youth is powerless. True enough, TAYO can live up to what it stands for.

Though classified as a for-profit organisation, the company conducts its operations with a stakeholder-centric approach. In the societal aspect, the company allocates a percentage of its income to its prior-founded organisation, Kids for Kids Ph, where it secured permission from the Department of Education (DepEd) to fund a school in Siargao privately. Moreover, their innovative services paved the way for reading of the financing programs in Taliya, the first small island to win a reading literacy award.

Regarding the environment, TAYO is looking at integrating a "take-back system" with a client from the food industry. Amplifying their ESG consulting services, Bella sheds light on the shift to sustainable packaging taking effect in the "amount of plastics recycled, that waste, and the [number] of products that are created with their waste," redefining the essence of a means to an end. Besides that, TAYO's mindset on maintaining lasting partnerships parallels its impact on communities. One example that Bella shared was an initiative requested by SMART to make 12,000 Christmas gift bags for a partner community during the pandemic. TAYO was able to scout for a small village where they were employed and were able to produce the requested goods from discarded sacks. The gift bags from the initiative did not only impact SMART's partner community but also the employed village. "...when we were able to visit the community finally, they were super happy because they told us that because [we] employed the whole village, [they were] able to have a proper Noche Buena over the pandemic." It was as if the 12,000 gift bags multiplied, extending the Christmas spirit to the homes of the employed village.

Business benefit

"...and so that's how we birthed Tayo into being that hub to create the missing link with what these corporations were doing, which was already kind of what the youth was doing."

"...we also discovered a lack of culture within the local branding and all aspects of it… but making, seeing that you can let your identity stand out, like the Philippine culture, is what Tayo does."

- Ms. Isabella Tanjutco

TAYO's business benefits are diverse, from innovative and culturally rooted branding to youthful and dynamic perspectives and strong client relationships. The unique way in which TAYO operates, gaining insights from the senior generation, such as corporations, the government, and the youth, positions them uniquely. This crucial benefit allows TAYO to bridge gaps between the youth, the government, and corporations, addressing the disconnect with their educational programs and campaigns. Their sustainable business model not only generates profit but also creates a positive social and environmental impact on the community, inspiring hope for a better future.

With its wide range of offerings, TAYO has established itself as an innovative firm that companies and clients can rely on. Their ESG consulting and auditing services provide deep insights, building customer trust and loyalty. Through their creative consultancy with a sustainability aspect, they can insert creative education into nature-based solutions, aligning with their advocacies. Their multiple teams around the Philippines keep them updated and well-connected, allowing them to connect more giant corporations with smaller communities for potential projects and campaigns. This ability to connect and bridge different groups reassures clients that their projects will be well-managed and successful, avoiding greenwashing.

Social and environmental benefit

"We were able to find a community that we used to work with, who make bags out of rice sacks, and we were able to employ the whole village during the pandemic to make all 12,000 gift bags for a SMART initiative."

- Ms. Isabella Tanjutco

Building on their partnership with SMART, Isabella's statement above portrayed how TAYO could utilise its partnership with local communities for a business venture. This venture, in turn, led to the local community in the village being able to support themselves throughout the pandemic due to the financial assistance that TAYO provided. The organisation's initiatives span various societal and environmental issues, demonstrating a comprehensive approach to sustainability. Collaborating with SMART, a leading telecommunications company, UNICEF, and Save the Children, they've also implemented comprehensive programs to combat online sexual exploitation of children in high-risk communities. This initiative involved developing educational materials, funding community centres and monitoring equipment, and conducting ongoing follow-up programs.

Our educational programs are designed to bridge the gap between youth interests and government policies, making environmental laws more accessible. These initiatives have successfully instilled eco-consciousness in island communities, promoting waste reduction and recycling. Our educational support extends to building typhoon-resistant schools in disaster-affected areas and funding literacy programs that have achieved notable success. We are also working with clients in the food industry to advance sustainable business practices, develop environmentally friendly packaging solutions, and implement recycling systems. Through these diverse efforts and partnerships, we are driving positive change across various sectors and communities in the Philippines, addressing immediate needs and long-term sustainability goals.


Isabella Tanjutco, Co-founder

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

TAYO Sustainable Strategies and Creative Consultancy

TAYO Sustainable Strategies and Creative Consultancy

Manila, Metro Manila, PH
Business Website: https://tayo.com.ph/
Year Founded: 2018
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

"Tayo" in Filipino means "us" or "we," signifying unity and togetherness. TAYO is a community of friends who continuously cultivate creative solutions and sustainable strategies, always taking a global perspective rooted in local culture and tradition. Embracing the Filipino value of Bayanihan (the tradition of communal unity and cooperation), they foster a spirit of collective effort and mutual support among their clients and communities. Grounded by their ABCs—advocating awareness, building brands, and creating content through research—they aim to redesign and redefine how our world works. They envision building a barangay (a close-knit local community) for people and the planet, authentically connecting you to the next generation of world leaders, dreamers, and thinkers.