Sambito: Soluciones Ambientales Totales

Your Tires Have a Future

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Tires are among the most common plastic pollutants on the planet, a 2017 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, it was estimated that this artifact represents up to 10% of the total microplastics present in the world's seas, a year later the percentage increased 28%.

As part of a solution to this problem, since 2018 more than three million tires have been recycled in Ecuador, in an initiative that seeks to reuse used tires, so that they do not become another waste, seriously affecting the environment. Seginus is behind this initiative, starring in the first collective system that articulates the used tire recycling chain, committed so that the tire cycle does not end, guaranteeing its subsequent use in the creation of products with a positive value and generates a positive social, economic and environmental impact.


One of the big problems with the disposal of thousands of tires is that they are not handled correctly and they remain piled up in a landfill. The most serious thing is the burning of them. The gases produced in this process are toxic and can be carcinogenic. In Ecuador, it is estimated that more than 4.5 million tires are sold. And the person who buys one does not always make sure that when disposing of it they have a final process that does not affect the environment.

The Seginus initiative by Sambito Group is in charge of the integral management of end-of-life tires in Ecuador, through a collective system that optimizes a series of actions in the management process. In Seginus, they articulate the used tire management chain through its adhered members at the national level. This is how the Transportation Managers collect the used tires and They give them to Utilization Managers so that they can give a second life to the End of life tires (NFU). It is the first collective system, which articulates the used tire recycling chain, committed so that the tire cycle does not end, transforming them into energy, floors, material for craftsmen, among others. Seginus promote the technical cycles of the circular economy. The collection is done through the Intelligent Platform web application Sustainable Traceability Pits. For each reused tire we produce houses or beds for pets (material for craftsmen), rubber mats to cover gyms, raw material to make walls or use it in cogeneration of energy, are among the uses.

Segnius has recycled 539,881 tires outside of use in the 571 generation points of the city, contributing to the great objective: an Ecuador free of end-of-life tires. This type of joint generates large benefits to citizens since public health is safeguarded, preventing the accumulation of water in used tires becomes a focus of breeding sites for mosquitoes and other diseases. Thus marking the way to the construction of cities sustainable.

Your Tires Have a Future


"All great stories begin with a first step, ours was to study different models of circular economy worldwide and adapt it to the reality of Ecuador," explains Jacinto Monserrate. For this reason, the initiative is born and in charge of managing the comprehensive management of used tires; that is, articulate the chain of management of public-private actors. It is Seginus, the Ecuadorian System for the Comprehensive Management of Used Tires.

The process begins with the request made by the generation point on the PITS platform and the information arrives. The updated data of the carrier is sent and then taken to the person responsible for use. It is classified according to the destination by distance, quantity, etc. All this process, he assures, is carried out under logistical standards and professionally supervised processes. They consider that the estimated time of the process is fast, in which more than 2,500 points are connected in real time with the authorized managers, the connection and the intelligent platform allows to meet the requirement in less than 24 hours.

Overall impact

Since 2018, more than three million tires have been recycled in Ecuador, as part of the initiative that seeks to seriously affect the environment. Seginus has managed to reduce 73,370.4 tons of CO2, which is equivalent to 795 cars stop circulate for 1 year by recycling 2 million the End of life tires (NFU).

In Seginus they articulate the used tire management chain through its Adhered members at the national level. This is how the transportation managers collect the used tires, and they give them to utilization managers so that they can give a second life to the the End of life tires (NFU).

In addition, through the pyrolysis process the consumption of 1 million is replaced gallons of fossil fuels, likewise through the cogeneration process of energy in cement kilns saves the consumption of 3,697,400 liters of oil to national level, in this way it contributes to the conservation of the Natural Capital of the planet.

Business benefit

Sambito receives a fee for the representation and administration of Seginus. The main objective of Seginus is the reinvestment of profits in its operation. Seginus contributes with environmental education the 52 weeks of the year, training citizens committed to their environment and the responsible management of their waste. Currently it offers an internship program called Last Mile, which, in addition to helping in the process of collecting used tires, provide training in the different generation points of the Ecuadorian provinces.

This system brings together a group of companies, which represents 80% of the country's tire market. Its role is to articulate the entire end-of-life tire management chain and for this it will operate through 1000 points of sale. "The idea is to change the paradigm of taking, making and discarding, for a circular economy that helps the environment," Explains Jacinto.

Social and environmental benefit

In its almost three years of operation, the company has recycled more than three million tires nationwide. It has 25 suppliers between conveyor and utilization managers, as well as 2,800 collection points. Of these, 25% correspond to the sector of the popular and solidarity economy. The company has agreements with producers and importers nationwide, covering 75% of the country's market

Seginus also has the support of other state portfolios such as the Ministry of Health, Decentralized Autonomous Governments, Ministry of Education, Senescyt, among others. The objective is to fully articulate the issue of recycling in various areas of society.


Jacinto José Monserrate Godoy, Director

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

Sambito: Soluciones Ambientales Totales

Sambito: Soluciones Ambientales Totales

Guayaquil, Guayas, EC
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2002
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Sambito is a company founded in 2002 with the aim of working for the sustainability of the planet. It offers environmental solutions to companies and organizations for reducing ecological footprint and developing sustainable businesses. These solutions include consulting, environmental and technological projects such as: environmental studies, eco-projects, green events and representations of ecological products and brands.