Sustaina Grow

Wool, the ultimate renewable resource

Hammond 58


Kirsten Clark

Kirsten Clark


University of Otago

University of Otago


Joe Cooper

Joe Cooper

Global Goals

2. Zero Hunger 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 14. Life Below Water 15. Life on Land

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Sustaina Grow produces quality garden products out of organic wool including tree guards, grow pots, and wool mulch. Their products are an environmentally friendly alternative to synthetic equivalents currently being used throughout the growing industry and help to reduce the use of petrochemicals and micro plastics in horticulture, while increasing nutrient levels in the soil as they break down. This innovation aligns with several of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's) with products that provide resilient agricultural practices which improve land and soil quality (SDG 15), prevent erosion and aid in sediment control, in turn protecting waterways from harmful pollutants and microplastics (SDG 14 & 6). Sustaina Grow is a local business, making an impact in the growing industry and has potential to not only combat climate change (SDG 13), but to also adapt to its impacts (SDG 2).


Rita Hammond, founder and CEO of Sustaina Grow, her husband Dave, and three small children, live on their sheep and beef farm on the foothills of Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand. Rita routinely used the off cuts of wool after their sheep were shorn, on her garden for things such as water retention, weed suppression and plant protection from pests and frost. Rita describes wool as the “ultimate renewable resource” as sheep grow wool continuously, but for good health and well-being of the animal, the fleece must be shorn. The positive impacts wool had on Rita’s own garden were obvious to her, and it was while on maternity leave from her teaching career it occurred to her that she was only able to use the wool because she was fortunate enough to have access to it, so why not make it accessible to others. Sustaina Grow produces organic wool gardening products, suitable for use in horticulture, home gardening, building or landscape projects. Their products, including tree guards, grow bags and mulch matting are an alternative to products currently being used in the growing industry which are made of either plastic or cardboard. This innovative solution to reducing plastics used in the growing industry is a sustainable and efficient use of a natural resource (SDG 12). The products themselves, over time, biodegrade and through this process, provide a natural fertilizer which enriches the soil with essential elements, helping to maintain the ecosystem and improve soil quality (SDG 2). Sustaina Grow mulch mats are also being used for soil erosion and sediment control to prevent sediment run off from entering natural waterways and safeguard water quality (SDG 6 & 14) as well as protect habitats for native species (SDG 2). This eco-friendly solution for erosion and sediment control is a valuable tool for adapting to climate change as the frequency and intensity of weather events, in particular heavy rainfalls are projected to increase, putting strain on riverbanks and coastal areas (SDG 13 & 15).

Wool, the ultimate renewable resource


Rita’s passion for her product and its purpose is clear when speaking to her. The gravity of climate change and the impact it will have on the farming industry and their community is not lost on her. She has a deep understanding of the wool industry and how important a strong industry is to farming communities. As the business has grown, there has been a need to source wool from different farms. Rita is passionate about building a strong wool industry in New Zealand and Sustaina Grow supports better farm gate returns for sheep farmers, so they can afford to continue to do what they’re doing. She states, “We need farms to produce food, but if farmers aren’t getting paid what they need to run a farm, they’re only going to be turned into more forestry units.” She is aware of the impact this has on farming communities, acknowledging that with the increase of forestry units replacing farmland, communities are decreasing in size, resulting in things like school closures which has further negative impacts to the local communities.

Rita’s children play a large role in the story of Sustaina Grow. When asked who is responsible for the idea she says, “Just me and my three kids.” Her husband Dave is a great support, and she jokes that if they were to have titles in the business, she would be CEO and he would be Chief Operating officer. The family flair to the business compliments their goals, with an awareness of what impact climate change will have on the future generation. Rita acknowledges that “Farmers see themselves as guardians of the land. They’re there to look after it for the next generation.”

When asked what gives her motivation she replies with a goal, “To interrupt 40% of plastic use in the horticulture industry!” These aspirations may seem ambitious, but when she talks about them it’s hard not to believe she will achieve them.

Overall impact

The overall impact of Sustaina Grows innovative products can be seen in the environment. Short term the products are doing what they are designed to do, things such as maintain hydration in soil, protection of plants from pests and adverse weather, maintaining temperature for a seedling, and help with erosion and sediment control. These short-term effects are mainly observed by the customers, who show their appreciation for the product with their continued business. For example, vineyard owners reduce their need for herbicides due to the weed suppression the mulch mat provides, the vines don’t have to compete with weeds for nutrients and water, so their growth and productivity is improved, which translates into higher quality grapes and exceptional wines.

With Rita’s goal of reducing the use of plastics in the horticultural industry by 40%, arguably the most significant impact of the business is the reduction of plastic usage in horticulture, which aligns with global efforts to minimize plastic waste and pollution.

The business's profitability within just two years of operation speaks volumes about the market demand for eco-friendly gardening solutions. Not only is it providing consumers with effective and natural alternatives, but it's also demonstrating the economic viability of environmentally conscious practices. This success paves the way for more businesses to follow suit, encouraging a shift towards sustainable practices in the gardening and horticulture sectors. Overall, this business is not just about making profits; it's about cultivating a greener future for the planting industry while addressing pressing environmental concerns.

Business benefit

Sustaina Grow has shown tremendous growth in the two years since the company started. Initially just Rita and Dave, they now employ three staff members and are looking to recruit a fourth. Rita speaks highly of her staff and is grateful for the skills and knowledge they bring to their roles. She recalled a quote that had stuck with her, “strong relationships make strong economies.” The team work hard to form those strong relationships, with suppliers, customers, and staff to really strive for a strong, sustainable economy in New Zealand. Having a strong relationship with other sheep farmers is good for business. Initially the product was made just from the wool sourced from Rita and Dave’s own heard, but as demand increased, there became a need to source wool from different farms around the region.

As the business evolves, the team have continued to develop solutions for the battle against plastic through harnessing the unique properties of wool. The product line has expanded to provide solutions for vineyards, planting projects and even builders wool. Rita is enthusiastic about her product and by listening to her talk about it, one gets the impression the products currently provided may just be the tip of the iceberg when looking forward to the future. The Sustaina Grow website encourages anyone to reach out if they need a biodegradable and renewable product for a project, as wool may just provide the solution they need.

Social and environmental benefit

Sustaina Grow shows many benefits for the environment, and sustainability is at the heart of the business. Rita feels strongly about supporting the local economy so ensures the product is 100% made in New Zealand, from sourcing the wool, to processing and production. This helps to minimize their carbon footprint by not using fossil fuel heavy transportation to ship the product offshore, as well as supporting local business and employment.

The benefits to the environment can be seen at the first step of the products life cycle. The wool used is a by-product of sheep shearing, the underbellies and off cuts of wool used in Sustaina Grow products are a product that would otherwise end up in landfill, contributing to methane production. It is also interesting to note that 50% of the weight of sheep wool is made up of organic carbon, being a short-term store of atmospheric carbon. By storing carbon dioxide for the life span of the product, this contained greenhouse gas is being prevented from contributing to climate change.

At the end of the products life span, the wool breaks down naturally, returning valuable nutrients into the soil and acting like a slow-release fertilizer. This is an added benefit to the vegetation it is there to protect, but the benefits don’t end there. Sustaina Grow’s tree guards increase survival rates of young trees, reduce damage from pests and harsh weather conditions, suppress weeds, and even help with temperature regulation, creating a microclimate around the tree, all while being a 100% renewable, organic, and sustainable product.

Arguably the biggest benefit of Sustaina Grow products is the ability to interrupt plastic and chemical use in horticulture. Rita draws on large scale planting projects nationally that will be using either plastic tree guards that will contribute to the alarming number of micro plastics in the environment, or cardboard tree guards that can leach chemicals into the surrounding soil that have been used in the manufacturing process to make the cardboard more resistant to water. As adverse weather events increase, these alternative tree guards end up being washed into water ways from heavy rain and floods where they break down over time. The same is true for Sustaina Grow’s tree guards, however when they bio-degrade, they pose no threat to life in water.

As climate change accelerates there is need for adaptation to our changing environment and Sustaina Grow offers exciting possibilities in this field. As mentioned, erosion and sediment control can be achieved with the mulch matting that has potential to limit erosion from storm water, making waterways safer in a heavy rain event. The tree guards also show potential in protecting and regenerating native forest from forest fires that are increasing in frequency and scale. Although well intended, Rita describes the cardboard tree guards as “little firecrackers” in a forest fire, catching fire very quickly and helping to accelerate the spread. Plastic tree guards melt, producing toxic fumes and releasing micro plastics into the soil. Sustaina Grow’s wool tree guards are slow to burn due to the inherent fire-retardant properties of the natural fiber. Rita is under no illusion the wool tree guards would completely protect a tree or seedling from the intense heat of a forest fire, but if the product could help to slow the burn whilst not causing any harm to the already damaged land and air, that could be of great value.


Rita Hammond, CEO

Business information

Sustaina Grow

Sustaina Grow

Ohakune, NZ
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2022
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

On picturesque farm at the foothills of Mount Ruapehu, busy mum of three and teacher Rita Hammond recognised the many advantages of using wool on her own garden. The natural fibres unique properties help to retain water, suppress weeds, protect against frosts and, as it breaks down, acts as a slow release fertiliser. Realising how amazing wool, a 100% renewable resource, can be in the growing industry, a spark ignited in Rita. Having access to wool through running a sheep and beef farm with husband Dave, Rita felt motivated to create a product that harnessed the benefits of wool in horticultural use, and make it accessible and user friendly for everyone. Sustaina Grow offers 100% natural wool products for home gardens, building projects and landscaping, no matter how big or small a planting project is.