
Waterless Wonders: How Arion Transforms Patient Hygiene

LR Arion Lunch 255


Tigo Willigenburg

Tigo Willigenburg

Jonas Mertens

Jonas Mertens

Mégane Kalipé

Mégane Kalipé

Elena Moujaes

Elena Moujaes


Maastricht University

Maastricht University


Jolien Huybrechts

Jolien Huybrechts

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Arion is located directly on the German-Dutch border and has offered patient care products for the healthcare sector since 1994. They introduced two innovative products to the European Market: Swash® and Easy-Slide. Swash® is a line of washing products that reduces water consumption in patient hygiene as no water is required. At the same time, Easy-Slide offers a seamless method for applying compression garments, improving efficiency in healthcare settings. Together, these solutions increase the standard of patient care and assure a more decent and accessible healthcare experience, fundamentally transforming daily healthcare routines for patients and healthcare professionals.


A US American nurse first developed the idea behind the water-saving Swash® products. Innovative products have redefined patient washing and made unnecessary water, soap, and sponges. Arion was the first company to introduce these products to the European market, addressing hygienic and environmental concerns in the healthcare sector. Arion's Swash is a pre-moistened, disposable cloth for full-body cleaning without water. This product is particularly beneficial in healthcare settings where patients may be bedridden, have dementia, or have limited access to traditional bathing facilities. By listening to the ideas and frustrations of healthcare professionals and patients, Arion continually perfects Swash®. Arion is convinced that innovation is born from the desire to resolve these irritations.

To summarise, Swash® and Easy-Slide offer straightforward solutions that have a significant impact on people's lives and the management of healthcare resources. They address increasingly pressing healthcare challenges such as the ageing population, the shortage of caretakers, and the growing number of people with dementia.

Waterless Wonders: How Arion Transforms Patient Hygiene


The story of Arion started when the founder and CEO Erik Joosten interned at the nursing home and saw how much time and effort is consumed just to put and take off compression stockings. It was a considerable irritation for everyone involved. Arion follows the motto, “Irritation leads to innovation.” The everyday irritations or pain points that people experience can inspire innovative solutions that benefit everyone. When individuals are asked about their irritations, they are more likely to engage because they feel their specific challenges are being acknowledged. This engagement encourages a more profound investment, which Erik Joosten illustrated with an example: “If you ask a nurse about what has been going well in the day, she can probably recall one particular instance, but if you ask her what has been irritating her, she can probably talk for minutes on end.”

Overall impact

Easy-Slide and Swash® have significantly influenced environmental sustainability and patient care. These advances have dramatically increased hospital efficiency by saving time and money on patient cleaning and compression therapy. By using less water than traditional methods, Swash® improved patient hygiene while protecting water as a vital resource. The life-cycle study of the product attests to its minimal environmental impact, offering immediate observable benefits and promising long-term sustainability. Swash® products have helped save over 12 billion litres of water thus far, substantially contributing to ecological sustainability. Swash®'s long-term beneficial effects on healthcare procedures and the environment are expected to be strengthened by its increasing cumulative water savings and contributions to a more sustainable globe.

Concrete evidence of this impact is demonstrated through the positive feedback from healthcare providers who have adopted these products. The Life Cycle Assessment conducted by Arion confirms the substantial environmental benefits, showing a marked reduction in the ecological footprint of patient care practices. Moreover, the use of Swash® has contributed to a 74% reduction in environmental harm compared to traditional methods.

Business benefit

The introduction of Swash® and Easy-Slide has led to significant business growth for Arion. These innovations have positioned Arion as a leader in sustainable healthcare solutions, opened new markets, and expanded its product offerings. "Because we focused on sustainability and efficiency, we have seen increased market demand and improved competitive edge," a senior marketing executive noted.

Furthermore, the company has experienced increased revenue and expanded its customer base, including international markets. The commitment to sustainability has also improved employee engagement and retention, as staff members take pride in contributing to a mission-driven company. Arion's partnership with Made Blue exemplifies their commitment to social impact, providing clean drinking water to communities in developing countries for every Swash® package sold.

Social and environmental benefit

The following patient success story can best describe Arion’s societal impact. A 70-year-old patient in the Hospital of Aachen first experienced being washed with Swash® during his intake. After a successful operation, he was moved to a different department within the hospital that still used the traditional washing method of water and soap. The patient then asked to be washed with Arion’s products, but the nurse persisted that she knew best and that the old ways were the best. The patient's wish to use Arion’s products was so strong that he refused to eat until he got washed with Arion’s Swash® product. This interaction shows that Swash® not only saves water but is essential for elderly and bedridden patients who require frequent cleaning. By reducing the need for water and soap, Swash® minimises the risk of infections, ensuring better hygiene and overall patient health.
Furthermore, Easy-Slide, with its effortless donning and doffing of compression garments, not only reduces physical tension for patients and caregivers but also eases the workload of healthcare providers. This innovation not only improves patient comfort and compliance with medical treatments but also contributes to better health and well-being for patients and healthcare workers. Arion’s commitment to enhancing healthcare efficiency aligns with SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), promoting improved health outcomes and higher quality of care.

Arion’s products make a significant impact on the environment, aligning with sustainability goals such as SDG 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). Swash® is a champion in water conservation, saving up to 250 litres per bed bath compared to traditional methods, which has resulted in over 12 billion litres of water saved to date. This immense conservation effort is crucial in addressing global water scarcity issues. Additionally, Arion’s focus on resource-efficient production and using sustainable materials helps minimise waste and reduce the ecological footprint of their products. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Swash® demonstrates a lower environmental impact than conventional bed baths, primarily due to savings in water and energy. Furthermore, Arion’s partnership with Made Blue ensures that for every Swash® package sold, clean drinking water is provided to communities in developing countries, enhancing global access to clean water. These initiatives showcase Arion’s dedication to promoting environmental sustainability and responsible consumption.


Erik Joosten, CEO

Business information



Heerlen, All states, NL
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1994
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Arion focuses on two healthcare solutions. Slide Solutions helps people put on and take off compression stockings. Swash®, the washing without water concept, offers quality and comfortable solutions for personal hygiene.

The goal behind their products is to provide healthcare solutions that can make life easier both for care recipients: patients, nursing home residents, individuals at home, and for caregivers: nurses or other care providers.