PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia

Waste4Change : Let's Start to Make a Change

Caeb 8Fb8


Handy Wijaya

Handy Wijaya


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 15. Life on Land

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PT. Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia is keen to change peoples paradigm of waste management. They believe that today, we need to change. We should be reducing more waste that will goes into landfills.

They also recruited some scavengers to work together with them as their employees and becoming part of the team.


PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia has a remarkable innovation shown in its business model.

It’s somehow a breakthrough for waste management system in Indonesia, a dual combination between consultant and operating partner for waste management industry.

Most of waste management company rely on collecting the reusable garbage - drop it at temporary waste station - waste carriage - then finally all garbages end up in the landfill.

Nevertheless, PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia has a different business model. They provide consultation session and coaching to change the paradigm of waste management system, focusing on responsible consumption and partnership to fulfill the needs of all stakeholders.

Another Innovation is Sorting Organic & inOrganic Waste* and Streamlined Waste management processes embrace Scavenger and lift them up for better living. Scavenger is become partner of PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia as operator, waste recovery and driver, because PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia believes that there is better and proper job for scavengers.

As results They got fixed income and better working environment and cost effective waste management.

In Indonesia, most of waste management didn’t doing proper waste sorting, separating between Organic and inorganic things. It causes potential problem in Landfill Area.

For Example : Explosion in Landfill and endanger environment , besides also extra effort and cost needed to sort the waste. It’s better to have sorting processes since at the beginning. That why PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia always suggesting and implemented waste grouping/sorting.

Waste4Change : Let's Start to Make a Change


What PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia is currently doing in Jakarta, might be something common in developed countries but for Indonesia, it has an important role as an agent of change in waste management.
The inspiring things are to embrace and lift up scavengers from the street to become their employees and partner for better living as a human.

Overall impact

PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia proves to its stakeholder that waste is not just a waste, by using their facility of Material Recovery they are doing fine sorting for the waste being collected

And for the Organic waste they have the own composting facility and Farm4life where they are farming and used the compost product. In this case, they also have cooperated with local small enterprise Farmer for using their composting product from waste the impact to minimised amount thrown in landfills by Reuse and Recycle the Waste.

Business benefit

With its business model, PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia provided not only consultation/training about waste management but they are also operating partner service for company/clients that wants to start their proper and better waste management. For a company that wants to start proper waste management, PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesi show them that this could have reasonable cost.

Social and environmental benefit

PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia creates and builds awareness and changes mindsets about responsible waste management for business and the community in order to create a better environment for our future business sustainability. It is an embryonic program that involved youth and scavenger community for the better of all.

For further business information or inquiry, their website is at [email protected]

Instagram | Facebook @waste4change


Hana Nur Auliana, Communications Marketing

Photo of interviewee

Business information

PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia

PT Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia

Business Website:
Year Founded: 2013
Number of Employees: 11 to 50
PT. Wasteforchange Alam Indonesia is a (business to business) social enterprise company which established in 2013. Their specialisation is in waste management and their goal is to approach “zero waste Indonesia” . There is a quote from person that I've interviewed " Waste actually is not Waste if we know how to deal with it ".