Ajyal Ninova School

Using Education to Build Stronger Communities


Alaa Abed

Alaa Abed

Rahmatullah Mohammed

Rahmatullah Mohammed

Safa mustefe

Safa mustefe

Nasra Jimale

Nasra Jimale


Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University

Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University


Semih Ceyhan

Semih Ceyhan

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 4. Quality Education 10. Reduced Inequalities 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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Ajyal Ninova School provides culturally relevant education to displaced Iraqi children in Turkey through a sustainable for-profit model. By offering the Iraqi curriculum and reducing tuition fees for migrant students, it ensures quality education (UN SDG 4) and reduces inequalities (UN SDG 10). This innovative approach blends financial viability with social impact, creating lasting benefits for underserved communities.


Ajyal Ninova School, founded in 2014 by a group of dedicated Iraqis in Ankara, Turkey, addresses the educational needs of displaced Iraqi children through a unique for-profit model. This school offers a curriculum based on the Iraqi education system, allowing students to retain their cultural identity while pursuing academic excellence. By reducing tuition fees for migrant students, Ajyal Ninova ensures that education remains accessible to families affected by conflict, fostering inclusivity and diversity within its classrooms.

This innovative solution directly contributes to achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 4: Quality Education and Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities. By providing a high-quality, culturally relevant education, Ajyal Nineveh helps bridge the educational gap for displaced children, ensuring they receive the same standard of learning as their peers in stable environments. The school's for-profit model generates revenue that is reinvested into enhancing facilities, expanding educational programs, and offering scholarships, thereby ensuring long-term sustainability and continuous improvement.

Moreover, the school’s approach is both scalable and replicable, offering a blueprint for similar initiatives worldwide. By partnering with governmental and non-governmental organizations and adapting to local contexts, other regions facing displacement crises can adopt this model to meet their educational needs. Ajyal Nineveh’s integration of Quranic studies and Arabic language instruction also promotes cross-cultural understanding and peace, aligning with Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. Through these efforts, the school not only addresses immediate educational needs but also contributes to building stronger, more resilient communities for the future.

Using Education to Build Stronger Communities


The vision and leadership of Mr. Firas, the Director of Ajyal Nineveh School, are deeply rooted in his commitment to social responsibility and his personal experiences with the challenges faced by displaced families. In an exclusive interview, Mr. Firas shared the motivations that drive his work and the values that underpin the school’s mission, stating, "Growing up, I witnessed firsthand the impact of conflict and displacement on families and children," Mr. Firas explained. "I saw how education could serve as a beacon of hope and a path to a better future. This personal connection to the struggles of displaced people inspired me to take action and create a solution that could make a real difference."

Mr. Firas emphasized the importance of fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student can thrive, stating, "management is not just about monitoring operations; it's about encouraging a culture of excellence and independence." He continues to say that "by prioritizing the well-being of our pupils and employees, we create an atmosphere where anyone can succeed and contribute effectively to our collective goal."

Despite the numerous economic and political challenges, Mr. Firas remains steadfast in his dedication to the school’s mission. He states, "In times of difficulty, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to our core values." He continues to say, "by continually innovating and finding creative solutions, we can overcome obstacles and continue to make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve."

Looking to the future, Mr. Firas expressed optimism and a strong belief in the potential for growth and broader impact. "There are numerous opportunities for expansion and collaboration," he stated. "By building on our successes and forging new partnerships, we can create a brighter future for the next generation."

Overall impact

The overall impact of Ajyal Nineveh School's innovation is profound, both in the short term and long term, for displaced Iraqi and Arab children in Turkey and beyond. Since its founding in 2014 in Ankara, the school has provided a beacon of hope and opportunity for countless students, offering them access to quality education rooted in their cultural identity. In the short term, the immediate effect of the school's innovative model is evident in the improved educational outcomes and well-being of its students. By reducing tuition fees for migrant students and offering a curriculum tailored to their needs, Ajyal Nineveh ensures that these children receive the support they need to thrive academically and emotionally.

In the long term, the impact of the school's innovation extends far beyond the classroom, contributing to the empowerment and resilience of entire communities. Through its sustainable for-profit model, Ajyal Nineveh demonstrates that social impact and financial sustainability can go hand in hand, inspiring similar initiatives worldwide. As more schools adopt this model and provide culturally relevant education to displaced populations, the long-term effects ripple across generations, breaking the cycle of poverty and conflict and fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

Evidence of the impact of Ajyal Nineveh School's innovation can be seen in the success stories of its students, who go on to pursue higher education and meaningful careers, breaking barriers and contributing positively to their communities. Additionally, the school's partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as its recognition by international bodies such as the United Nations, serve as tangible indicators of its effectiveness in addressing the educational needs of displaced populations and advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Business benefit

Because Ajyal Nineveh School operates as a for-profit enterprise while simultaneously addressing the educational needs of displaced Iraqi children, several significant benefits accrue to the business. Firstly, by implementing a sustainable business model, the school generates revenue through tuition fees, which is then reinvested to improve facilities, expand educational programs, and offer scholarships. This revenue stream ensures the school's financial viability and long-term sustainability, enabling it to continue serving its mission effectively.

Secondly, the success of the business has led to increased employment opportunities, both within the school itself and in the surrounding community. As the school grows and expands its operations, it creates new jobs for teachers, administrative staff, and support personnel. This not only contributes to economic growth in the area but also provides meaningful employment opportunities for individuals who may have been affected by displacement themselves.

Furthermore, by offering a supportive and inclusive work environment, Ajyal Nineveh School fosters employee retention and well-being. Employees are motivated by the school's mission of social impact and are empowered to contribute meaningfully to the community. This positive workplace culture not only enhances employee satisfaction but also attracts top talent, further bolstering the school's success and reputation.

Overall, because the business prioritizes social impact alongside financial success, it has been able to create a virtuous cycle of growth and prosperity. By providing quality education, generating revenue, creating jobs, and fostering a positive work environment, Ajyal Nineveh School exemplifies how a business can thrive while making a meaningful difference in the world.

Social and environmental benefit

The innovation of Ajyal Nineveh School brings vital benefits to society and the environment alike. By providing culturally relevant education to displaced Iraqi children and reducing tuition fees for migrant students, the school fosters inclusivity and social cohesion, empowering marginalized communities and promoting a sense of belonging and opportunity. This not only improves individual lives but also strengthens the fabric of society, leading to a more cohesive and harmonious community.

Moreover, Ajyal Nineveh School's commitment to sustainability extends beyond the classroom, with initiatives aimed at minimizing its ecological footprint. By implementing energy-efficient measures and waste reduction practices, the school sets a positive example for environmentally conscious behavior, inspiring others to follow suit. In doing so, it contributes to the preservation of natural resources and the well-being of future generations, creating a healthier and more sustainable environment for all.


Firas Hasan Ali Alshakree, strategic manager

Business information

Ajyal Ninova School

Ajyal Ninova School

Ankara, Ankara, TR
Year Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

In the bustling heart of Ankara, Turkey, the Ajyal Nineveh School stands as a beacon of hope and potential for Iraqi children and families displaced by conflict. Founded by a dedicated group of Iraqis residing in Turkey, this institution has transformed the educational landscape, embodying a spirit of social responsibility and innovation that serves as a model for others to follow.