Migliora PH

Turning Plastic into something fantastic

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Alexandra Bernice So

Alexandra Bernice So

Gilliane Mckenzie Ong

Gilliane Mckenzie Ong

Maria Christiana Nicole Tijam

Maria Christiana Nicole Tijam

Justine Rachel Siyang

Justine Rachel Siyang

Chynna Bondoc

Chynna Bondoc


De La Salle University Manila

De La Salle University Manila


Pia Manalastas

Pia Manalastas

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 14. Life Below Water

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Migliora, derived from the Italian word migliore, meaning to get better or to innovate, is a company dedicated to producing timeless polo shirts from recycled plastic materials. "Our goal as a company is to build a better fashion industry and perform better in output." The owners are four graduates of BS Entrepreneurship, and their humble beginnings stem from an idea for their practicum term. This eventually turned into something more, an impactful business that flourished post-graduation. Committed to elevating the fashion industry's standards, Migliora resumed its journey with a focus on dedication and passion towards a sustainable future. Aligned with 4 Sustainable Development Goals, Migliora gives plastic a new lifecycle instead of leaving it to decompose for years or being thrown into the ocean (SDG 14). Moreover, with the timeless design of its button-down polos, Migliora promotes responsible consumption to its consumers (SDG 12) and practices responsible sourcing and employment (SDG 8). Through these, they ultimately care for and protect the environment for future generations (SDG 13).

During its startup year, the company introduced its inaugural product line, the ECO-POLO, targeting students and young professionals, particularly those aligned with sustainability advocacies from Generation Z, employing a direct-to-consumer (B2C) approach. Through a made-to-order process, they utilize platforms such as Instagram, their website, and bazaar participation. They participated in the recent DLSU Bazaar 2023 entitled Marahuyo: An Enchanting Lasallian Christmas Bazaar.

Undoubtedly, Migliora's commitment extends beyond its products to sourcing materials. The company upholds ethical labor, as witnessed through its suppliers and tailors from Taytay and Antipolo. Their supplier provides Recycled Plastic Textiles (RPT) as a fabric, having acquired the necessary accreditations for producing RPT. Engaging local suppliers promotes local production and a sustainable supply chain.


Migliora’s distinction in the fashion world arises from its focus on comfort and sustainability, exhibited through the innovative use of RPET fabric. This unique approach evolved through a collaboration between longtime high school friends Paulo and Jameson. Jameson initially pitched the idea, which gained significance when Paulo, shaped by a household against single-use plastics, was deeply connected with the concept.

During the early stages of Migliora, a challenge experienced by the pair was about marketing sustainable products to a consumer base less attuned to sustainability. “Why should they care if this product is made sustainably? Not everyone cares about sustainability, and that is a reality faced by sellers like us”. Nevertheless, they persevered and highlighted these aspects as defining factors for a reputable fashion brand. Their innovation pivots on RPET fabric, which signifies their unwavering commitment to sustainability. This innovation embodies the brand’s proactive stance by transforming recyclable plastic into functional and environmentally friendly clothing. Their main objective is to “try to eliminate single-use plastic, knowing the dangers this imposes because of the chain reaction where the more people use plastic, the more it destroys the environment. There is much of a need to create initiatives towards combating it.” Additionally, their innovation resonates across various fronts where they strive to boost competitive advantage by championing innovation and sustainability. They consistently try to actively foster a relationship between consumers and businesses committed to sustainability while avoiding deceptive greenwashing tactics.

In essence, Migliora’s innovation is a fusion of the owners’ values, entrepreneurial vigor, and an unwavering dedication to addressing environmental concerns within the brand's industry, exemplified by their adoption of the RPET fabric.

Turning Plastic into something fantastic


Before starting Migliora, the company's founder, had been deeply inspired by the values instilled in his family. He grew up in an environment wherein single-use plastics and styrofoam were opposed to being used. With that, his childhood greatly influenced Migliora's business philosophy. He then decided to forgo plastic and styrofoam for storage, reducing clutter and the negative impact these have on the environment. Seeing an opportunity to combine this personal advocacy with a business strategy, he pursued RPT (Refractory Periodontal Therapy) as a practicum business. This then became Migliora's turning point to strengthen his and his company's dedication to environmental sustainability.

The company Migliora has always been more than just a business venture; it was an expression of the founder's values. Like his upbringing, the company's basic principle was to alleviate the use of single-use plastics. This highlights that the business should be nurtured from the heart — a genuine commitment to making a positive impact. He continuously urges his colleagues to see that Migliora's mission is motivated by environmental concern and shared ideals rather than just a business. Quoted from the founder himself, "Our venture is more than a business; it's a mission for the environment."

The founder encourages aspiring business owners to focus on the journey, as what makes people genuinely successful are their experiences. Moreso, the achievements celebrated and how they can be change agents in this society. It is essential to stay grounded in reality while pursuing passion. The journey and experiences are an opportunity for learning and personal growth.

Overall impact

Migliora recognizes that its innovation contributes to its success and brand awareness as a start-up business. From a business perspective, their innovation improves sales as they use this to market the product and attract a bigger audience of consumers. Even in the business community, with growing brands integrating sustainability in their operations, Migliora is one of a kind with its plastic-made clothing. Shifting to an environmental perspective, they’re able to make an impact on the world by repurposing RPET as their products give plastic a whole new lifecycle and meaning, rather than being left decomposed for thousands of years. To society, Migliora aims to pioneer this RPET in fabric technology. As stated, “The issue we’re trying to market is that here in the Philippines, the consumers are not aware of this sustainable technology of turning plastics into clothing and other materials.” They advocate for more people to be knowledgeable about this and destroy the notion that products made from plastic are uncomfortably warm. Their products encourage consumers to see how their plastic-made clothes are breathable.

Its advocacy grounds Migliora. “We’re repurposing the life of plastics that take thousands of years to decompose and turning them into something useful that we can use everyday. In a sense, we’re diverting plastics that are found in oceans and landfills and transform them into something new.” They prevent plastics from ending up in landfills and oceans, but they know that microplastics can still be shed. So, thinking long-term, they acknowledge that further research and development will be done to target this. Still, as a start-up company, they are proud that they can contribute to helping our environment. Furthermore, besides promoting plastic awareness, they encourage other sustainable efforts for consumers to practice– overall, wanting everyone to learn how to live sustainably.

These efforts are recognized through the various invitations to feature their brand in bazaar events, winning Best Practicum, being featured in Inquirer Philippines, and being invited to speak on multiple podcast platforms; Migliora has impacted many lives, most especially our Earth.

Business benefit

The innovation of using RPET fabric has enabled Migliora to find its niche. This determinant sets it apart from the competition in the vast, growing fashion industry and allows it to thrive. Milgiora has built a reputation as a brand that champions sustainability and advocates for comfortability and versatility, catering to the needs of the environment and the market it aims to connect with. Successfully realizing a focus on eco-friendliness and convenience through steadfast dedication and passion in a society now, more than ever, made aware of prevailing environmental destruction and degradation, Migliora’s chosen path of innovation has fostered a business has grown from the heart as personal advocacies become interwoven with the business’ core advocacy. Though Migliora has recognized the realities of the industry and circles of fashion businesses that embody sustainable values are small, Migliora pushes for growth otherwise. Being able to use the proper marketing techniques as well as the effective frameworks for performing industry analysis and research, the business has further established its business niche—bound to spell a future of collective consciousness and awareness towards sustainable use and living.

Migliora’s impact as a company is evident on the necessary stakeholders, such as consumers and partners. Once in interaction with the business, the surroundings in which these consumers and partners put themselves become directly influenced by their advocacy. Partner tailors and suppliers directly contribute to Migliora’s vision and mission, building relationships of interconnectedness strengthened and solidified through the cycle of collaboration and communication for the procurement of goods. Consumers become engaged in building the kind of industry Migliora envisions through the conscious choice-making of durable, timeless pieces over fast fashion. In the long run, Migliora aims to instill in society the benefits of a more responsible and ethical fashion ecosystem, and the greater the heights Migliora reaches, the more a future of sustainability is not only promised but actualized.

Social and environmental benefit

Miglioria hits three SDGs with their innovation. The business sheds awareness on plastic pollution, so they thought of ways to repurpose it. As plastics become something new, Migliora gives marine life the environment they deserve by reducing the plastics usually dumped into oceans, encompassing SDG 14: Life Below Water. Given the process of turning plastics into fabric, Migliora states, “Our products are not the cheapest but not the most expensive either but are tailored to last a long time.” They assure their customers that their products are made to be enjoyed for a lifetime and not for a single-use journey only. This means that customers do not need to buy many of their products as they are made with high quality. In line with that, Migliora believes in paying a quality price. Sourcing from ethical places for their tailoring services is what they practice. They ensure their workers are secure and safe and deliver what they deserve. This encompasses SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production and SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth.

Ultimately, these are beneficial in mitigating climate change. By advocating for responsible consumption and actively caring for marine life and the environment, Migliora aligns itself with the objectives of SDG 13: Climate Action. Overconsumption of clothes harms the environment as it releases greenhouse gases from production and disposal and directly threatens marine ecosystems. This emphasizes the urgent call to collectively make an effort to create a balance between people and the environment.


Paulo Melvin Teng, Co-Founder

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

Migliora PH

Migliora PH

Manila City, Metro Manila, PH
Business Website: https://miglioraph.com/
Year Founded: 2022
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Migliora PH gives plastic a whole new meaning by repurposing it into clothes. Using RPET as a fabric, they can tackle the pressing issue of plastic pollution. As stated by one of its co-founders, “'Our venture is more than a business; it's a mission for the environment.”