Cafe Carmo

Tropi-Local Restaurant


Amanda Sadler

Amanda Sadler

Alyssa Constant

Alyssa Constant

Matthew Coupel

Matthew Coupel


Nicholls State University

Nicholls State University


Christopher Castille

Christopher Castille

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 14. Life Below Water 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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One of the things that sets Cafe Carmo apart from other restaurants is the point of view its owners have towards competition. Rather than competing against other restaurants in the area that serve locally sourced food, the owners of Cafe Carmo prefer to team up with them. “Competition” to them, instead, are the restaurants serving unhealthy foods from non-sustainable sources.

Dana Honn said he likes to "establish good relationships with similar restaurants and considers them partners." He added that they work together with "obstacles, joint purchasing, and finding local suppliers." So far, it’s been successful. Working with similar restaurants helps them get the word out about what they’re doing, and encourages other restaurants to adopt some of their sustainable habits.

Another thing that they take pride in at Cafe Carmo is the way they treat their employees. Honn noted that he "pays his employees a livable wage, allows them to make menu suggestions, and connects and engages with his employees." As a result, he’s noticed an extremely low turnover rate, which is something "unheard of in the restaurant industry, especially in New Orleans."

His employees are well informed of the impact their food choices make on the environment, and his employees "make more informed decisions" as a result. The employees of Cafe Carmo take their knowledge home and share it with friends and family. By getting his employees engaged in Cafe Carmo’s goals, they’re able to inform others within the community.

On their website, Cafe Carmo points out they embrace the Slow Food International’s philosophy of good, clean, and fair: good meaning quality, flavorsome and healthy food; clean meaning production that does not harm the environment; and fair meaning accessible prices for consumers and fair conditions and pay for producers. By locally sourcing their food, pricing the food they serve at a reasonable price, using biodegradable/compostable carryout containers and biodegradable cleaning supplies, and repurposing furniture, they’re supporting the cause to improve the environment and lessen their carbon footprint.


Honn's long-term goal is "to further develop the idea of tropical foodways, and be able to make a more direct connection between where the food comes from, the people who produce the food and connect it to the consumer." He also wants "to raise awareness of climate change and raise awareness towards the fact that tropic regions are the first to be affected by that." By taking all of these steps, they can get the word across more efficiently and meet their main goal, he explained.

Tropi-Local Restaurant


Honn worked in his parents' restaurant growing up. When they wanted to sell the restaurant, neither he nor his brother were interested in taking it over. He moved to Brazil and was inspired by the style, culture, and history of tropical cuisine. When he moved to San Francisco, he provided classes and catering for vegans and vegetarians. He teamed up with a local food market which received its produce from a sustainable farm. From there he and his wife wanted to create a restaurant in New Orleans with tropical influences.

Overall impact

The impact of Cafe Carmo’s innovative take on how restaurants can give back is beneficial for both their business and environment. Not only do their innovations help support their business, but they also help,the local businesses that supply produce to them. While they may not have seen quantifiable numbers that show increased business profits due solely to this, it is definitely something that has drawn attention to their business and has helped them in the short-term. Inversely, the long-term effects of the biodegradable products will definitely be noticed a few years down the road. If these products hold up, it will definitely save them money as far as replacement costs go.

Outside of Carmo, the impact is being felt by local suppliers. These small produce suppliers have seen their business increase thanks to Carmo. Honn "has witnessed this growth due to my oath to provide only fresh, local ingredients." This growth is one that is mutually beneficial to both parties. The suppliers can continue to sell local produce and perhaps offer more of a supply, and Honn continues to buy his produce from a local source. Finally, being that nearly everything in the restaurant is recycled or biodegradable, there is little to no footprint left on the environment. This is good news for both the city and the Gulf of Mexico. There will be very little pollution or physical waste left behind.

Business benefit

Taking the steps to lessen their footprint is something that customers, employees, and suppliers/partners recognize.

Honn says that "as customers realize the restaurant's environmentally friendly initiatives, they are more likely to return and proactively seek out restaurants that make similar efforts."

Employees of Carmo also take pride in the initiative the company is taking. Honn noted how once when one of his employees was driving home, he was hungry and considered stopping for fast food. But when he thought about it and realized how unhealthy it would be, he couldn't stomach it. His employees share their knowledge with friends and family, he allows them to make suggestions for the menu, and as a result, employee engagement keeps his overall turnover very low.

By networking and working with other restaurants and suppliers, Cafe Carmo and their partners collectively benefit. Honn has noticed his suppliers growing over the years, and "I've been able to order more products as a result." The restaurant is also undergoing an expansion at the moment, which will allow them to seat more customers and handle larger crowds.

Social and environmental benefit

Cafe Carmo has certifications fromnlocal and national environmental and conservation organizations, including the only three-star rating in the state of Louisiana by the Green Restaurant Association, and the only restaurant in the state of Louisiana to be certified by SeafoodWatch. When asked if he’s seen evidence of what the business is doing to help the environment (long term or short term), Honn says that "businesses don’t always see the impact immediately, but in terms of committing to a producer, we're going to buy a certain amount of their harvest." That allows them to pin certainty on it. They just take it one step at a time and they’ve "seen their producers grow exponentially over the last eight years," he added. With the partnerships they have, they work together to make a positive impact.


Dana Honn, Executive Chef and Founder/Owner

Business information

Cafe Carmo

Cafe Carmo

New Orleans, LA, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2010
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Café Carmo is a tropical café and bar located in New Orleans, one of the best food cities in America, serving healthy and affordable vegan food. Open since 2010, Café Carmo’s owners Dana and Christina Honn take pride in their multicultural and sustainable restaurant. By using local ingredients, biodegradable utensils and takeout ware, repurposed furniture, paying their employees a livable wage, teaming up with other local organizations, and setting affordable prices, Café Carmo meets goals 3, 8, 12, 14, and 17 of the UN sustainable development goals.