
Transformational Path to Smart City of Health Care



Farzaneh Zeidi

Farzaneh Zeidi

Saeid Babakhani

Saeid Babakhani


TIAS School for Business and Society

TIAS School for Business and Society


Mirjam Minderman

Mirjam Minderman

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities

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The mission of Rastech is to empower individuals to access the highest standard of healthcare, ensuring optimal well-being throughout their healthcare journey. To achieve this goal, Rastech works with hospitals, aiming to enhance their performance and improve their overall scores in accreditation programs. "Scores" refers to the ratings or evaluations that hospitals and surgery centers receive in these programs, assessing various aspects of a healthcare facility's performance, including patient care quality, safety protocols, operational efficiency, and compliance with regulatory standards. High scores are indicators of excellence and can enhance a facility's reputation, attract more patients, and potentially increase funding or support. For patients, these scores indicate safer environments and better outcomes, fostering greater trust in the facility. Societally, high accreditation scores drive improvements in public health standards and promote health equity by ensuring quality care is accessible to all.

Hospitech's cloud-based platform integrates technology, healthcare, and management to provide user-friendly systems for stakeholders, facilitating strategic business development and technical understanding of hospital infrastructure. By improving hospital management and accreditation processes, Hospitech contributes to the advancement of healthcare systems and supports the achievement of several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including good health and well-being (SDG 3), reduced inequalities (SDG 10), and industry innovation (SDG 9).


“Hospitals are traditional and complex organizations with multiple interrelated components that are influenced internally and externally with a huge barrier to entry," said Mehrdad Mazaheri, Rastech's CEO and founder.

Managing hospitals and decision-making within healthcare institutions pose significant challenges, primarily due to the prevalent use of traditional, paper-based methods in the majority of facilities worldwide. This outdated approach not only hampers efficiency but also prolongs decision-making processes as accessing and verifying data becomes time-consuming. Additionally, the complex nature of healthcare operations, coupled with stringent regulatory requirements, further complicates management tasks. The lack of integrated systems exacerbates these challenges, hindering effective coordination among different departments and leading to inefficiencies in resource allocation and patient care delivery. As a result, hospitals often struggle to adapt to rapidly evolving healthcare demands and emerging technologies, impeding their ability to provide optimal care to patients. Rastech aims to improve the overall quality of healthcare services provided by hospitals through facilitating integrated management information systems.

Rastech's innovation is designed to improve patient outcomes, enhance clinical workflows, promote better communication between healthcare providers and patients, and data-driven decision-making. They started with building a diverse team who understood hospitals' language, technology, and business. These include: Mazaheri, who has a background in process optimization and a doctorate in business administration; Hassan Nasr, co-founder and CTO with a background in computer software engineering and artificial intelligence; and Sara Naimi, executive manager with a background in hospital accreditation and quality improvement

By actively engaging with the hospital management team and staff for assistance, coaching, and input, this team identified pain points and developed efficient solutions. They built a versatile and user-friendly platform to meet the diverse needs of hospital stakeholders across organizational layers, including a spectrum of operational and strategic needs, from nurses requiring operational data, to hospital managers seeking information for strategic decision-making.

Hospitech, Rastech's first product, is a cloud-based integrated management information system that offers five modules: forms and report management; project and task manager; document management; user management; and dialogue. The underlying centralized data management system allows for automated alerts and notifications for timely interventions, ranging from notifying staff about low drug supplies to urgent floor emergencies or patients' emergencies. Customized dashboards not only help monitoring tasks and projects, but also provide relevant analytics. For instance, understanding the frequency and root causes of critical patient emergencies enables proactive prevention measures.

Transformational Path to Smart City of Health Care


Rastech's origin stems from a pivotal personal experience in Mazaheri's life when he received a distressing call that his seemingly healthy father faced the sudden need for a heart bypass surgery. Once he arrived at the hospital, while his father needed urgent surgery, it was delayed for another 10 agonizing days due to operational inefficiencies and inconsistencies within the hospital.

These long days in the critical care unit (CCU) in the hospital were filled with anxiety and uncertainty. The high-risk nature of the surgery hung over them, with the threat of heart attack and stroke looming. At last, the surgery took place. Instead of the usual three hours, it stretched to five, yet it was completed successfully.

“I was experiencing severe anxiety of losing my father and kept questioning why the process should prolong this much," said Mazaheri, an engineer with a penchant for process optimization. As a result, he had the following questions: why had they not been aware of the symptoms of heart disease and why had they not been equipped with the knowledge to prevent this crisis; after the surgery, why were they left without guidance on post-operative care or recommendations for reputable healthcare providers; and, perhaps most pressingly, why had the entire process – from hospital admission to surgery – taken so long when his father's life was in imminent danger?

Mazaheri had the chance to study abroad but chose to stay in his homeland due to this personal ordeal. He initiated a dialogue with his father's hospital, conducted interviews with staff, and developed a product to improve hospital processes. This hospital became Rastech's first customer, marking the start of its transformative journey.

The Rastech team realized they needed an integrated platform to manage vast healthcare data for informed decision-making. Their vision covered all healthcare data, from prevention to post-discharge care, leading to a modern Management Information System for hospitals. Their aspiration expanded to include patients and government entities, initiating a healthcare transformation for all stakeholders.

Overall impact

The innovation helps gathering all the essential data for informed decision-making, thus enabling enhanced overall healthcare quality within society. Major evidence that such an impact occurred was during COVID-19 in Iran.

“A notable validation of our commitment to aiding and improving the lives of individuals emerged during the challenging period of the COVID-19 pandemic," Mazaheri noted. "Hospitals, as bastions of healthcare, rely on a multitude of metrics to gauge their operational effectiveness, including bed occupancy rates. And during that time, Rastech was fortunate to participate in making a meaningful impact.”

In response to the pandemic, Rastech introduced a "COVID Bed Occupancy Rate" metric for hospital resource management. They collected data from 38 state hospitals and created a bed availability dashboard to alleviate bed shortages during the fifth wave. Their efforts earned recognition from the Deputy of Healthcare in Iran. In the early days of the pandemic, Rastech developed a "Corona Probability Assessment" using patient symptoms and real-time hospital data, providing personalized recommendations. This service attracted two million users in 24 hours. These experiences highlight Rastech's commitment to delivering value through data-driven solutions and innovation, establishing them as leaders in healthcare innovation.

Now, Rastech is working with 70 of the biggest hospitals in the country and helping them with data-driven solutions.

Business benefit

Initially bootstrapped, Rastech has achieved revenue and is breaking even. Last year, they secured their first seed funding from social impact-focused venture capital. They now collaborate with approximately 70 major hospitals, generating nearly $30,000 in monthly revenue (considering the local exchange rate). They are gearing up for a second round of fundraising to expand into larger markets.

Social and environmental benefit

“Rastech is on a transformative journey towards creating a healthcare smart city," Mazaheri explained. "Powered by AI and a relentless pursuit of data integration, we aim to provide precise insights and solutions for all stakeholders. Our commitment to innovation and collaboration will empower healthcare providers, administrators, patients, and government entities to navigate the complexities of healthcare. This journey embodies our dedication to a brighter and healthier future, with Rastech at the forefront of transformative change in healthcare.”

The last impact measurement of Rastech startup by an expert team indicated that Rastech could indirectly impact the lives of up to one million people who visit hospitals in the country each month. An indicator such as the number of errors made in the hospitals showed how the startup was impactful in lowering these risks and errors: in 2023 Rastech helped prevent errors in hospitals including 4,271 overall errors, 67 severe errors, and 3,216 mild errors. Thus, Rastech's innovative work helps improve the health and well-being of those in need of hospital services and their beloved ones.


Mehrdad Mazaheri, CEO and Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information



Isfahan, Iran, IR
Business Website: https://rastech.health
Year Founded: 2018
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Rastech, founded in 2018, is a software startup dedicated to advancing healthcare through technology. It aims to revolutionize the healthcare industry with its Smart Health City concept which integrates all aspects of an individual's health data to provide comprehensive healthcare solutions, from prevention to post-care, ensuring optimal well-being throughout their healthcare journey.

Rastech's flagship product, Hospitech, is a Management Information System (MIS) platform designed to help hospitals and surgical centers improve their performance and achieve higher scores in accreditation programs. Hospitech streamlines administrative processes, enhances patient data management, and optimizes resource allocation. This innovative solution helps healthcare facilities improve operational efficiency, and deliver better patient care.