Sky Factory

The Vastness Of The Sky, Inside

8E7B 47Ce


Kenny Januar

Kenny Januar

Megan Maurice

Megan Maurice


Maharishi University of Management

Maharishi University of Management


Dennis Heaton

Dennis Heaton

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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Sky Factory uses unique digital technology to build virtual windows and skylights that will help people be reminded of their connection with the outside world. Sky Factory installations create healing enclosed interiors by bringing the vastness of the sky inside.


We instantly relax when we are close to nature. Sky Factory creates the illusion that we are interacting with nature. The digital images for its virtual window and skylight installations are not edited, providing a real view into the natural world with colors similar to daylight. Founder Bill Witherspoon describes his company's virtual skylight video product: "Sky V captures the essence of the overhead events of nature and brings this universal experience to a wide range of interior spaces."

Sky Factory offers its customers, many still images and digital cinemas to choose from. Research shows that when employees sit near a Sky Factory window or video simulation, the impact of biophilic design reduces employees’ sick days, which reduces operational costs.

The Vastness Of The Sky, Inside


The founder, Bill Witherspoon, is a painter who loves the sky. When he went to Oregon, he was inspired by the rich blue sky with clouds. He wanted to do something beneficial for others with his love for art. Hospitals are a main industry where Sky Factory’s installations are most beneficial by providing a sense of peace to patients. MRI usage is expensive, and a lot of claustrophobic patients canceled their appointments causing a great financial loss for the hospitals. Sky Factory’s product help solve this problem by, making the patient feel more at ease.

Overall impact

The inspiration for their products came from the concept biophilia, which means love of life. Ideally, buildings should have daylight from nature. WELL certification for healthy buildings put a lot of attention into lights, where they advise people to work close to a window, which is often impossible. Research shows that when people see an Open Skies composition from Sky Factory, the cerebellum part of the brain is triggered, which is associated with depth perception. The brain will change the perception of space when the viewer looks at the installation, creating an illusion of depth. The installations feel real, and they trigger a response. For example, if you are working in a basement, you would think that you are outside. If you insert the product in the right place in a building, positive change occurs.

According to David Navarrete, the Public Relations Facilitator, Sky Factory is proud to say that their company is the only one that has published two peer-reviewed research articles related to their products’ effect. They have won two awards for their articles. One is from the Environmental Design and Research Association for The Architectural Impact of Perceived Open Space. The second award winning article is on the positive impact of luminous sky ceilings on acute stress and anxiety, a study that was done at Texas Tech University. Sky Factory has entered several contests to promote and introduce their product to people. They entered the Buckminster Fuller challenge that adopts the ‘Trimtab’ principle, where small changes could change the whole atmosphere to promote wellness.

Business benefit

Sky Factory has found a way to make a profitable business of bringing healing images of nature into buildings. A major market for its products is healthcare environments.

In addition to its innovative products, Sky Factory also has innovative management practices. Bill made the company without traditional hierarchy. With open management, unlike a traditional company, they don’t have a boss. Everyone works together and has the knowledge to perform every different job. There is flat salary and everyone receives a possible bonus from profit sharing. Fifty percent of the profits made are shared equally between the employees as long as they meet the three criteria:

1) No late shipments

2) The quarter cash flow average is positive

3) There is a cash balance in the bank for the cost of 6 months overhead

Sky Factory practices lean management and JIT production. They keep low inventory. There are 36 permanent employees on site in Fairfield’s Sky Factory. The graphics group is responsible for most of the photography. There are also three sales representatives. Over forty partners around the world are paid based on commission.

Social and environmental benefit

Sky Factory fulfills the UN Global Sustainable Development goal of good health and well-being. They also foster innovation for infrastructure in buildings. Sky Factory helps companies retain workers, helps them relax and improves their overall performance.

Sky Factory’s own manufacturing facility is mostly solar powered and is well-insulated to conserve energy. The factory uses natural light and LED lighting. The electricity and cost saving LED lighting is calibrated to use less light on a sunny day. People spend a majority of their time at work.


David Navarrete, Public Relations Facilitator

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Sky Factory

Sky Factory

Fairfield, IA, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2002
Number of Employees: 11 to 50
The Sky Factory, a global fine arts and digital technology company, employs a unique Open Skies Image Technology to create realistic virtual skylights, illusions of nature, for interior spaces. Sky Factory's sophisticated photographic compositions deepen biophilic engagement, yielding well-documented psycho-physiological benefits including mitigating stress and fatigue, restoring emotional balance, increasing cognitive function, and improving mental acuity. Sky Factory thus serves two of the UN Global Sustainable Development Goals: their installations promote good health for workers or patients (goal 3) through innovatio infrastructure in buildings (goal 9).