The Tech Gurus

IMG 4273


Alina Baranava

Alina Baranava

jocelyn ramirez

jocelyn ramirez

Alex Vergiris

Alex Vergiris

Matt Skorupa

Matt Skorupa


University of Guelph

University of Guelph

Dominican University

Dominican University

Kenyatta University

Kenyatta University


Yang Hoong

Yang Hoong

Ruben Burga

Ruben Burga

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Anjali Chaudhry

Anjali Chaudhry

Mary Ragui

Mary Ragui

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 5. Gender Equality 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities

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CDW is best defined as a technology solutions and service provider, they think about the full scale. CDW is focused on reduced inequalities, quality education, and gender equality. Their primary focus is to provide quality education to communities by focusing on digital equity that can help reduce inequalities.


CDW works with an organization, they are a third-party consulting firm, called Ecotone Analytics. By working with them, they knew that they wanted to find their strategic focus in grant giving and volunteerism. Their international approach was to partner with Ecotone Analytics to deepen their expertise in building new models through rigorous research and industry leading societal and environmental benchmarks. Together, CDW works to create an evidence-based framework and a data driven logic model to determine what specific issues on digital equity CDW can support moving forward. They decided to focus on digital equity through three main areas.

An area of focus for CDW includes providing access to technology through working with organizations such as Compudopt, based out of Houston, with operations in the Chicagoland area as well. Their process is to take donated technology devices, clean them up, refurbish them, and give them to families that need technology. Oftentimes, it is the family's first technological device, and through this donation they are able to build their technological knowledge, giving them an advantage in participating in our society and economy further. It is very valuable for CDW to work with organizations to provide local communities with access to communication and technology, as it further builds digital equity.

Another way CDW supports digital equity is through supporting education initiatives. "If you were to give someone a laptop that has never had access to a laptop before, it might as well be a brick." Not knowing how to use technology, makes technology useless. CDW supports education through STEM Initiatives, K12 learners, and university students. They also focus on enabling learners of all ages, through programs encouraging digital literacy. An example is teaching people technological acumen, so they know how to use technological devices. By providing access and education to technology, they are able to provide everyone with the opportunity of digital knowledge. CDW works with a ton of organizations such as Junior Achievement Chicago and Junior Achievement USA who are great examples of this.

CDW's third initiative to support digital equity is through building their workforce. The goal of CDW is to create a technology industry that reflects the world that we live in today. There are improvements and opportunities to be targeted all around in terms of making the technology industry more reflective of the world we live in, such as increasing diversity in a male dominated field. They are battling this domination by encouraging technological learning within the female population; this is achieved by working with and donating to programs like Girls in Tech and Girls Who Code. CDW's mission is to provide females with technological opportunities so they can further their education and career, and maybe even one day become part of CDW.

The Tech Gurus


CDW has always had a culture of giving. Throughout the years. they have focused on empowering their workers to give back to communities. So much so that the employees of CDW have paid time off annually to volunteer at organizations they are passionate about.

CDW noticed that in previous years the culture of giving has lacked some focus, and they wanted to change that. As Brandon mentions, "We know that you can make an even more (of a) bigger impact when you have a specific focus, given who we are and what we do."

Given that CDW is one of the biggest technology companies in the world, they focused on digital equity as they felt this is where they could make a distinct difference: "It was important for us as a company to start focusing on addressing the digital divide." CDW wanted to focus on working towards digital equity. They noticed that technology has become a basic need for learners, families, and workers and that there was a large divide between individuals who had access to technology and those that do not. This is what inspired them to partner with Ecotone Analytics to work towards providing people with the opportunity to unlock the potential that technology provides: “We wanted to focus specifically in digital equity, reason being given who we are and what we do, we knew this was an area where we could make a distinct difference.”

Overall impact

CDW’s impact of improving digital equity is beginning to show short-term effects. As CDW partners with different organizations to bring technology and technological education to people all over the world, it's often difficult to see the immediate impact. In the short-run, CDW can see its impact when working with organizations such as Girls in Tech, where their impact goes beyond providing a cheque but also taking part in volunteer events hosted by this organization. This way they are able to assist individuals in using and learning the technology.

Working with non-profit organizations, CDW collaborates with other internal teams across the company and works with talent acquisition to provide the individuals in programs such as Girls Who Code an opportunity to interview for a job at CDW or other technology partners. With this, in the long term CDW can see how many alumni of these organizations move on to work with CDW or partners: “Because our partner network is so strong, people might work for Dell, work for CDW, work for Microsoft. It's such a fluid ecosystem where people can find jobs across all of these partners.”

In terms of metrics, CDW measures the results of their initiative by taking a look at how many visitors they get at their booth at a job fair, how many people get hired by CDW, and what's the retention like of those people? CDW is also able to measure how much technology is being donated, either brand new technology or recycled technology that is donated through their employee drive. Going beyond metrics on paper, CDW also evaluates how much can they inspire the students in organizations by being able to show them how alumni of the same programs have managed to secure positions in industries like technology and law.

Business benefit

CDW’s goal is to address the digital divide and do their part to help eliminate it by providing the people who are unable to obtain technology with the right technology as well as skills, allowing them to be on an equal level with those who do. While helping many of their local communities, CDW is also able to help benefit their own business with this innovation.

As Brandon mentioned in our interview, when a company supports their community, this not only benefits those receiving aid, but also becomes a business driver. One thing he comments on is how previously helping those in needs within communities would be considered more of a “check the box” task as consumers were more likely to buy from and do business with a company that gives back. Although nowadays there is a lot more focus on the social impact part to this initiative, the same thought still applies. Through the continuously giving back, the opportunities to do so increase, which in turn would benefit the business from a CSR perspective. As they created more opportunities to help, more opportunities would open up. Some examples of this include their coworker drive for technology donations, resource groups, programs to teach people how to use the technology, and much more. CDW would track how many donations they get, how many participants, grants being given and received, and other quantitative measures to track their progress on their mission.

Finally, on top of directly benefitting the business, their initiatives would help benefit them indirectly through the well being of their employees. Brandon had mentioned how through these innovations, many of his coworkers including himself could leave work feeling that they gave back to the community as they strive to make a difference. This would boost morale within the company therefore creating even more benefits from within.

Social and environmental benefit

CDW's innovative approach in focusing on digital equity significantly benefits society and the environment. This initiative is multifaceted, addressing key societal needs while promoting sustainable development. First, by providing access to technology, CDW is bridging the digital divide. Their collaboration with organizations like Compudot, which refurbishes donated devices for families needing technology, is instrumental. This not only aids in reducing electronic waste through recycling but also empowers underprivileged families by providing them with essential technological tools.

Furthermore, CDW's work toward digital equity helps support education, particularly in STEM initiatives and digital literacy programs. They are able to equip individuals across various age groups with vital skills in an increasingly digital world. This educational support extends from K-12 learners to university students, ensuring a broad impact. The emphasis on digital literacy not only fosters a more tech-savvy society but also prepares individuals for the evolving job market, enhancing their employability and contributing to economic development. Moreover, CDW’s engagement in these educational programs addresses the urgent need for technological adaptability, essential in a world where technological advancements are rapid and constant. Their commitment to nurturing digital competency from a young age lays a foundation for a workforce that is not only versatile but also innovative, driving forward the tech industry and various sectors that increasingly rely on digital expertise.

Finally, CDW's focus on building a diverse workforce reflects a commitment to inclusivity in the tech industry. By striving for a workforce that mirrors the diversity of the world, CDW is addressing gender and racial disparities in technology. This not only fosters a more equitable industry but also promotes varied perspectives and ideas, driving innovation and progress. Additionally, this approach to workforce diversity goes beyond mere representation; it creates an environment where diverse thoughts and experiences are valued, leading to more creative solutions and a healthier workplace culture. Furthermore, by actively combating systemic barriers in the tech industry, CDW is setting a precedent for other companies, potentially catalyzing wider industry changes towards greater inclusivity and equality.


Brandon Ruffin, Social Impact Team

Business information



Business Website:
Year Founded: 1984
Number of Employees: 10000+

CDW is a technology solutions and services provider. CDW partners with major tech manufacturers like Dell, HP, and Cisco, offering a range of hardware and software solutions. The company provides comprehensive services, including configuring and managing IT solutions for customers and supporting them throughout the entire IT lifecycle. CDW serves customers such as educational institutions, government entities, businesses of all sizes, and healthcare organizations. CDW operates globally in the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, South Africa, and more.