The Unwaste Shop

The Sustainable Switch

Screenshot 2023 11 12 at 9 48 54 PM


Kiara Valenzuela

Kiara Valenzuela

Maya Green

Maya Green

Colton Gnat

Colton Gnat

Breaghana Casey

Breaghana Casey


Dominican University

Dominican University

University of Guelph

University of Guelph


Ruben Burga

Ruben Burga

Anjali Chaudhry

Anjali Chaudhry

Yang Hoong

Yang Hoong

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Global Goals

5. Gender Equality 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 14. Life Below Water 15. Life on Land

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Business innovation is a vital factor to most–if not all–businesses. Business innovation is what a company is able to create or do that can set themselves apart from competition. The better and/or more advanced the innovation, the more success it can bring to a business. The Unwaste Shop, founded by Todd Barancik, is an environmentally friendly store and refill station in Chicago’s West Loop neighborhood.


The innovation emerged when the business operator, Todd, and his wife started having children. They saw how wasteful many products were and how much garbage they were producing. They came up with different ways of changing how and what products they used. Eventually, they found a pop-up shop of a refill station–a business similar to The Unwaste Shop that reuses bottles and cuts down on plastic waste. When the pop-up shop left they saw an opportunity to continue what the refill station was doing, plus adding more environmentally friendly options to Chicago.

The purpose of refilling and reusing items that could otherwise be discarded is to reduce the amount of waste we produce. Todd said that "it kinda makes you really realize what you know, what you're generating" and how much of an environmental impact it has. On top of recycling materials, The Unwaste Shop also sells environmental friendly, and fair trade, alternatives to everyday household products. As well, Todd mentioned how some of The Unwaste Shop's innovations come from requests by customers. Customers were asking him for gel-based dishwasher detergent. The Unwaste Shop has begun research into finding products like this which have a better impact on the environment.

Using a refill station, such as The Unwaste Shop, is a simple, easy, and environmentally friendly way of reusing containers. Instead of throwing out a soap or laundry detergent bottle, they can be refilled and reused. Once a bottle or container is used up, it can be brought to The Unwaste Shop where it will be weighed, filled, and weighed again to determine how much has been refilled. Prices are based on how many ounces are filled. The customer is able to continue this process as many times as they like, reducing their carbon footprint and garbage production along the way.

The Sustainable Switch


The Unwaste Shop began from a frustration of the use of single use plastic and non-recyclables. During his journey of becoming a first time father, Todd could not believe the single use, non-recyclable garbage that came out of everyday items such as diapers and baby snacks. Todd and his wife acknowledged that it is their duty to provide their children with healthy habits that have a positive impact on both them and the environment they live in. That’s how they became customers of the first ever Unwaste pop-up shop, to provide better for their family and the environment. The previous owners, being two broadway actors, did not have the bandwidth to open and sustain an actual full time store, and that's when Todd took charge into his passion. Todd explained that “They were just kind of doing something temporarily. Didn't have any you know, desire to continue on so. I had closed my business, my last business. We were customers of theirs and got to know them. When we realized that they were closing, I, you know, asked if they had any interest in carrying on the legacy and went from there. So we ended up taking it over from them”. From then on, Todd took over The Unwaste Shop in November 2022 in Chicago.

Todd’s main purpose is to eliminate single use and unsustainable products for his family has since become much, much larger. Todd now has a whole community he works for. The idea began surrounding his family's health and wellbeing, and has now expanded into a vast variety of sustainability practices such as: 7 or 8 different recycling programs from razor blade backs, TerraCycle boxes, box oral careways, beauty care waste and offering free packaging of compost, batteries, among other things. Todd and his wife's goal is to make their shop as convenient and easily accessible as possible for citizens of Chicago, like a one stop shop. From a small frustration with single use plastics, to a passion to create a better world for future generations, Todd is making huge leaps in sustainability to achieve The Unwaste Shops goals.

Overall impact

The innovation of refilling and reusing products has not only impacted the operations of The Unwaste Shop, but has also led to a societal and environmental conversation of the importance of sustainability sourced products. Todd’s innovation on The Unwaste Shop has led to ventures such as opening up a refill station in Chicago’s West Loop, partnerships with B-Corporations and Fair Trade companies, and community recycling programs. The Unwaste Shop works to provide everyday alternatives that are free of harmful ingredients and are sold in a price per ounce quantity, ensuring you are buying products that feel good to put on and in your body. Through education, the outreach of his innovation continues to reach Chicagoland residents, instilling within them the confidence to take a step towards a sustainable practice that works for them. Todd explains how The Unwaste Shop “Helps you understand how you could do better and make a change or two that works for you, and that might be different than changes that work for me. And that's okay. It's better if we have everybody trying to make a few things. Try to do everything, try to do a few things better than having just a few people that are doing it all right. '' Through promoting consumer consciousness, The Unwaste Shop is curating means to a more environmentally friendly society.

Furthermore, The Unwaste Shop’s innovation has produced short term effects such as reduced exposure to harmful substances, as their products are free of any sort of artificial, synthetic additives, preservatives, or additional chemical ingredients. Customers with skin conditions such as eczema or irritations noticed upon switching to the shop’s products, their skin gradually cleared up and irritation went away. Lastly, consciousness raising, waste reduction, community development, and the promotion of a circular economy are the long term effects of the company’s innovation. As The Unwaste Shop partners with free trade companies and small businesses that align with its mission, they are promoting the longevity of these meaningful collaborations, whilst providing consumers with products that lessen our impact on the environment.

Business benefit

The Unwaste Shop is located in the Chicago Loop, making it the only refill station in the area, creating positive disruption to the community. Relationship building is a key part to ensuring the business remains successful and collaborating with other small businesses that are B-Corporations, Fair Trade, Minority and Women Owned are important, especially for being a refill station and sustainable storefront in Chicago. The Unwaste Shop hosts pop up events for corporate companies to spread awareness on how businesses can incorporate sustainable living into the workplace. For example, a recent event The Unwaste Shop hosted was for Amazon Corporation to introduce sustainable living and become more knowledgeable on how Amazon can integrate these practices in their company.

Since The Unwaste Shop is finding creative ways to expand knowledge in sustainable living, areas that are being explored is creating a consistent relationship with businesses to come by the shop and have their employees use the refill station to stock up for the month. Additionally, doing micro pop ups to increase visibility within the community like a corner store and bringing items to businesses such as laundry mats to make is more accessible for everyone to use.

Social and environmental benefit

The Unwaste Shop makes positive contributions on a societal and environmental scale by being one of the few refill stations; this is a new innovation for the Chicagoland community to encourage a more sustainable lifestyle. The Unwaste Shop partakes in community collaborations with Waste Not which is a bucket rotation system to pick up weekly compost from the shop. The Unwaste Shop business model is a circular economy through their refill station to eliminate the need for a new packaging every time you make a purchase and all packaging items are compostable to divert waste from landfills. Additionally, educational workshops are held in the storefront for companies to brainstorm potential ways to be more sustainable within their company and Todd brings vendors that are specialized in their industry to help with the sustainable switch.

From a lifestyle change to improve the lives of his family, to a passion to making a difference in his community and greater society, Todd is making the sustainable switch to change. By practicing multiple Sustainable Development Goals including, Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, Goal 13: Climate Action, Goal 5: Gender Equality , Goal 14: Life Below Water, & Goal 15: Life On Land, Todd and the Unwaste Shop are taking small but major steps into shaping a better world for future generations.


Todd Barancik, CEO

Watch video on Vimeo

Business information

The Unwaste Shop

The Unwaste Shop

Chicago, IL, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2021
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

The Unwaste Shop was established in 2021 in Chicago, IL selling everyday sustainable items such as kitchen, menstrual products, laundry care, and many more following with a refill station to reduce the use of plastics and landfill on our planet. Todd, the CEO of The Unwaste Shop advocates for sustainable living through business collaborations, community partnerships, and Todd making the sustainable switch himself.