
The Sustainable, Beautiful, and Functional Plastic Alternative

Sulapac Technical 2021 2131 Edit jennijoanna original


Isabel Nelson

Isabel Nelson

Eva Schuetz

Eva Schuetz

Julia Baasner

Julia Baasner

Peppi Manninen

Peppi Manninen


Hanken School of Economics

Hanken School of Economics


Martin Fougere

Martin Fougere

Global Goals

12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 14. Life Below Water 15. Life on Land

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Sulapac is a material innovation company founded by Dr. Suvi Haimi, Dr. Laura Tirkkonen-Rajasalo and Dr. Antti Pärssinen, who wanted to use their expertise in medical biomaterials for the good of our planet, addressing the severe and urgent nature of the global plastic waste problem. Sulapac’s sustainable, beautiful and functional material can replace conventional plastics in a wide range of applications, ranging from cosmetics packaging to 3D printed furniture. Sulapac allows brands, like Chanel, to stay true to their quality standards and offers brands sustainability without compromise.

Sulapac’s material is bio-based and leaves no microplastics or toxic residues behind, making it safe for the planet, and for all those who live on it. Furthermore, their materials can be processed with existing plastic product machinery which eases the switch from conventional plastic to Sulapac materials. This innovation reaches SDG 12, 13, 14, and 15 by offering a material that encourages responsible consumption and helps the planet. Sulapac's vision is to become the new standard for sustainable materials replacing plastics, which supports their ambitious mission of saving the world from plastic waste.


The innovation is a plastic alternative that is designed to facilitate a plastic waste-free future. The bio-degradable and bio-based Sulapac materials are made from side stream raw materials and recycled content, making it both compostable and suited for chemical recycling. Additionally, the material is circular by design and is safe for the planet and people whilst meeting the quality expectations set by brands.

Sulapac sells their material to companies for them to use in their own production processes. This allows companies to replace conventional plastic with a genuinely sustainable alternative, preserving both functionality and aesthetics. They provide materials for cosmetics, food utensils, and dry food/supplements. Their biggest growing industry is cosmetics, working with companies such as Chanel and Lumene.

Sulapacs innovation promotes SDG 12: responsible consumption and production, SDG 13: climate action, SDG 14: life below water, and SDG 15: life on land. They directly promote SDG 12 as they provide a responsible alternative to plastics for consumers, and consume responsibly as a company, by using wood from certified, sustainably managed forests for example. They also promote SDG 13 as Sulapac materials are biobased, meaning they do not involve oil drilling. They incorporate recycled content and side streams, reducing the need for land area and lowering CO2 emissions. Furthermore, they support SDGs 14 and 15 by helping conserve life on land and in water. By replacing plastic, they contribute to reducing plastic waste, toxic substances, and microplastic pollution in the world.

The Sustainable, Beautiful, and Functional Plastic Alternative

Sulapac Jar Biodegradation


Sulapac is a Helsinki based company that was founded in 2016 by 3 scientists, Dr. Suvi Haimi, Dr. Laura Tirkkonen-Rajasalo and Dr. Antti Pärssinen. As Dr. Tirkkonen-Rajasalo explains, “our company is deeply embedded in science”. The 3 founders wanted to use their scientific expertise in biomaterials to address the urgent global plastic waste problem, resulting in their sustainable alternative to plastic. In the interview with Dr. Tirkkonen-Rajasalo, she explains that the founders believe “that sustainable business is the most effective way to make a positive change in the world. Which is something that motivates me every day."

Today Sulapac continues to strive for change and innovation, “coming up with new solutions is who we are” as Tirkkonen-Rajasalo explains. The intrinsic drive to create a better world allows Sulapac to push through challenges. As Dr. Tirkkonen-Rajasalo explains, “when you have a mission to fight for and a team to rely on, you simply push through the hard times."

Overall impact

This innovation has a positive impact on both human health and ecosystems as conventional plastics pose a detrimental threat to these aspects. Recycling alone cannot solve the plastic crisis, cut our dependency on oil, or stop the accumulation of plastic waste and microplastic pollution. Sulapac proposes that if we want to stop the plastic waste crisis and tackle global warming, there is only one truly effective solution. This solution is to replace oil based, non-biodegredable plastic with materials that are bio-based, recyclable, and leave no permanent plastic behind.

A short-term impact of the innovation is the reduction of plastic usage by companies. They are able to prove this impact as they measure the amount of conventional plastic avoided by their customers as they replace it with Sulapac materials. They also produce positive long-term impacts for the planet and humans. They impact the planet as their innovation eliminates the need for conventional plastic, reducing plastic and microplastic waste that stays on the planet forever. They also contribute to a lower-carbon footprint, and they measure their CO2 emissions avoided. Lastly, they impact human health in the long-term as humans ingest 5 grams of microplastics a week for example, and research show this is harmful to the human body and linked to auto-immune diseases and cancer.

Business benefit

Since its incorporation, Sulapac has managed to grow its business and product offering considerably. In 2022, the company’s revenue increased by 38 per cent compared to the previous year. Nowadays, the company employs over 30 people and they have won a number of international awards such as Best Impact Start-up Award by ABIS in 2019 and Sustainable Packaging category of Sustainable Beauty Awards in 2017. Furthermore, WIRED UK has recognized Sulapac three times in its listings for hottest start-ups.

Sulapac has also been successful in attracting both Finnish and international investors. It has raised funding from large strategic investors as well as well-known Finnish private investors such as Lifeline Ventures, Chanel and Sky Ocean Ventures. The company is also backed by EU Horizon 2020 –program. In May 2023, the company announced that it initiates a financing round with Springvest to accelerate its scaleup in the cosmetic and food services sectors.

According to Dr. Laura Tirkkonen-Rajasalo, the company’s vision is to become the new standard for sustainable materials replacing conventional plastics. “We are working our way towards this goal by expanding our business in two of our main business areas, cosmetics and food service, while constantly of course investigating new application areas,” she explains. New materials are constantly under development and the company also pursues leveraging its current comprehensive portfolio in the most efficient way.

Social and environmental benefit

Sulapac was designed to benefit both society and the environment. From an environmental perspective, Sulapac is bio-based product which means there is no oil-drilling involved in production. This is beneficial for the environment because compared to conventional plastics the production of Sulapac has less land usage and CO2 emissions. This preserves biodiversity and human wellbeing. Additionally, their material is circular by design. For example, a Sulapac cup can be reused up to 125 times, be recycled and made into new Sulapac cups or biodegrade into natural ingredients such as CO2, water and biomass. Furthermore, replacing conventional plastic with Sulapac material means that there is less plastic waste and microplastic pollution in the world, which is crucial for preserving life below water and life on land.

From a societal perspective, the production of Sulapac material emits no microplastic pollution or toxic substances. This is advantageous for society as it ensures economic gains for employees and surrounding communities without negative externalities. Furthermore, the harmful human health impacts associated with microplastics, such as neurodegenerative diseases and cancers, highlight the societal benefit of Sulapac reducing the amount of microplastic pollution in our environment.


Dr. Laura Tirkkonen-Rajasalo, Director of Quality Assurance and Regulatory Affairs, Co-founder

Watch video on Vimeo

Business information



Helsinki, FI
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Sulapac is a material innovation company founded by Dr. Suvi Haimi, Dr. Laura Tirkkonen-Rajasalo and Dr. Antti Pärssinen, with the inspirational mission to save the world from plastic waste. The founders wanted to use their expertise in medical biomaterials for the good of our planet, addressing the severe and urgent nature of the global plastic waste problem. Resulting in a bio-based material that can be manufactured in pre-existing plastic manufacturing machinery, making it easy for companies to implement.