
The Sustainability Project: Pro Alimentos



Alejandra Castro Glauss

Alejandra Castro Glauss

Mario Verdugo

Mario Verdugo

Hugo Villacis

Hugo Villacis

Gemma Mayagoitia

Gemma Mayagoitia

Santiago Banda

Santiago Banda

Diana Abarca

Diana Abarca

Raúl Ramírez Sánchez

Raúl Ramírez Sánchez


EGADE Business School Tecnologico de Monterrey

EGADE Business School Tecnologico de Monterrey


Consuelo Garcia-de-la-torre

Consuelo Garcia-de-la-torre

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 2. Zero Hunger 3. Good Health and Well-Being 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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The project is about donating surplus products. Before this project, all the surplus products were taken to the distribution centers and were dumped. So Oxxo saw an opportunity in two ways, decreasing waste generated in the DC’s and helping the community.


These are unspoiled products, that weren’t sold in stores and are shipped to a distribution center. From the distribution centers, the products are donated to associations, food banks, shelters and then, they deliver the products to the people with limited resources. The people involved in this process was the sustainability department, Operations and Logistics Teams from the distribution centers. Also, they had help from the Mexican Association of Food Banks, and very important, the suppliers, because they are the ones who know all about the conditions of the surplus products.

The Sustainability Project: Pro Alimentos


The idea of creating something different, that engage all the employees with Oxxo, making their everyday work something more valuable for other communities rather than the just creating money for the owners. And the other motivation was, as a business, how to reduce waste costs in a responsible way. Also it has a direct relation to FEMSA’s Mission: “Create economic and social value through business enterprises and institutions” and also with the second of the Sustainable Development Goals: Zero Hunger.

Overall impact

This Project reduce the waste in stores and DC, causing the decrease in the operations budget and at the same time, Oxxo is helping communities that are fighting hunger to cover this need of food.

Business benefit

The most important impact was the decrease in the cost of waste management. Additionally, it helps the company to relate to the community and generate a sense of belonging in the collaborators.

The cost of handling food residues decreased, since a responsible disposal of surplus food implies an important expense for the company, with the support of the food banks this expense is considerably reduced.

People who participate in the program develop a sense of belonging with Oxxo, feel they transcend and that what they are doing goes beyond their day-to-day work.

Social and environmental benefit

The main impact on society is that it allows people with nutritional deficiencies to supply this need, in addition to improving their nutritional quality. Under the Oxxo Food Banks Donation initiative, support is given to 27 food banks, providing food to more than a thousand families per month.

- Allows people with nutritional deficiencies to supply this need. Improves the nutritional quality of people belonging to vulnerable groups. Decreases the amount of waste that is discarded to the environment. A better destination is given to products that were no longer going to be sold.


Rocío Martínez, Sustainability Coordinator

Photo of interviewee

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Business information



Monterrey, NL, MX
Business Website: https://www.oxxo.com/
Year Founded: 1978
Number of Employees: 10000+

OXXO is a Mexican convenience store chain, owned by FEMSA, and a subsidiary of FEMSA Comercio (Retail Division)