Down to Earth Composting

The Rot Rider Revolution

Dte bike


Jill Beglin

Jill Beglin


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

2. Zero Hunger 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Down to Earth Composting is a bike powered food waste pick up service for individuals and businesses in Reno, Nevada. Down to Earth transforms food scraps and organics into compost to return to businesses and individuals for their own agricultural efforts. Composting has numerous benefits for society and the environment. Down to Earth supports a community-wide effort to reduce unnecessary waste in landfills, prevent groundwater pollution, and reduce our carbon footprint.


Composting is one of the greatest ways we can make a simple change that will have a drastic effect on our world. Organic waste in landfills generates methane, a potent greenhouse gas. Composting waste food and organics significantly reduces methane emissions. Composting reduces the need for chemical fertilizer and prompts a higher yield of crops.

Down to Earth meets the SDG of Zero Hunger by furthering sustainable farming and and agriculture practices. Customers of Down to Earth are given composted soil in return for their waste, which encourages individuals and businesses to start their own garden and agriculture efforts. Locally grown produce reduces the reliance on large scale agriculture which is bad for the environment.

Down to Earth also fulfills the SDG of Ensure Availability and Sustainable Management of Water and Sanitation for All. Through providing clients with nutrient rich soil for gardening, the need for chemical fertilizers is reduced. The use of compost prevents pollutants from entering run-off or seeping into groundwater. Lastly, Down to Earth meets the SDG of Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns. Composting reduces landfill waste by giving food waste a second life cycle that builds healthier soil, prevents soil erosion, conserves water, and improves plant growth. Down to Earth encourages companies to adopt sustainable practices by partnering with local restaurants in the Reno community. The average restaurant produces thousands of pounds of trash per year that is sent to a landfill. Down to Earth helps restaurants reduce their overall waste through composting.

Down to Earth is more than just a business that provides a service to its clients. When you sign up for a Down to Earth bin, you are supporting a community-wide effort to tread more lightly on this planet. Down to Earth is a movement that educates and increases awareness for better stewardship of our Earth. Through the Down to Earth website, individuals can find information about the importance of composting, and waste habits in the Reno/Truckee community.

The Rot Rider Revolution


Down to Earth is in its third phase of Leadership. The company started as the Rot Riders and was founded by an individual named Kyle and his partner at the time. The second phase of leadership consisted of Garret and his wife, Tinneian, who now runs the farm at Patagonia in Reno. Now, Jon and his coworker Oz form the third phase of leadership for Down to Earth Composting.

Prior to Jon’s start at Down to Earth, he attended a conference in Reno on Bio Regenesis, with the overall theme of what we can do better as inhabitants of this planet. Zack Bush gave a presentation on how the process of fixing the soil will fix about 80% of the world’s issues because fixing the soil requires a community effort to reduce pollution and unnecessary waste.

After leaving the conference incredibly inspired, a few months later Jon had his first encounter with Down to Earth when someone told him about the Rot Riders, as he was a bike enthusiast himself. After this conversation, he spoke with the previous owner at a farmers' market in Reno and started working shortly after. Jon had previously left an old career when starting at Down to Earth and describes his beginnings with the business as “life and death” and that “all energies of what composting represents were involved."

Overall impact

Partners for a Sustainable Nevada recognized Down to Earth Composting in 2019, highlighting that the business had since diverted 28,000 lbs. of food waste from the landfill, and at the time collected 1,300-1,400 lbs. of compostable scraps per week.

Currently, the UN estimates that 8 percent of climate change is caused by food. Additionally, the Environmental Protection Agency has estimated in their 2021 environmental impacts report that food loss and waste contributes 170 million metric tons in a CO2 equivalent. This is equal to the CO2 emissions of 42 coal fired power plants (

The United Nations Environmental Programe has recognized composting as one of the best options for managing organic waste. Composting has the power to improve soil and plant nutrients and reduce agricultural dependency on chemical fertilizer, which protects our land and water resources.

Business benefit

When Down to Earth Composting first began in 2012-2013 as the Rot Riders, this service was not yet a business but a grass roots approach to reducing food waste. Kyle, the original founder, serviced 20-30 homes with a small team and a trailer. The yet to be business used a pay-as-you-can model, which was, as Jon describes, very “solar punk” and “community driven.” Three years later, Garrett stepped in and registered the business and changed the name to Down to Earth. Currently, Down to Earth still uses the “Rot Rider” term for their cycling team. Nestled on the Eastern side of the Sierras, bordering both California and Oregon, the business was inspired by Nevada’s neighbors, who were leading the way in city-wide composting and green initiatives.

Down to Earth currently operates in three areas: residential collection, human drop-off, and commercial businesses. For residential clients, Down to Earth collects buckets once a week. For human drop-off, clients can utilize drop-off bins located throughout Reno. For commercial collections, businesses fill a large bin that is picked up each week. 50% of the homes serviced are cycled to, and the more rural residents have their collections picked up by Rot Drivers.

Today, Down to Earth services 500-550 homes for collection, 300-350 homes for drop off bins, and 12 commercial businesses. Jon is beyond grateful for all of the businesses and residences that have “bought in” to this green initiative.

Social and environmental benefit

When asked how Down to Earth impacts society and the environment, Jon responded that he hoped the business would “plant the seed” of the importance of having nutrient rich soil and opportunities for local growing. Jon hopes that the business will make people more conscious about what they are throwing into the “forever bins” and increase awareness of the impact that cardboard and food scraps have. Down to Earth gives individuals and businesses the opportunity to see the end-to-end impact of their waste stream when they compost. Food scraps given to Down to Earth are returned back to their consumers for their own farming, gardening, and agricultural needs. Turning people towards the land is the ultimate goal. Residents can feel an impact in small ways, such as growing a beautiful flower with the compost they created.

Jon hopes that Down to Earth will help reduce recycling and increase composting. Many products that are typically recycled can have a better life cycle through composting. Paper products and cardboard are two typically recycled items that can be composted rather than being recycled. Often enough, depending on where you live, recycling efforts are put to waste by poor management. Jon sees composting as the stock gap for recycling. Composting can be used for animals or returned to the soil.

Down to Earth strengthens the soil and our communities. At the heart of the business is the support of the local community, striving to reduce its impact and foster opportunities for nutrient rich local grown foods. Down to Earth is an investment in the “oneness of it all and the oneness of this planet. It is part of us and we are part of it.”


Jon, Director of Growth

Business information

Down to Earth Composting

Down to Earth Composting

Reno, NV, US
Year Founded: 2012
Number of Employees: 11 to 50
Down to Earth Composting is a bike powered food waste collection service serving the community in Reno, Nevada. Individuals and businesses can subscribe to have their food waste picked up or dropped off at a food waste bin, and Down to Earth will return food scraps in the form of compost. Subscribers of Down to Earth Composting are investing in the health of earth and community.