Royal Prestige

The Real Face of Prestige in Innovations

Sartenes easy


Valeria Guerra Sibaja

Valeria Guerra Sibaja


TecMilenio University (Universidad TecMilenio)

TecMilenio University (Universidad TecMilenio)


Sara García

Sara García

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 4. Quality Education 5. Gender Equality 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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The company´s newest innovation is the Easy Release pans using non-stick technology with plasma and surgical grade stainless steel.

This innovation helps to reduce the risk of suffering from cancer and other diseases such as diabetes and obesity, helping to improve quality of life.


The innovation comes directly from the annual congress that the Royal Prestige company carries out where it presents the new products. The line that was discussed during the interview was originally not going to be distributed in Mexico, but the CEO of the company in the country asked that be given an opportunity, and surprisingly the supply ran out in 2 weeks.

The innovation comes directly in response to market studies where it was highlighted that there were customers who continued to use "Teflon" for its anti-adherence function, so the company dedicated itself to manufacturing a frying pan that had this characteristic without the disadvantages. Teflon is made from petroleum.

This new line is called EASY REALEASE, it is currently one of the company's best sellers, it comes in 3 pans of different sizes (small, medium and large).

This innovation helps to eat healthy, since it is not necessary to put oil in the pan to cook, this helps reduce obesity, in addition to reducing the risk of cancer due to toxic materials used in cooking instruments of other brands.

This product went on sale at the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, despite the fact that good sales were not forecast due to the economy at that time, as mentioned, sales exceeded expectations in the Mexican market, despite the fact that the company manages a personal selling system through demonstrations in each customer's home.

The Real Face of Prestige in Innovations

Photos of the innovation of the easy release line


The enterprise Royal Prestige was primarily inspired to achieve a cooking system that would provide a unique and proven method of cooking that maximizes the nutritional value and flavor of meals. Royal Prestige's overall design allows consumers to prepare healthy and tasty meals in a fraction of the time.

In addition to this and according to Jesús San Juan, authorized distributor and sales representative of the company states that "Through its circular business model that seeks decent work and economic growth for employees and personal involved" inspired by achieving the growth of the company through the personal and professional growth of people with job opportunities.

These two factors have been achieved as a result the development of the sale of high-end products while "developing the greatness of the people who are part of the company."

One of the things that has achieved the greatest positive impact is the involvement with employees, in the entire model of recruitment, training, decision-making and financial education. Offering in this way a service and product solutions that satisfy each of the client's needs, positioning it with unparalleled service and attention, managing to place the company as one of the most important in the Mexican market.

With this training and professional growth, this circular model allows us to offer high-end product solutions that pay attention to the food needs of Mexicans with quality products and services that benefit all involved (employees, employers and consumers)

Overall impact

Royal Prestige developed the Deluxe Easy Release product during the pandemic as a result of an exhaustive search for the well-being of the consumer. The company realized that in this way they had an impact on SDG 3 "Health and well-being for all" since they sought to improve quality of life by offering consumers an alternative for preparing healthy food with high-end utensils.

The product is distributed following the business model that encourages entrepreneurs in their professional growth by preparing their professional plan, thus seeking equal employment and salary opportunities for these young professionals not only in Mexico but also in other countries like the US

Some of the short-term effects are the improvement of the economy of Mexicans and the country in general, promoting commercial activity, improving the working conditions of workers.

In the long term we obtain, not only a healthier Mexico, but also a productive one that seeks a stable economy.

Business benefit

This new product came to revolutionize its market, since it is currently one of the most sold, it is its flagship product because it gave the market what it really needed, also in terms of the field of work, it provided them with the realization of demonstrations since they can make a greater variety of dishes to be able to convince the client and thus make the purchase.

On the other hand, Royal Prestige is also a new business model where they are given the opportunity to become distributors. This works in the form of a pyramid model. Sellers must work to reach a certain goal, later they become their own bosses, in this way the company not only trains workers but also entrepreneurs, broadening their vision of how to really see work.

Putting together all of the aforementioned, we can say that the use of these innovations revolutionized not only the market but also the internal mechanism, the organizational culture of the company, since it contributes to improving the quality of life not only of clients but also of employees. This model boosts productivity since employees work for a specific cause.

The company currently has a good monetary flow and it could be said that it is a profitable business, as the distributor mentions in the interview, within the state of Veracruz Royal could continue to be sold for another 10 years.

Social and environmental benefit

Royal Prestige is characterized by having high quality products which are manufactured with surgical grade stainless steel materials which are resistant to temperatures in addition to having a surgical graduation on the inside which has allowed them not only to innovate but to position themselves as a leading brand since it offers consumers cooking in a healthier way focusing on SDG 3 health and well-being for all. In addition, the circular model focuses on SDG 5 gender equality in addition to SDG 8 decent work and economic growth since the company seeks to provide growth to its collaborators.

The greatest positive social impact that the entity generates is in creating entrepreneurs where they are trained so that they do not comply with making sales but have the bases so that the business really meets its objective, which is to be like a pyramid in which the people who are part of the organization can already have a high growth that the company seeks to reduce the unemployment rate by giving greater job opportunities also seeks to have a reduction in diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, Fatty liver and hypertension by reducing cooking with fats in order that in society there is awareness and a better quality of life cooking in a healthy way.


Jesus Eduardo San Juan Cadena, Manager

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

Royal Prestige

Royal Prestige is a company that offers the highest quality cookware and accessories for our kitchens. In addition to offering the opportunity to maintain a healthy life while eating delicious food, it also offers the opportunity for growth for entrepreneurs.