Trefle Inc

The New Luxury Electric Car-Service


Stephanie Sedhom

Stephanie Sedhom

Martina Huang

Martina Huang

James Vourakis

James Vourakis


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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Trefle Inc. offers car-ride services with its electric cars. It helps to eliminate carbon footprint through renewable energy and, at the same time, educates its riders about being sustainable through their riding experiences. The business has promoted 4 Sustainable Development Goals, and it aims to tackle more in the future.


Trefle Inc.’s core values surround these following goals: promoting clean energy usage, eliminating their carbon footprint by consuming renewable energy and producing zero waste, contributing to the economy,and contributing to the environment. Trefle has proved they can be sustainable while making profits. They’ve been operating for 6 years, and as of 2017 the company has generated $180,000 in annual revenues and employs approximately 25 workers. Trefle has the potential to be a large-scale job creator. They hold 100% market share when it comes to a car-service company that only uses electric cars, however comparing to other car-service companies Trefle Inc. falls under the category of small businesses.

The New Luxury Electric Car-Service


Car Sharing is growing rapidly in urban areas as more people forego the hassle and expense of owning a car. The number of car-sharing users rose more than 300 percent in North America. CEO Teresa Gardocka said “car sharing can not only makes transportation more climate-friendly, it can also help drive electric vehicle adoption.” She wanted to offer consumers a luxury ride that is still kind to the Earth, the market had a huge potential. She believed the reason why consumers weren’t practicing eco-friendly cars, was due to the fact there was no role model setting that pace. Car-sharing services such as Uber, Lyft, and Zipcar mainly offers regular gas burning vehicles with the exception of some hybrids they employ. Unfortunately Uber’s luxury line offers no electric or hybrid cars for users, this is what led CEO Teresa Gardocka to believe she can change the consumers perspective on electric car riding.

Overall impact

Trefle Inc. is the first fully electric car-service business that utilizes non-gasoline operated vehicles. With the automotive industry primarily manufacturing electric cars, Trefle will be at the forefront of the competition and will have the potential to grow exponentially. Once major players like Uber and Lyft realize that the cars of the future will be electric, they all have no choice but to join Trefle in their fully electric operations.

Consumers are more aware than ever of the ethical and environmental impact of sustainable goods and services. Companies have realized this and now use sustainability as a marketing tool to help strengthen their brand. Trefle has executed this perfectly and is catering to those consumers who actively seek greener solutions or those who rather chose a greener option than a company that disregards it. This can affect society now and, in the future, because there is now an environmentally friendly solution to car-servicing. By giving the people options, it makes competition fiercer and it can draw in more potential customers.

The topic of global warming has been a major discussion in recent years and many believe it is due in part because of harmful gases and emissions. It is said that the typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year according to Environmental Protection Agency. Trefle has been able to eliminate the need for gas operated vehicles in their operations and because of this, it has reduced their carbon footprint and those who use their service.

Business benefit

Trefle Inc. provides an environmental benefit to itself as it grows, to the society as it helps people become more conscientious about the environment, and to the environment as it tries to minimize, and even eliminate, negative impacts.

In addition, maintaining electric cars is easier for both the company and the customers. Repairing the electric car is “easier”. For example, an electric car’s motor engine is composed of around half a dozen parts as opposed to the more-than-a-hundred parts in the gas car motor engine. Moreover, the business and the customers are not locked under gas prices. Instead of worrying about the gas price and how much money they have to spend every week on it, they just have to worry on whether the car is charged or not.

Trefle Inc. benefits from several state tax and federal tax incentives as it practices sustainable operations. Lastly, the company gives an educational benefit to people who drive daily. It shows how little actions we do daily can make a difference, even small, to the society, to the environment, and to humans.

Social and environmental benefit

As Trefle Inc. provides services with electric cars rather than regular cars that emit polluting gases, it is helping the world in both the short and long term. Trefle Inc. uses clean energy instead of gas that turns into carbon emissions harmful to the environment, it uses electricity that might one day come from solar panels (SDG 7). As the company grows, it will provide more job opportunities those in the community. It will promote more inclusive and economic growth (SDG 8). Last but not least, Trefle is working hard to promote sustainable consumption and production patterns through its mission statement. On one hand, it is providing “education” through experience. On the other hand, it is already contributing to use clean energy and expand its operations.


Teresa Gardocka, CEO & Founder

Business information

Trefle Inc

Trefle Inc

Lawrence, NY, US
Year Founded: 2012
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Business owner, Teresa Gardocka, wants to influence how we use our car riding services in an eco-friendly way. Trefle Inc is a car-service company that innovates by using electric cars to help promote sustainable practices. Similar to Uber, Lyft, and Zip Car, this car-sharing service is giving people the opportunity to experience electric vehicles.