Box to Market

The Machines App

Btm 2


Jairo Dorado

Jairo Dorado

Daniel José Jacome Minorta

Daniel José Jacome Minorta

Sandra Milena Rodriguez Velasquez

Sandra Milena Rodriguez Velasquez


Universidad Externado de Colombia

Universidad Externado de Colombia


Gustavo A Yepes López

Gustavo A Yepes López

Global Goals

12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Box to Market is a solution that promotes the collaborative business of buying and selling used things through machines strategically located in places with many people. This solution helps the conservation of the planet because it encourages the consumption of used things (ODS # 12). According to Edwin "The collaborative businesses are growing worldwide. Companies like Uber and Airbnb are a clear sample".


The solution consists of locating machines, electronic boxes, in different strategic places in a city where there are a large number of people; for example: Companies, universities, shopping centers, etc. People can register through the Box to Market application to obtain a box where they will locate the product they wish to sell. On the other hand, there are people who view the products displayed and want to buy them. The purchase process is done through the same application. Once the purchase is made successfully, the buyer receives a key so that he can open the box and extract the purchased product.

The whole process of buying and selling products is done through the Box to Market platform, which is responsible for putting the money in the seller's account once the business has been completed.

According to Edwin "This business model can be very succesful if we can install many btm machines in the cities and promote the culture of reuse”

The Machines App


Box to Market is the result of the experience acquired in previous companies with electronic payments, added to the need to eliminate the use of cash to provide users with payment solutions through their cell phone. Box to Market, as a company, promotes collaborative businesses by allowing people to buy and sell used products and obtain a mutual benefit through a machine.

Edwin says: "I am what is known as a native entrepreneur."

Overall impact

Promoting collaborative business and reduce cash payments. The most interested in this project have been banks and transactional networks whose main objective is to promote electronic payments in society. According to Edwin, "Box to Market is making agreements with banking companies for expanding your business faster".

Business benefit

The solution developed by Box to Market to make payments through the cell phone in all its machines, has caused great interest in companies in the financial sector that has wanted to integrate this payment method in their electronic wallets. According to Edwin, "This has opened up a new business possibility for the company, turning it into a company that develops software solutions for the financial sector"

Social and environmental benefit

According to Edwin Argote, "many people discard things in good condition, which could benefit other people" Box to Market through their BTM machines incentivizes reuse of things and decreases the consumption of products.


Edwin Argote, CEO


Photo of interviewee

Business information

Box to Market

Box to Market

Bogotá, CO
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2015
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Box to Market is a company created for integrate all machines types with the electronics payments through the Apps. According to Edwin Argote (CEO of the company), "The most of machines in Latin America works with cash money, so we have seen a big opportunity for our technology"

Interview video: