Kainmana Brand

The Greatness of The Small


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Global Goals

12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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The name of the brand comes from the Hawaiian words kai, which stands for ocean, and mana, for power. Its overall meaning is diamond. It is intended to show that regardless of social, ethnic or geographical differences, we are all human. And these differences can make us shine and be stronger together. This is the slogan of the company, to make every person shine as diamonds by complementing each other.

On the other hand, diamonds are a result of a very long process where the exact amount of heat and pressure is able to transform carbon into a diamond. This company aims to do exactly the same, to transform recycled materials into jewelry. Therefore, this responsible production and consequent responsible consumption aims to ameliorate “drop by drop” the world.


Kaimana innovation is their way of doing business. It incentivizes society to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns (SDG 12) without sacrificing neither quality or price. That is precisely what really makes Kaimana unique in its sector.

One inconvenience that society faces is that very strong efforts need to be done to consume in a responsible manner. Kaimana fights this inconvenience by offering high quality products at low prices while facing several issues of the traditional fashion industry. Just as Marina said from her interview, “we are really looking forward to revolutionize this industry by changing the little. We aim to remove the obstacles which makes it difficult for people our age to make both aspects compatible: enjoying high quality and affordable jewelry, while making responsible consumption”.

Kaimana offers reasonable and affordable pieces of jewelry that are produced while respecting working conditions and the environment in the whole production process. The main material of which the pieces are made is stainless steel rather than other minerals and elements that are very disruptive for the environment. In fact, stainless steel is durable, as it does not corrode. It generates low waste and has recycling properties. These properties contribute heavily to reducing the human footprint on the environment and climate change and are a great alternative to conventional materials used in the sector that are harmful to the environment. This way, Kaimana promotes responsible production and consumption. Inspiring a change in the jewelry industry by creating sustainable, affordable and quality pieces is what Kaimana is all about.

The Greatness of The Small


The founder, Marina, was concerned about how she could make an impact on society with her scarce qualification, resources and knowledge. She loved fashion, and she thought that she could try to impact the world to make it a better place by just trying to battle one little problem out in her daily life in a positive way. Marina stated that “trying to change the world from what engages and motivates us is the best opportunity to grow and to improve”. She believed that fashion can make people come together, and that it clearly reflects that diversity is etched to enormous advantages. By believing that starting from the little you can move to greatness, Marina decided to create this company, named Kaimana.

Overall impact

Kaimana as any other business wants to continue growing but not at any cost. They are very conscious that it is essential to maintain their essence by promoting responsible and sustainable consumption and production. These objectives are very ambitious; therefore, Kaimana wants to be the referent for other companies and with their help expand their way of doing business to the whole industry.

According to the North American Jewelers Board of Trade, over 500 jewelry business per year discontinue their operations. That clearly indicates to us that the traditional jewelry industry is in crisis. Jewelry consumption of new generations differentiates itself from previous generations. Jewelry has always been seen as a way of demonstrating status and exclusivity, but the trend is moving towards considering other aspects when acquiring jewelry and other complements, such as craftsmanship, creative designs and the environmental responsibility of the brands.

In the short-term Kaimana wants their way of doing business to be recognized by its consumers and with their referrals attract more customers. Not driven only by profit, but also with the objective of making an impact in communities. In words of its founder, “Kaimana wants to change the industry but let’s start from what is reachable for us”.

Business benefit

This innovation is really profitable for the business in many ways. It helps the company to be more socially responsible and conscious, improve the values they represent and attract a more concerned clientele. Besides having the business using certain recycled goods may reduce production costs do to the fact that they need less materials.

The overall value of this innovation mainly entails a light of hope and motivation for young generations. It aims to show youth that they have a voice. That “we are never too young to change the world”. That better is in our hands. And this is an incredible benefit.

Social and environmental benefit

This innovation promotes responsible production and consumption, which have become an essential need in our society. It helps the environment by using environmentally friendly products, which pollute much less, and by recycling certain materials. Marina said, “by our small contribution, we help to reduce global warming in our tiny duty”. It shows that high-quality affordable products are compatible with responsible production and that indeed, they are required.

This innovation benefits society as it shows that young citizens are concerned and want to change the world. It is an example and a source of inspiration for all the people who believe they have no power to improve things but, indeed, the small can reach greatness. It can also show different ideas or ways of dealing with problems we usually face, such as time limitations or budget constraints.


Marina Muñoz, Founder and CEO

Business information

Kainmana Brand

Kainmana Brand

Pamplona, Navarra, ES
Business Website: https://www.kaimanabrand.com
Year Founded: 2020
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Kaimana Brand is a for-profit organization that belongs to the jewelry sector. Its economic activity consists of buying eco-friendly materials, such as stainless steel, and turning them into unique jewelry. They use recycled materials to transform them into jewelry such as earrings, necklaces, and rings. Their company manufactures their products and exports them throughout the Spanish peninsula.