Guelph Solar

The Future of Clean Energy in Guelph


Garrett Brown

Garrett Brown

María del Puy Casado

María del Puy Casado

Carla Correa

Carla Correa

Daniel Chaidez

Daniel Chaidez


University of Guelph

University of Guelph

Universidad de Navarra

Universidad de Navarra

IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School

Dominican University

Dominican University


Ruben Burga

Ruben Burga

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

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Guelph Solar is a company that works on the installation and maintenance of solar panels for residential or commercial projects around the Guelph area. Guelph Solar, through its innovations, generates clean and affordable energy, contributing significantly to the development of the surrounding communities. Companies are assisting in the major construction of greener infrastructure by leveraging technological advancements that greatly contribute to providing a sustainable environment as well as improved natural power sourcing efficiency.


Guelph Solar is a company that works in the field of solar energy and energy conservation as a way to contribute to a healthier environment and a more just society. As a company, they also support many local (and international) efforts that are in line with company values ​​in the form of implementing sustainable development goals for the better world.

There are many good things that Guelph Solar does in supporting the SDGs which they put in the form of innovation and social responsibility. The innovation that Guelph Solar has made is the Premium Solar Roof, a Premium Metal Roof combined with a solar panel system will create a beautiful money saver. Besides that, Guelph Solar has also innovated with custom designed PV finishes and hot water solar systems that are exceptional in design and size. The impact of this innovation is to stop burning natural gas to heat pools and reduce costs and minimize greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible with the aim of making the environment better. Through this, Guelph Solar has made a new breakthrough in the form of clean energy technology while creating good jobs for skilled workers and supporting a strong local economy and creating a healthy environment.

In addition, if it is related to sustainable development goals, it turns out that Guelph Solar has implemented SDGs into their innovations, those are SDGs number 7 (Affordable and clean energy), it consists of ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. Progress in energy efficiency needs to speed up to achieve global climate goals. Above all, we believe that this company fulfills this aim because their residential solar panels save up to 90% off hydro bills by generating their own electricity with solar PV panels (captures the sun's energy and converts it into electricity). Then SDG number 9 (Industry innovation and infrastructure), It consists of building resilient infrastructure, promoting inclusive and sustainable industrialization and fostering innovation. Without any doubt Guelph Solar fulfills this SDG since they have implemented several measures to promote this and also offer services that encourage this kind of innovation, such as their solar pools, which consist of heating your swimming pool with clean energy from the sun. And the last but not least is SDGS number 11 (Sustainable cities and communities), It consists of making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. One of the seven outcome targets this goal has is to enhance sustainable and inclusive sustainable urbanization infrastructures. As Guelph Solar narrates from its own company, they work in solar energy and energy conservation as a way to contribute to a healthier environment and a more just society.

The Future of Clean Energy in Guelph


The use of fossil fuels has a negative impact on the global living conditions. The use of fossil fuels has the potential to contribute to global warming. Global warming has a variety of negative consequences for society, such as an increase in carbon dioxide levels, which causes the earth to heat up. The use of fossil fuels is increasing today, which is reflected in the severity of global warming. To have a sustainable future, the world must be transformed, and this transformation must begin with oneself; even global changes start local. Guelph's Leader Solar contributes to the development of a clean energy economy. The leader is very passionate about the clean energy economy to solve the issues for a better world. Michelle Gill stated, "I would say that that's one of the best things about working for the organization, is how driven everyone is to make an impact, and to do something really worthwhile with their careers and Steve (The Leader of Guelph Solar) is very committed.” Everyone who works there is dedicated to green energy and making the world a better place. According to Michelle Gill, "The clean energy economy as are most of the people working at Guelph solar, everyone is very passionate about green energy and creating a more sustainable future." Creating clean energy to help preserve a better future and build a feasible economy is an early consideration in establishing a business that falls in accordance with the United Nations' SDGs.

Overall impact

Overall, with the innovations Guelph Solar is implementing, the company is fighting against global warming, giving customers the chance to start living a healthier lifestyle. As stated above, the main impact of the innovations implemented are based on making the environment better through stopping burning natural gas to heat pools, and, consequently, reducing costs and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible.

On the other hand, those innovations are not only focused on the environment and clean energies, but also on education of employees, underprivileged families and society in general. Their main focus on education relies on giving people the tools they need to develop an eco-friendly lifestyle using the clean energies they offer to the market and being enrolled in activities related to the topic in order to create a sense of community. Guelph Solar believes education is key when it comes to environmental issues, society must know alternatives to avoid the use of fossil fuels. Above all, the company is creating a high impact in society because they are showing society an easy and cheap way to preserve the environment.

Definitely, Guelph solar is creating a clean economy where society does not need to use fossil fuels. By doing that, the company is trying to ensure minimizing our footprint as much as possible. The short term effects may not be as visible as the long term ones, and that is mainly because the fight against fossil fuels and a negative footprint is a really long battle and not everyone is aware of the importance of preserving clean energies. Nevertheless, in the long-run, this company is developing those kinds of energies and offering them to the market so that, in the near future, hopefully clean energies could replace fossil fuels.

Finally, the main evidence that shows us this long-run impact relies on the business model the company has. Guelph Solar has been working since 2009 and its benefits are notorious. This fact seems to show us that during those years more customers have been buying solar panels which is clear evidence of the increasing use of solar energy.

Business benefit

The mission of this company is to design and install durable solar energy systems as well as providing meaningful and well-paid employment. Although Guelph Solar started in 2009, it has grown exponentially in the last two to three years. Now the company has greater market power since the demand for solar energy has been increasing in the last years and also they have a 25 year relationship with their older customers.

Nevertheless, this expansion has not been easy for Guelph Solar because the number of employees has also increased from 10-15 to 35-40 depending on the time of the year. This increase in the number of employees has been a challenge for the company since the difficulty of putting systems and processes in place to have an overall control of the business activity is greater if the number of employees needed to be controlled is bigger. Despite the challenges, the company controls its activity through annual reviews on employee performance, as well as project meetings and other activities ito ensure transparency and, consequently, that all members of the company are looking towards the same goal.

In other words, because of the commercial activity Guelph Solar has developed through installing and designing solar panels, the company has experienced a huge increase in demand, as well as in the number of employees.

Social and environmental benefit

Guelph Solar installs high-quality solar electric systems including solar panels that will deliver local energy well into the future. Solar panels are a great way to offset energy costs, reduce the environmental impact of your home and provide a host of other benefits, such as supporting local businesses and contributing to energy independence. If we use more solar energy, we will be improving the environment because we will be using less fossil fuels for energy. Fossil fuels like coal and natural gas have been the main reason for climate change.

As a renewable source of power, solar energy has an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and alleviating climate change, which is critical to protecting ecosystems, humans, and wildlife. Solar energy can also improve air quality and reduce water use from energy production. Not only is solar energy better for the environment, it is a cheaper power source. The costs to build and run new solar systems are cheaper than using fossil fuels for energy.


Michelle, Business Improvement Manager

Business information

Guelph Solar

Guelph Solar

Guelph, Ontario, CA
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2009
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Guelph Solar is a Canadian company which serves Guelph and surrounding geographic areas by installing residential and commercial solar panels. This typically includes net metering systems, which means that the company feeds electricity into the grid when the system is producing more electricity than someone needs in their home or building or property, and then that home, building or property is poling from the grid at nighttime or at times when they are not producing as much energy as is being generated by the system.

Moreover, they also do battery backups, for instance, tesla powerwalls or maintenance work on all types of solar systems, including solar hot water and pool heating.