Cosecha Bendita

The Evolution of Cosecha Bendita

Cosecha bendita


Lesly Adriana Medina Estrada

Lesly Adriana Medina Estrada

Andrea Sanchez Flores

Andrea Sanchez Flores

Luis Fernando Saavedra Hernández

Luis Fernando Saavedra Hernández


Universidad Anáhuac Puebla

Universidad Anáhuac Puebla


Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Global Goals

2. Zero Hunger 3. Good Health and Well-Being 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Cosecha Bendita, a company founded in 2018 with a mission to promote wholesome eating habits, offers a range of nutritious snacks aimed at revolutionizing the culinary landscape. By providing delectable options like Malanga tubers baked with avocado oil and a variety of dried fruits and vegetable chips, they empower consumers to make healthier dietary choices. Their commitment to quality, freshness, and flavor not only contributes to improved nutrition but also supports Sustainable Development Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being) by addressing issues related to diet-related diseases and promoting healthier lifestyles.


Cosecha Bendita's innovation lies in its multifaceted approach to promoting healthy eating habits and addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). What sets Cosecha Bendita apart is its commitment to offering not just tasty snacks, but also nutritious alternatives that cater to diverse dietary needs and preferences. By introducing innovative products like Malanga tubers baked with avocado oil and a variety of dried fruits and vegetable chips, they are not only satisfying consumer cravings but also contributing to a healthier society.

This innovative solution aligns with several UN SDGs, including Goal 2 (Zero Hunger), Goal 3 (Good Health and Well-being), and Goal 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production). By providing accessible, nutritious snacks made from wholesome ingredients, Cosecha Bendita is tackling issues of food insecurity and malnutrition while promoting overall well-being. Their emphasis on quality and freshness also supports sustainable production practices, reducing food waste and environmental impact.

Cosecha Bendita's innovation is rooted in its dedication to creating positive change in the way people eat and live. Through their innovative products and community-driven approach, they are not only revolutionizing the snack industry but also contributing to a better world where everyone has access to nutritious food options. This forward-thinking business model exemplifies how companies can align their goals with the UN SDGs to create meaningful impact and drive progress towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

The Evolution of Cosecha Bendita


During the interview with Andrea Sánchez, the founder of Cosecha Bendita, she shared the profound inspiration behind the company's mission. Andrea expressed, "Growing up, I witnessed the detrimental effects of poor dietary habits on my family's health. I wanted to create a company that not only offered delicious snacks but also promoted positive eating habits to prevent others from experiencing similar struggles."

Andrea's passion for promoting wholesome eating habits was further fueled by her own journey towards healthier living. She recounted, "I realized the transformative power of nutrition in my own life. By adopting a healthier diet, I experienced improved energy levels, mental clarity, and overall well-being. I wanted to share this experience with others and empower them to make healthier choices."

Additionally, Andrea spoke about the broader societal impact she hoped to achieve through Cosecha Bendita. She stated, "I believe that access to nutritious food is a fundamental human right. By offering affordable, nutritious snacks, we can address food insecurity and contribute to a healthier, more equitable society."

The vision for Cosecha Bendita is deeply rooted in Andrea's personal experiences and her commitment to making a positive difference in the world. As she eloquently stated, "My goal is not just to sell snacks, but to inspire a movement towards healthier living. I want Cosecha Bendita to be a catalyst for change, empowering individuals to take control of their health and well-being."

Overall impact

The innovative approach taken by Cosecha Bendita had both short-term and long-term effects on the snack industry and society as a whole. In the short term, the introduction of nutritious and delicious snacks provided consumers with healthier alternatives to traditional snack options. This led to immediate changes in consumer behavior, as individuals began to opt for Cosecha Bendita's products over less nutritious alternatives. The company's presence at fairs and events also helped raise awareness about the importance of healthy eating habits, sparking conversations and prompting individuals to reconsider their dietary choices.

Over the long term, Cosecha Bendita's innovation had a ripple effect on both the snack industry and public health outcomes. By consistently providing access to nutritious snacks and promoting positive eating habits, the company contributed to a gradual shift in societal norms surrounding food consumption. As more consumers embraced healthier snack options, demand for nutritious products increased, prompting other companies to follow suit and offer similar alternatives. This shift in the market ultimately led to improved public health outcomes, as individuals adopted healthier dietary habits and reduced their risk of diet-related diseases.

Evidence of the impact of Cosecha Bendita's innovation can be observed through various channels. Sales data would show an increase in the demand for nutritious snacks over time, indicating a shift in consumer preferences towards healthier options. Additionally, surveys and testimonials from customers could provide qualitative evidence of the positive effects of the company's products on their dietary habits and overall well-being. Moreover, public health data, such as trends in obesity rates and diet-related diseases, may demonstrate improvements in health outcomes attributable to increased consumption of nutritious snacks. Collectively, these indicators would suggest that Cosecha Bendita's innovation had a tangible and lasting impact on both the snack industry and public health.

Business benefit

Because the business innovated its product offerings to include nutritious snacks, several positive outcomes have transpired. Firstly, the revenue of Cosecha Bendita saw a notable increase due to heightened demand for their healthier alternatives. This surge in revenue not only allowed for the expansion of the company's operations but also facilitated the hiring of additional employees to support the growing business. As the company flourished, it prioritized employee well-being by implementing initiatives such as flexible work hours and wellness programs, leading to increased job satisfaction and retention rates among staff.

Furthermore, Cosecha Bendita's innovative approach enabled the business to open new markets, both domestically and internationally. By diversifying its product range and appealing to health-conscious consumers, the company captured the interest of customers beyond its original target demographic, expanding its reach and influence. This expansion not only broadened the company's customer base but also created new investment opportunities, attracting capital from investors eager to support a forward-thinking and socially responsible enterprise.

Overall, by focusing on innovation in product development and promoting healthy eating habits, Cosecha Bendita has experienced significant growth and success. This has translated into increased revenue, job creation, improved employee well-being, market expansion, and new investment opportunities. Through its commitment to providing nutritious snacks and fostering a positive work culture, the company has not only achieved commercial success but has also made a positive impact on the health and well-being of its customers and employees alike.

Social and environmental benefit

Cosecha Bendita's innovative approach to providing nutritious snacks has led to a series of positive outcomes for the company. By focusing on offering wholesome alternatives to traditional snacks, Cosecha Bendita has not only increased its revenue but also expanded its market reach. This expansion has enabled the company to tap into new geographic regions, both domestically and internationally, broadening its customer base and diversifying its revenue streams. Additionally, the introduction of new products has opened up opportunities for growth in previously untapped markets, further fueling the company's success.

Furthermore, Cosecha Bendita's commitment to employee well-being has resulted in a more engaged and productive workforce. By prioritizing initiatives such as flexible work hours and wellness programs, the company has fostered a positive work environment where employees feel valued and supported. This has led to increased job satisfaction and employee retention rates, ultimately contributing to the company's overall success.

Overall, Cosecha Bendita's innovative approach to providing nutritious snacks has yielded significant benefits for the company, its employees, and its customers. Through its focus on offering wholesome alternatives and prioritizing employee well-being, the company has achieved both commercial success and positive social impact, solidifying its position as a leader in the healthy snack industry.


Andrea Sánchez Flores, Founder

Business information

Cosecha Bendita

Cosecha Bendita

Puebla, Puebla, MX
Year Founded: 2018
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Cosecha Bendita is a visionary company dedicated to promoting healthy eating habits and well-being. Specializing in a diverse range of nutritious and delicious snacks, from oven-baked vegetable chips to flavorful dried fruits, Cosecha Bendita aims to revolutionize the snack industry by offering wholesome alternatives that cater to every taste. With a commitment to quality, freshness, and customer satisfaction, they have become a trusted choice for individuals seeking nutritious and satisfying snack options.