Intcomex Ecuador

Technological Waste and Educational Programs


Matheo Bergmann

Matheo Bergmann


Universidad de Navarra

Universidad de Navarra


Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 13. Climate Action

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With electronic innovation, "electronic" waste is always left behind, so they are committed to strict protocols for recycling (GOAL 13: CLIMATE ACTION). Also, they are strongly involved in social governmental and private projects to equip new schools for the less fortunate (GOAL 4: QUALITY EDUCATION).


Intcomex Ecuador is one of the main distributors of computers and phones in the country. But, they are not just concerned about profit; Intcomex is aware that with every new season of computers, mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc., the old season's products will sooner or later turn into "electronic waste."

Intcomex is one of the few strongly committed business in the Ecuadorian market that decided to partner with companies like Vertmonde, which is the first and only waste manager specializing in electrical and electronic waste. They only use environmentally responsible processes. Intcomex by doing this is helping the UN SDG of Climate Change, and not just by partnering with professionals in the area. Intcomex sends thousands of batteries to Canada every year, due to the lack of proper waste management in the country.

Nevertheless, Intcomex not only helps by recycling, but they also have partnered with the public and private sector multiple times to help with technological equipment for new and old schools/universities mainly destined for the less fortunate people of the country. People that through the eyes of the company also deserve premium quality products in their academic formations. By doing this, they are helping the UN SDG of Quality Education.

Technological Waste and Educational Programs

Me and the General Manager


"I want my grandchildren to live in a proper world" - Paul B.

According to the general manager, being in the technology business is not just thinking about "how to make more money"; it is more about, "I want to improve the way we live," and that cannot be achieved by contaminating or letting others do it, or by refusing to help your community.

Electronic waste:

Intcomex Ecuador takes their projects seriously. As a company, they never say, "it is someone else's problem," when something is not looking good. The company helps the planet with the promotion of recycling and by recommending others to properly take care of their electronic waste by partnering with companies that can take a proper and professional approach to the situation.

Educational programs:

Intcomex's manager affirmed that he likes to get involved with educational programs and projects because those kids and teens will eventually become our new leaders and will be the future of our society. In his words: "Helping the youth is the best investment we can make."

Overall impact

Because of Intcomex, more technological companies started to partner with companies like Vertmonde to help with technological waste. In a very short period of time, more companies started to search for proper ways to deal with their waste, not only small business but also direct competitors.

With the educational projects, hundreds of students in many different parts of the country have accessed the educational system. Intcomex also has helped schools incorporate new technologies, such as smart blackboards.

Now talking about the long-term effects, due to the new trend to properly recycle electronic waste, there are new companies that are being created just to work on that, and they are not NGOs, they are proper businesses that get paid to do it because recycling is also a business.

What started as an "ethical behavior" for companies is now considered a "must do," which is a really positive change in Ecuadorian society.

On the educational front, Intcomex continues to work especially with the government in educational programs, but now the amount of projects has increased considerately due to the great results of the early ones.

Business benefit

The benefits of these actions can only be seen in the long term. When Intcomex Ecuador started to help with recycling projects, there were no benefits involved, just goodwill. Now there are even some commissions for the number of new clients they convince to recycle with certain companies, and due to the increase of businesses that start getting concerned about recycling, a new market specializing in electronic waste is developing faster in the country.

The educational programs were small at the beginning, which means profits were also small. But because of the expertise they developed and the new president's focus on improving education, projects are now much bigger and more profitable

Because of this, they have opened up new company sectors that focus on those deals and consequently new employees were hired to fill those jobs.

Because of the social and ethical concerns of Intcomex Ecuador, their profits have increased and they have generated new jobs not just for them but for the new companies that are developing to explore this new trend of recycling.

Social and environmental benefit

Intcomex is clearly creating beneficial results not just to society but also for the environment.

Their partnering with recycling businesses, their promotion of recycling, and the awareness they provide have only made others imitate and try to also benefit from the new trend, a trend that is helping to save the planet from one of the most increasing types of waste these days, "electronic waste."

Educational projects are more than just business; they actually give hope to people that they can be as good as anyone and that not because of their economical status they will not achieve their goals.

Intcomex's actions/business is a perfect combination of wanting to have a great, profitable company and also helping the environment and our society.


Paul Bergmann, General Manager

Business information

Intcomex Ecuador

Intcomex Ecuador

Quito, Pichincha, EC
Year Founded: 2000
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Intcomex Ecuador is the leading platform of value-added solutions and technology products in Latin America and the Caribbean. The company expands its influence in the fast-growing Latin America technology industry while keeping its customers at the forefront of the organization’s overall success.