Las Flores de Adriana

Sustainable Tomatoes


Julio Cesar Acosta Herrera

Julio Cesar Acosta Herrera


Universidad Iberoamericana Torreón

Universidad Iberoamericana Torreón


Lilia Claudia Cortés Faz

Lilia Claudia Cortés Faz

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 2. Zero Hunger 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land

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In a world increasingly aware of the environmental impact of our actions, a tomato greenhouse has opted for an innovative and sustainable agricultural practice. By using organic fertilizers instead of chemicals, this business has not only improved soil health and water quality, but has also increased the productivity and quality of its tomatoes. This article explores the motivation behind this initiative, the innovation itself, its impact on business and society, as well as future plans to continue moving towards more sustainable agriculture.


The innovation that this tomato greenhouse represents is the use of organic fertilizers, such as composts and organic foods, instead of chemical fertilizers. This sustainable practice not only benefits the environment by reducing pollution and preserving soil biodiversity, but also improves soil health and crop quality.

Sustainable Tomatoes


The idea of ​​using organic fertilizers came from the greenhouse's agronomist, who, through constant updates and improvements in the irrigation and fertilization system, proposed this initiative to benefit both the plants and the environment. The main purpose was to promote more sustainable agriculture, reduce environmental pollution and improve the quality of the final product.

Overall impact

The benefits of this innovation are significant for both the business and the environment. In the business sphere, an increase in tomato productivity and quality has been observed, which translates into higher income. Socially, it contributes to the promotion of more environmentally friendly agricultural practices and protects the health of consumers by reducing exposure to harmful chemicals. Environmentally, soil biodiversity is preserved, water quality is protected and pollution is reduced.

Business benefit

The innovation of using organic fertilizers in tomato cultivation can significantly benefit the business aspect by reducing costs, since organic fertilizers offer a long-term economic advantage, being more affordable than chemical ones and requiring a smaller amount to achieve similar results or top. Additionally, its use reduces costs associated with soil, water, and worker health contamination by avoiding exposure to hazardous chemicals. As well as improving the quality of the product, this is because tomatoes grown with organic fertilizers stand out for their excellent quality in terms of flavor, texture and appearance.

In this way they differentiate themselves from the rest of the offer in a saturated market, achieving greater customer satisfaction, brand loyalty and increasing sales.

Social and environmental benefit

Social and environmental benefit:

This innovation benefits both aspects in several ways.

On the social side:

Public Health: By reducing the use of chemical fertilizers, the exposure of farm workers and surrounding communities to harmful substances is decreased. This can help improve the health and well-being of those working in agriculture and people living near growing areas.

Access to Healthier Foods: Tomatoes grown using sustainable practices and organic fertilizers tend to be healthier and more nutritious.

Environmental Education: The adoption of sustainable agricultural practices can serve as an educational example for the community.

Promoting Sustainable Practices: By leading by example, this greenhouse can inspire other farmers and businesses to adopt more sustainable practices.

On the environmental side:

Reducing Soil and Water Pollution: Chemical fertilizers used in conventional agriculture can contaminate soil and water with harmful substances. By opting for organic fertilizers, you reduce the amount of synthetic chemicals released into the environment, helping to prevent soil and water pollution.

Preservation of Biodiversity: Sustainable agricultural practices, such as the use of organic fertilizers, contribute to preserving soil biodiversity by promoting the presence of beneficial microorganisms and preventing the degradation of natural ecosystems.

Conservation of Natural Resources: By using organic fertilizers, more efficient management of these resources is promoted by promoting agricultural practices that improve soil quality and reduce dependence on external inputs.

Climate Change Mitigation: By improving soil health and promoting carbon sequestration, these practices help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat global warming.

Promoting Sustainability: By adopting sustainable agricultural practices, the tomato greenhouse helps promote a more sustainable development model that seeks to balance human needs with the Earth's ability to sustain life in the long term.


Adriana Isabel Flores Favila, representante de la sociedad

Business information

Las Flores de Adriana

Las Flores de Adriana

Miguel Auza Zacatecas, Zacatecas, MX
Business Website: https://no hay
Year Founded: 2010
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

By using organic fertilizers instead of chemicals, this business has not only improved soil health and water quality, but has also increased the productivity and quality of its tomatoes.