Smarlink Holdings Limited

Sustainable Practices of Smartlink Network Systems Limited


Sayantan Naha

Sayantan Naha

Neetish Baral

Neetish Baral



Shuhool Bhat

Shuhool Bhat

Tanisha Chhabra

Tanisha Chhabra


Goa Institute of Management

Goa Institute of Management


Divya Singhal

Divya Singhal

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Sustainable practices in both the production department, as well as extending help to the communities have formed the basis on which Smartlink Systems have implemented the SDG's, Most times, the outreach has been more focused towards helping the needy and the poor, and they have proven to be effective in constructing a more sustainable environment for the people of Goa.


In the new structured cable manufacturing plant in order to conserve electricity the company decided to go with substantially expensive LED technology because of its efficiency and the amount of electricity that it can save. The entire lighting in the new plant is LED based, other than the obvious savings in electricity LEDs can have other effects such as lower levels maintenance, longer product lives and can also have better overall lighting when compared to older technologies which can lead to better productivity in the plant as well.

Also they have undertaken training and awareness campaign regarding water conservation among the employees, because of which they can save water along with the pre-existing water harvesting infrastructure. They also use water harvesting to recharge ground water through a well.

They have a large garden area in their plant stretching about 2kms along the road, with a budget of 15lakhs for maintenance. Here they use composting of canteen waste to produce manure which is then used in the garden also here most of the waste water is reused to water the plants.

Sustainable Practices of Smartlink Network Systems Limited


The company, has always maintained that sustainable practices are the part and policy for the welfare of the environment and the people. This was not something that legislation has asked us to adopt it. It comes from inside that these things should be adopted. Anything that is done shouldn't be looked into in making business. It is always like how to connect to the local community, how you can connect to the society. It is not all about the money. The example of the chairman who has recently spent around Rs. 15 crores in the development of the institution for the local communities even before the business was successful. He was of the opinion that what you get from the society should be paid back to them. He was inspired by the quote "If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten." The leader found inspiration within his own heart.

Overall impact

Overall, the impact of the innovations done by the company has been fruitful and still under progress. The company has taken various small steps moving towards a sustainable development of the company.

Some of the short term achievements have been the use of LED lights for energy conservation, planting numerous trees and to maintain a 2km stretch garden, water harvesting as some of the innovative ideas that the company is pursuing.

The company has got installed Biomanthans where the organic waste is dumped and after 2-3 months the manure produced is used in gardens. Along with that the company also started a long time back use of green technology and green products. These lead-free products help the environment by keeping it clean and also the users, producers of the products to be safe.

On the manufacturing side the company mainly is focusing on proper waste disposal so as to create a clean and healthy working environment for its employees by implementing various recommendations from the yearly audits.

The company has started to focus more on the EPR system which is the Extended Producer’s responsibility - where in the company believes that is a long term goal. Through this the producers are given a significant responsibility – financial and/or physical – for the treatment or disposal of post-consumer products. It helps to prevent waste at the source and support recycling and material management. Being connected with the Intel logistic services there are innovations being done to change product designs in environmentally benign ways.

Business benefit

The Company was incorporated on 31st March 1993 under the Companies Act, 1956 as SmartLink Network Limited at Goa. Smartlink opened new investment opportunity wwhen it started the company, it was a subsidiary of D-Link Corporation of Taiwan and entered the capital market with a public issue of 15,23,740 no of equity shares of Rs 10 each, i.e, Rs 152,37,400. Smartlink unveiled range of networking space encompassing storage segment, web solutions and security based products for large enterprises. They have always focused on developing the employees and enhancing their capabilities. The key element of their Human Resource strategy is to provide a working environment that encourages innovation, enhances work satisfaction and builds a merit-driven organization. The organisation’s human resource vision is to create a committed workforce through people-enabling processes and knowledge sharing practices based upon its value system. As on 31st March, 2018, the Company had 23 employees.

Smartlink Holdings Ltd. is an NBFC with assets, cash and investments including investment in three individual companies. Smartlink Holdings Ltd. has been restructured into three subsidiaries, each with a strong focus in their line of business.

1.DIGISOL Systems Ltd.: DIGISOL Brand Networking Products Company with teams for engineering sourcing, sales & marketing and support and service across India. It has a full range of Active and Passive networking products.

2. Synegra EMS Ltd.: Active Networking Products EMS/ODM Manufacturing Company with teams for component sourcing and manufacturing. Its facilities include SMT lines, Assembly & Testing lines, etc. at Verna Industrial Estate, Goa.

3. Telesmart SCS Ltd.: Passive Networking Products Manufacturing Company (ODM) in copper and fiber range with facilities that include Assembly & Testing lines at Verna Industrial Estate, Goa. It has an engineering team for design and development of Copper and Fiber Products along with a component sourcing team

Social and environmental benefit

The multitudes of sustainable practices help the environment in a variety of ways, undertaken in the form of EPR (Extended Producer's Responsibility). Major practices would include disposal of wastes as per the govt. regulations all across the 60-65 locations of Smartlink. Under EMS, they have undertaken the Energy Conservation Practices, as a part of the 7th SDG Goal of the UN. They have moved to LED, The complete Structured Cabling Plant is lit by led lamps. Chillers and Coolers have been replaced to lower power consuming units. 150 trees have been planted last year by the Goa Unit. BioManthans installed have helped to reduce/recycle waste disposal. Awareness programs for the local schools. Employees, including top managers are encouraged to donate their old things to NGO's, and an annual drive is undertaken every year. All ITI's in Goa were fitted with wireless networking systems free of cost. Schools in and around were upgraded networking systems. Verna Industrial area was also provided with LED lighting in the streets. So, these are the some of the important ways in which the innovative practices benefit the society and the environment.



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Business information

Smarlink Holdings Limited

Smarlink Holdings Limited

Goa, Goa, IN
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1993
Number of Employees: 1001 to 5000

The Company was incorporated on 31st March 1993 under the Companies Act, 1956 as SmartLink Network Limited at Goa. Smartlink opened new investment opportunity wwhen it started the company, it was a subsidiary of D-Link Corporation of Taiwan and entered the capital market with a public issue of 15,23,740 no of equity shares of Rs 10 each, i.e, Rs 152,37,400.

Smartlink unveiled a range of networking space encompassing storage segment, web solutions and security based products for large enterprises. They have always focused on developing the employees and enhancing their capabilities. The key element of their Human Resource strategy is to provide a working environment that encourages innovation, enhances work satisfaction and builds a merit-driven organization. The organisation’s human resource vision is to create a committed workforce through people-enabling processes and knowledge sharing practices based upon its value system.