
Sustainable Innovation: Acciona’s Dedication to Developing and Implementing Sustainable Solutions

Annciona cover photo


Nathan Lefebvre

Nathan Lefebvre

Brian Thompson

Brian Thompson

Elliot Park

Elliot Park

Guillermo Bayo

Guillermo Bayo

Daffa Harits

Daffa Harits

francisco de borja azpiroz

francisco de borja azpiroz


University of Guelph

University of Guelph

Universidad de Navarra

Universidad de Navarra

IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Ruben Burga

Ruben Burga

Yang Hoong

Yang Hoong

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

6. Clean Water and Sanitation 7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 13. Climate Action

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Acciona’s innovation of hydroelectric and solar photovoltaic energy has allowed it to have sustainable innovation at the cornerstone of its business. Acciona has and continues to focus on increasing sustainability in all business-involved sectors, finding ways to introduce hydroelectric and solar photovoltaic energy in new ways. First focused on hydroelectric and wind power in Spain, Acciona possesses a 100% renewable energy portfolio that has now expanded globally to promote sustainable energy generation, infrastructure, water desalination as well as comprehensive water cycle management. The constant expansion of its 100% renewable energy portfolio, with a focus on its innovation of hydroelectric and photovoltaic energy, aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) allowing Acciona to meet 5 of the SDGs.


Discussing with industrial engineer Luis Javier Etavo, Hydraulic Operation Manager at Acciona, explains that Acciona presents a shift in the right direction for not only itself as a business but that of the future of the planet. Mr. Etavo’s role at Acciona involves communicating with various government agencies, third parties, company suppliers, as well as contract negotiation. He explains that the global company Acciona is dedicated to developing and implementing sustainable solutions in various fields. Highlighting the innovation of hydroelectric and solar photovoltaic within its 100% renewable energy portfolio, noting that Acciona is the only company with a 100% renewable energy portfolio.

Luis tells the story of the progression of Acciona’s innovation, articulating how they have been able to expand their 100% renewable energy portfolio from their involvement first in hydroelectric and wind power, to continuously evolving into various sectors of energy production, such as photovoltaic energy. The diversification of its 100% renewable energy portfolio into many sectors of energy production is how Acciona continues to strive above competition and impress globally. With curiosity about how the innovation of hydroelectric and photovoltaic energy came to light and who was involved, Luis directed back to the core mission of Acciona. Acciona was created as a for-profit business that would commit itself to reducing the climate impact on the world, making its innovation not one that emerged with a specific team but involves the entirety of the company.

Mr. Etavo explains the heavy importance of SDGs to Acciona, aligning with Goal 6 for clean water and sanitation; Goal 7 for affordable and clean energy; Goal 9 on industry, innovation and infrastructure; Goal 11 for sustainable cities and communities; and Goal 13 for its climate action. Acciona’s aim through its innovation is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote sustainability in all areas of operation, making it clear that it’s a “fundamental aspect of our company’s mission.”

Solar photovoltaic and hydroelectric energy within their renewable energy portfolio has contributed successfully to combat climate change in various global countries including Canada, the United States, Chile, Mexico, Australia, as well as countries like South Africa, Egypt, Rica, India, and Poland. Specifically, Acciona has been able to work on various infrastructure projects utilizing solar power plants, wind farms, and water purification with the goal of sustainably electrifying the areas where they operate while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

When discussing with Mr. Etavo the importance of electric mobility as part of the 100% renewable energy portfolio, he emphasized how each renewable energy source possesses its own unique values and benefits. The power of being able to recognize which renewable energy source is best suitable for specific locations allows Acciona to successfully implement solutions in the various countries they work in. Regions with accessible moving water will use hydroelectric power, where high solar regions will utilize photovoltaic energy, demonstrating how the innovation of renewable energy sources can be accessible worldwide to meet various energy needs effectively.

Sustainable Innovation: Acciona’s Dedication to Developing and Implementing Sustainable Solutions

Note: Acciona’s Salmon Elevator along the Nansa River in Spain. Retrieved from


Founded in the 1990s, Acciona has been focused from the start on renewable energy projects. The start of development and management of sustainable infrastructure solutions began with a focus on hydroelectric and wind power, expanding into photovoltaic energy. However, Mr. Etayo mentions that the success of Acciona was in their infrastructure projects as “Acciona saw an opportunity to replicate its successes in other countries, leading to its global expansion, including countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, and more.” Their expansion carried on inspiration for Acciona as they saw global countries as opportunities to implement new innovative strategies providing benefits to unique places. Luis highlights their Peru project as an example of its innovation, discussing Acciona's impact in providing small isolated villages with photovoltaic panels to generate electrical energy for cooking and lighting. As their infrastructure projects expanded into national markets, their success indeed increased as their profit rose. However, so did their 100% renewable energy portfolio, inspiring Acciona to push forward in providing renewable energy to new markets.

Overall impact

Solar photovoltaic and hydroelectric energy in Acciona’s 100% renewable energy portfolio is an innovative approach to energy infrastructure and is one of the cornerstones of its company as a whole. In a rapidly changing world, this type of innovation is essential to stay competitive and address rising challenges in today's world in the scope of business and social issues. Acciona’s investment in various projects like hydrogen generation, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and their advanced desalination technology demonstrate innovation as Acciona's key tenants to business operations.


Business benefit

Acciona’s innovative 100% renewable energy portfolio is greatly impactful in the scope of their business operations as it allows them to differentiate themselves from fellow competitors in their field. Additionally, Acciona covers all of the steps in the process of the implementation of these renewable energy practices from the project development to construction, operation, and maintenance in various fields, including energy, infrastructure, and the water cycle. This comprehensive approach and dedication to sustainability allows Acciona to be levels above the competition. The ability to innovate unique solutions and follow through on them is unique to Acciona. The emphasis on modern energy issues through renewable energy infrastructure is the reason for Acciona's success.

This approach to the energy industry allows Acciona to effectively reduce costs on the consumption of energy from their facilities. This is due to the nature of renewable energy being cheaper than traditional fossil fuel-based technologies. Acciona’s implementation of wind farms and photovoltaic panels is more cost-effective than building thermal power plants. In the long run, this focus on renewable energy allows countries to be self-sufficient in terms of energy. This is because renewable energy sources are not reliant on the finite resources that may need to be imported from other countries like gas or oil.

Acciona’s ability to expand into global markets is evidence of its success in the business aspect of the company. Acciona began its renewable energy projects on a local scale within Spain, focusing on wind and hydro-electric power. After this venture was successful, Acciona developed infrastructure that could be applied on a global scale, being able to be implemented internationally in countries like the United States, Canada, Australia and more. Overall, Acciona’s reputation for its quality of work and sustainability practices allowed it to have success on a local and international scale. This has allowed Acciona to have various business ventures and often partnerships with local governments and large corporations.

As stated by Luis Javier Etayo - “In the current world, markets favor and align with sustainable development. Companies that do not align with sustainability are likely to face challenges.”

Social and environmental benefit

Acciona seeks to fight injustice by providing areas with less infrastructure with sustainable energy and providing the public with knowledge on sustainable energy practices. In countries with lower development and available infrastructure, Acciona’s solutions are especially effective and important for these countries. Acciona has been operating in countries like Algeria, Kenya, South Africa, Egypt, Oman, India, and more since the 1990s, where they focus on the energy infrastructure in the nation. They provide desalination, water purification, wind farms, and solar power plants, with the goal of providing sustainable energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

While other electric companies rely on fossil fuels or nuclear energy, Acciona is committed to sustainable development through renewable energy sources. Acciona has generated 24 gigawatt-hours of renewable energy, equivalent to the energy consumption of 7 million households, and avoided the emission of 13.2 million tons of CO2.

In the short term, Acciona’s renewable energy portfolio seeks to provide sustainable energy practices on a local and global scale, but especially in developing nations. In the long term, Acciona hopes to innovate and pioneer renewable energy practices, especially revolving on the reduction of carbon-emitting energy sources that will be required and overall, shifting the energy industry to a more renewable focus.

Once again, as stated by Luis Javier Etayo – “I believe renewable energy sources will play a dominant role in achieving sustainability and energy independence for countries. As renewable energy technologies become more established and storage solutions improve, carbon-emitting energy sources will diminish. While there may be occasional use of such sources in specific circumstances, the long-term trend is towards renewable energy dominance.”

When looking at some of the projects Acciona has participated in, we can see their innovative process. One of these examples is the implementation of the Salmon Elevator in Spain, Cantabria, along the Nansa River. This was through the installation of a 100-meter-high dam and an elevator to facilitate the passage of salmon. In addition to creating a habitable area for Salmon to swim and migrate upstream, this innovation also provides a renewable energy source through the dam that was constructed within the process. Projects like these are one of the many types of developments that Acciona has actively contributed to and highlights their ability to impact and innovate solutions to our world's energy crisis.


Luis Javier Etayo, Hydraulic Operation Manafer

Business information



Madrid, ES
Year Founded: 1990
Number of Employees: 10000+
Acciona is a global company, dedicated to developing and implementing sustainable development solutions in various fields including energy generation, infrastructure, water desalination, and comprehensive water management. Unique with its 100% renewable energy portfolio, Acciona is an exemplary company for other businesses in how one can meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.