Advicero Nexia

Supporting communities: how a financial advisory company can make an impact.


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Global Goals

1. No Poverty 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Advicero Nexia, is a company which provides several financial advisory services such as tax advisory, accounting, payroll, outsourcing, tax compliance and legal services. This company is deeply committed to CSR, they believe in increasing their positive impact on the environment, supporting local communities and charities by participating in activities initiated by entities such as Pro Bono Center, WOŚP, Szlachetna Paczka [Noble Gift] or by promoting sustainable behaviour within the company. Avicero Nexia contributes to several Social Development Goals such as : 1 (No poverty), 3 (Good health and well-being), 8 (Decent work and economic growth), 12 (responsible consumption and production), 15 (Life on Land).


Advicero Nexia, takes care to make their workplace more sustainable in everyday life in many ways such as going paperless in a very paper dominated business, picking their partners responsibly, limiting unnecessary travels to their clients and educating their employees on ways to be as eco-friendly as possible. Aside from all those efforts, the company takes part in the Polish Pro Bono Center project, managed by the University Legal Clinics Foundation. The aim of the project is to create a network of tax advisors and legal experts who can help non-governmental organisations get the advice they need free of charge. Those entities navigate through a complex web of tax regulations, civil, commercial, freedom of economic activity laws, labour laws, and administrative regulations. Sometimes they need help to continue their projects. Companies involved in the Pro Bono Center program offer support in such cases. One of those companies is Advicero Nexia. Over the few years they have actively participated in their projects and they helped numerous clients with their finances. Among the beneficiaries we can find Stowarzyszenie Kibicujmy Razem [Let’s Cheer Together Association], Fundacja Wsparcia Społecznego Twoja Przyszłość [Social Support Foundation Your Future], Siepomaga Foundation, We are for U Foundation, Fundacja Rodzic w Mieście [Parent in the City Foundation]. All of them are organisations that with the received financial advisory help could continue making our world better. Advicero Nexia also provided training with the Pro Bono Center for Ukrainian refugees and for years provided accounting services for Fundacja Wsparcia Zdrowia Seniora [Senior Health Support Foundation] outside of the Center.

Supporting communities: how a financial advisory company can make an impact.


As Katarzyna Klimkiewicz Deplano - the Managing Partner of the company says, the initiative was ignited by Advicero Nexia’s feeling of social responsibility. In the interview with us she shared “[Advicero Nexia] believe[s] that every business is responsible for supporting those who need something, either they need help in developing their business or they need help in surviving, or need material help. Whoever is successful has this responsibility to support others. [...] We started to be successful on our market and we feel the need to help others follow us.” While the company itself focuses on providing the best level of service to their clients by providing professional and efficient tax advising as well as many other financial and legal services, they recognise other entities whose operations revolve around solving social, environmental and economical problems around the world. Advicero Nexia is committed to supporting the work the non-governmental organisations are doing by providing their services free of charge which aids them in continuing their mission.

Overall impact

Nowadays it’s important to move the responsibility from an individual to bigger entities, which have more driving force. Advicero Nexia is a great example of taking on such duty. Through their business, they educate their employees and are willing to take steps to help those in need outside of the organisation. It’s important for them to give back to those in need and the innovations they partake in are a testimony of that. Their actions are not only beneficial to their reputation but also to the environment and the society. Overall, their focus on the Sustainable Development Goals is an example for many and the key to a more sustainable world.

Business benefit

As a professional advisory company, Advicero Nexia is committed to creating shared value for all stakeholders by ensuring that its services and presence contribute positively to society and the planet. In line with this commitment, Advicero Nexia not only actively participates in pro bono engagements, but also integrates sustainability principles into its daily operations, and educates employees about the importance of sustainability. These efforts have not only earned Advicero Nexia a stellar reputation within its industry, but have also made it an attractive choice for top talent. Over the past years, Advicero Nexia has achieved significant growth, marked by increased revenue and a growing team. Beyond business success, the company's commendable efforts in the 'Pro Bono activity' category have been recognized through distinction in several rankings, highlighting its inherent commitment to valuable community activities.

Social and environmental benefit

Outside of its professional commitments, Advicero Nexia takes into account societal and environmental issues around the world. It is important to this company to leave no trace of their presence or negative impact on the world, which is why they aim to work with sustainable and eco friendly businesses, which includes advising in the renewable energy sector and they favour remote meetings rather than physical ones. By establishing the paperless work environment and taking the time to educate their employees on better, eco-friendly choices, Advicero Nexia makes more and more people aware of the environmental issues and their own environmental impact. It is important to them, because they believe that small steps can make big changes. By implementing such actions themselves, the company has been able to support communities both inside and outside of Poland.


Katarzyna Klimkiewicz-Deplano, Managing Partner, Tax Adviser

Business information

Advicero Nexia

Advicero Nexia

Warsaw, PL
Year Founded: 2012
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Advicero Nexia is a professional advisory company providing inter alia tax advisory, accounting, payroll, financial outsourcing, tax compliance and legal services. Throughout their work they focus on their core values: Quality, Respect, Commitment and Development.