Wakao Foods

Superfoods in Action



Vani Kumar

Vani Kumar

Shashanka Bhat P

Shashanka Bhat P

Hrithik Pilgaonkar

Hrithik Pilgaonkar

Ijnara Begum

Ijnara Begum

Madhavendra Singh

Madhavendra Singh


Goa Institute of Management

Goa Institute of Management


Divya Singhal

Divya Singhal

Global Goals

2. Zero Hunger 3. Good Health and Well-Being 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Wakao Foods is India's pioneering brand dedicated to producing sustainable and plant-based products centered around the superfood – Jackfruit. Founded by Sairaj Dhond, the company aligns its vision with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by promoting ethical sourcing, indigenous agri-practices, fair prices for farmers, and cruelty-free, vegan lifestyles. Wakao Foods aims to address SDGs related to reducing hunger (SDG-2), good health and well-being (SDG-3); Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure (SDG-9) and responsible consumption and production (SDG-12) by offering naturally grown, eco-friendly products that contribute to a healthier planet and a thriving global community.


Wakao Foods, a Goa-based sustainable food brand, was founded in 2020 by Sairaj Dhond with a unique mission: harnessing the potential of jackfruit, a traditionally underutilized superfood. The company focuses on transforming this often-wasted fruit into delicious and nutritious plant-based products. Jackfruit's versatility, high fiber content, and low-calorie, fat, and carb profile make it an ideal candidate for innovative, sustainable alternatives to meat.

Wakao Foods' innovation lies in addressing multiple global challenges simultaneously. By utilizing jackfruit as a primary ingredient, they not only offer a delectable substitute for meat but also contribute to reducing food waste. Jackfruit, known for its minimal water requirements and resistance to pesticides and herbicides, becomes a sustainable hero in Wakao's approach. The brand's commitment to ethical sourcing, sustainable farming practices, and a vegan lifestyle align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 3 (Good Health and Well-being), and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).

Wakao Foods is revolutionizing the food industry by transforming jackfruit into a versatile, healthy, and sustainable alternative to meat. Their innovative approach not only tackles food waste but also aligns with key UN SDGs, contributing to a healthier world through responsible consumption and production practices.

Superfoods in Action


Sairaj Dhond, the founder of Wakao Foods, is an inspiring leader who has built a successful business around a simple yet powerful idea: using jackfruit, a previously neglected fruit, to create delicious and sustainable plant-based meat alternatives. His passion for sustainability and his commitment to empowering farmers shine through in his every word.

His journey began with a chance encounter with an article hailing jackfruit as the "next superfood." He saw an opportunity not just in the fruit's nutritional value, but also in its potential to address food waste and support local farmers. As he delved deeper, he discovered that over 75% of India's 1.4 million tonnes of jackfruit went to waste each year. "There was a huge opportunity," Dhond recalls, "and I also had this, you know, which I wanted to do for my country and for my state."

Dhond's vision went beyond creating a tasty product. He wanted Wakao Foods to be a force for good, empowering farmers and minimizing the company's environmental footprint. "One thing is you need to be very clear of your purpose and what the value add you're doing," he emphasizes. "It cannot be a blind shot. You have to know why you are doing what you are doing."

This commitment to purpose is evident in Wakao Foods' practices. They source jackfruit directly from farmers, ensuring fair prices and creating a stable market for their crop. They also minimize their carbon footprint through efficient logistics and use recycled and recyclable packaging.

Dhond's leadership is not just about setting goals; it's about inspiring others to join the mission. He encourages his team to constantly innovate and improve, keeping the focus on adding value to the lives of consumers, farmers, and the planet. "Always keep expecting the unexpected," he says. "We're always gonna be adding value. We're always gonna be adding new products, new ways of being business. Wakao is not limited to anyone thing."

Sairaj Dhond's leadership is driven by a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of business, environment, and community. His story is a testament to the power of innovation, purpose, and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Wakao Foods' journey is far from over, but under Dhond's guidance, it is sure to continue inspiring and shaping the future of sustainable food

Overall impact

Wakao Foods' inventive utilization of jackfruit has brought about substantial and immediate effects on both the short-term and long-term dynamics of the food industry, particularly within India. In the short term, the company has effectively addressed the pervasive problem of jackfruit wastage, turning what was once an overlooked and discarded fruit into a diverse range of plant-based products. This strategic shift has tangibly lessened the environmental consequences associated with food wastage, as evidenced by the annual utilization of 1.4 million tonnes of jackfruit in India, with over 75% of it historically going to waste. Wakao Foods' approach not only mitigates this wasteful practice but also introduces a sustainable and economically beneficial avenue for farmers.

Looking into the long term, Wakao Foods has played a pivotal role in propelling the plant-based food sector forward, aligning with global trends that favor healthier and more sustainable dietary choices. The company's unwavering commitment to ethical sourcing, cruelty-free practices, and the promotion of a vegan lifestyle has resonated with a consumer base increasingly inclined towards environmentally conscious and health-centric food preferences. This success is observable not just through the company's prominent position in the market but also in its contribution to a broader movement promoting sustainable and plant-based living.

Concrete proof of this impact is reflected in Wakao Foods' expanding market presence, rising demand for plant-based alternatives, and the positive responses garnered from consumers. Moreover, the company's sustained efforts to support farmers and foster an ecosystem around jackfruit cultivation underscore its commitment to long-term sustainability. Wakao Foods has not merely addressed a pressing environmental challenge but has also become a catalyst for positive transformation within the food industry, shaping consumer behavior and advocating for a healthier, more sustainable future.

Business benefit

Wakao Foods has achieved significant success and positive impacts since its inception. The plant-based, ethically sourced startup has tapped into the growing trend of plant-based substitutes, addressing the changing lifestyle of Indians who are increasingly seeking healthier alternatives. The company's innovative approach, centered around the use of jackfruit, has garnered attention and contributed to several noteworthy outcomes.

  • Sales Growth and Market Expansion: Wakao Foods has experienced robust sales growth, reaching over 10,000 direct-to-consumer customers in the last ten months. The company has successfully penetrated the Indian market, selling products in 24 states and gaining traction in major cities like Mumbai and Delhi. Additionally, the brand has expanded internationally, exporting products to Dubai, Norway, the Netherlands, and soon to the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
  • Diverse Distribution Channels: The company has strategically utilized various distribution channels, including direct-to-consumer web platforms, marketplaces, and partnerships with hotels and restaurants. The brand's presence on platforms like Amazon has facilitated wider accessibility and contributed to increased sales.
  • Happy Roots, Happy Shoots: Employee well-being remains a top priority at Wakao Foods. Retention rates have spiked as the company fosters a vibrant culture, invests in training and development, and values diversity and inclusion. This happy workforce translates to dedicated efforts and customer satisfaction.
  • Healthier Lifestyle Choices: In response to the changing mindset influenced by the pandemic, Wakao Foods caters to consumers looking for healthier lifestyle choices. The company offers preservative-free ready-to-cook food made from jackfruit, which is rich in protein, vitamin C, and carbohydrates, providing a nutritious alternative to traditional meat products.
  • Support for Local Farmers: Wakao Foods has a clear focus on adding value to the lives of farmers by creating an ecosystem that encourages the cultivation of jackfruit. The company's "Friends of Farmers" initiative, contributing 1% of sales to the farming ecosystem, exemplifies its commitment to supporting local communities.

Overall, Wakao Foods has not only established itself as a successful business but has also made positive contributions to health-conscious consumer choices, sustainable agriculture, and local economies. The company's emphasis on ethical sourcing and plant-based alternatives aligns with global sustainability goals, making it a noteworthy player in the food industry.

Social and environmental benefit

As India embraces plant-based eating, Wakao Foods spearheads a delicious and wholesome revolution. Their core ingredient? Jackfruit nature's superfood packed with fiber, antioxidants, and iron. Wakao transforms it into ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat delights like Teriyaki Jack and Jack Burger Patty, satisfying cravings while promoting wellness. This isn't just about substituting meat – it's about empowering informed, healthy choices.

But Wakao's impact goes beyond the dinner plate. Committed to sustainability, they champion local sourcing and indigenous practices, reducing their carbon footprint and bolstering rural economies. Stringent safety and environmental standards minimize their impact throughout the supply chain. Moreover, 1% of their revenue feeds back into supporting Indian farmers, creating a virtuous cycle that strengthens the local food system.

Wakao's story resonates across India, where conscious consumers seek both sustenance and responsibility. By seamlessly blending health benefits with eco-friendly practices, they're not just serving up innovative food – they're paving the way for a more resilient and sustainable future for the nation's food landscape.


Sairaj Dhond, Founder & CEO

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Wakao Foods

Wakao Foods

Panaji, Goa, IN
Business Website: https://www.wakaofoods.com/
Year Founded: 2020
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Pioneering plant-based products in India, Wakao Foods champions jackfruit, the versatile superfood. Founded by Sairaj Dhond, Wakao crafts delicious, sustainable alternatives without additives or preservatives. Featured on Shark Tank India, Wakao envisions a cruelty-free future, expanding jackfruit's reach globally. From ethically sourced produce to hygienic processing, Wakao builds a better tomorrow, bite by healthy bite.