Rumah Stroberi

Strawberry Driven Empowerment and Sustainability

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Christine Kosnandar

Christine Kosnandar

Soffin Arfian

Soffin Arfian

Rosa Bovanantoo

Rosa Bovanantoo


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 2. Zero Hunger 4. Quality Education 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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At the heart of Rumah Stroberi’s success is its unwavering vision to use education, agrotourism, and community empowerment as a platform to educate the next generation about sustainable farming and environmental conservation. 

The farm’s guiding principle is SDG No.1, no poverty through community empowerment, and SDG No.4, which focuses on education through sustainable practices. Every visitor who steps foot onto the farm is invited not just to pick strawberries but to adopt and care for their very own plant. Through this hands-on experience, Rumah Stroberi fosters a deep connection between people and the land, instilling a sense of responsibility for the environment. As the strawberries grow, so does the awareness that our actions have a direct impact on the world around us.


The founders believe that by engaging visitors, especially children, in the process of growing and caring for plants, they are planting the seeds of environmental consciousness that will flourish in the years to come. It’s not just about strawberries—it’s about nurturing an understanding of the delicate balance between human life and the earth, making each visitor a steward of nature. Moreover, empowering the community by using their strawberry land for agrotourism is also positive mutualism.

Strawberry Driven Empowerment and Sustainability

Empowerment through Strawberry


"At Rumah Stroberi, we believe that every seed planted is a promise to the earth and to future generations. By intertwining education with sustainability, we don’t just grow strawberries—we cultivate a legacy of love for the land, nourishing both the soil and the soul. Through each touch of the earth, we sow hope, and through every lesson, we shape a future where humanity and nature thrive together in harmony." This was one of the quotes from Rumah Stroberi's founders. 

Overall impact

What sets Rumah Stroberi apart is not just its innovation but its heartwarming dedication to Creating Shared Value (CSV). The beauty of CSV is that it fosters both business success and societal progress, creating ripples that extend far beyond the farm. Rumah Stroberi’s influence on children’s education is profound. Through its interactive programs, children learn that the earth is a living entity that needs to be cared for. These educational efforts foster a generation that understands the importance of sustainability—one that will carry these lessons forward into their futures. Every child who leaves the farm has not just picked strawberries; they’ve cultivated a relationship with nature, an understanding that every action we take impacts the world around us.

Moreover, the economic impact of Rumah Stroberi on the surrounding community is undeniable. Through partnership with local farmers, Rumah Stroberi provides a lifeline to small-scale agricultural businesses. The steady demand for organic strawberries and local produce not only boosts their income but also instills pride in their work. The local farmers become part of a greater ecosystem where their labor directly feeds into the success of Rumah Stroberi and the broader tourism industry. This economic uplift has transformed the local community, providing jobs and elevating the region’s status as a destination for eco-conscious travelers.

Rumah Stroberi's sustainability ideas, such as organic farming and resource conservation, go beyond commercial benefits. They are a blessing to the environment. By supporting organic agriculture, the farm decreases its environmental impact, protects local biodiversity, and ensures that future generations can enjoy the same natural beauty. These practices are not just beneficial to business, they also demonstrate the farm's view that we are all stewards of the environment.

Business benefit

On an economic level, Rumah Stroberi’s partnerships with local farmers exemplifies the concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV). By sourcing fresh produce from nearby communities, the farm boosts the local economy while ensuring the highest quality products for its visitors. This symbiotic relationship not only supports the livelihoods of local farmers but also strengthens the social fabric of the surrounding areas.

Social and environmental benefit

In terms of environmental sustainability, Rumah Stroberi stands as a model of eco-friendly agriculture. The farm implements organic farming techniques, avoiding harmful chemicals and focusing on resource conservation. The use of natural fertilizers and sustainable water management ensures that the farm’s footprint on the environment is minimal. By promoting these practices to visitors, Rumah Stroberi empowers them to make more conscious choices in their own lives, creating a ripple effect of environmental stewardship.


Agus Herianto, Founder

Agus Herianto, Founder

Business information

Rumah Stroberi

Rumah Stroberi

Bandung, West Java, ID
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2003
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Rumah Stroberi is not just any farm. It is a farm tucked away in the calm slopes of Lembang where the air smells of strawberries. It's a haven for optimism, learning, and sustainability. It is a place where nature, education, and community combine to create something truly beautiful. Rumah Stroberi was founded in 2003 with the simple goal of growing organic strawberries. It has since grown into a beacon of education, agrotourism, and community empowerment that warms the hearts of those who visit.